Are colleges finally understanding that terrorists are not to be coddled?

Good day all. Since the October 7th Terrorist attack on Israel, we have seen just how badly the colleges and universities have become when it comes to things like referring to terrorists as just that, Terrorists. We’ve also seen how many of these “Schools” have not done anything to protect Jewish students, instead enabling these antisemitic losers. (Harvard has been one of the worst offenders)

There have already been several collage presidents that have been forced to resign, and others have been found to have “questionable” credentials. However, none have done anything to put a stop to the threats and flat out violence against Jewish students and those who are backing both them and Israel. Until now. Here are the details from Fox News:

Some college presidents and leaders appear to be changing their tune on anti-Israel protesters on campus, with at least three colleges expelling, warning or suspending students for taking part in disruptive protests viewed as antisemitic in the last few days alone, Fox News Digital has found. 

Well it’s about damn time! Considering the threats by these Hamas supporters, it was only a matter of time before someone got killed.

“Any participants in today’s events… who turn out to be Pomona students, are subject to immediate suspension. Students from the other Claremont Colleges will be banned from Pomona’s campus and subject to discipline on their own campuses,” Pomona College President Gabrielle Starr said in a warning to students on Friday. 

An estimated 150 people and students at the California school protested outside Starr’s office in a campus administrative building on Friday, before storming the building and refusing to leave over the removal of a pro-Palestinian “mock apartheid wall” on campus. At least 20 people were arrested, which sparked Starr’s letter to the school community warning that those who took part would be suspended. 

From reports I’ve been seeing, some of the schools that have finally had enough aren’t just “Suspending” these losers, they’re expelling them. And the reasons are simple. Like all progressives, they’re racists and bigots.

Several students reportedly used “a sickening, anti-black racial slur in addressing an administrator,” according to Starr’s letter, while the New York Post reported students referred to police as the “KKK.” 

I would love to know what these little turds are taking as a course of study. This didn’t just come out of nowhere and I seriously doubt their parents are teaching them this crap. (At least I hope they aren’t)

In the last few days alone, it appears more college leaders are laying the law down on anti-Israel protesters who disrupt campus activities with slogans such as “one solution, intifada revolution.” 

That slogan is calling for the end of the Nation of Israel and the extermination of the Jews. I suspect most of the morons chanting this don’t know what it actually means. Why? Because they are propagandized blockheads.

The University of Michigan, for example, announced a “disruptive activity policy” last week that creates new penalties for students who disrupt university events, after students had for months called on the school to divest from companies that provide weapons to the Israeli military. 

“No one is entitled to disrupt the lawful activities or speech of others. Because the university is a public institution, not only are we prohibited from interfering with lawful speech, we are required to intervene when we become aware that others are interfering with or disrupting lawful speech on our campus,” Michigan President Santa J. Ono said last week. 

Well now, that is a major shift, especially after the repeated assaults and outright censorship of anyone who spoke about conservative ideas, such as patriotism, freedom of speech, that there are only two genders, etc.

Vanderbilt University last week reportedly expelled three students, suspended another and put 20 more on probation for taking part in a sit-in protest in a school building where students allegedly pushed through security before the protest devolved into arrests. The school has not released specifics on how many students were expelled, but the provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs said a “thorough review” of the incident was carried out, and students would have 10 days to appeal penalties, the student newspaper reported.

“After a thorough review of the incident, including examination of evidence and interviews with students, the Student Accountability Community Standards and Academic Integrity staff issued a range of findings and sanctions that took the individual circumstances of each student’s conduct into account,” Vanderbilt Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs C. Cybele Raver said Friday, according to the school paper. “The sanctions included disciplinary probation as well as suspension and expulsion.” 

I have a video of the dean talking about putting these Nazi wannabes on probation.

Columbia University announced last week that it suspended students who took part in the “Resistance 101” event late last month. The event featured speakers such as Khaled Barakat, who is reportedly a member of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a designated terrorist organization in the U.S. that advocates for the destruction of Israel

Oh big whoop. You suspended a couple of students. Do you think that’s going to help you now that Jewish students have called in the big guns and are looking to sue Columbia into oblivion? I don’t think so Tim. The problem is institutional. American colleges and Universities have been fully captured by the Communists and Fascists, (Not that there is any real difference between the two groups), for decades. One thing these groups hate, besides America, is Jews and the existence of Israel.

In this, they are no different from the old National Socialist Workers Party. (That would be NAZI to you ignorant leftist fools) They want Israel destroyed, they want the Jews gone, (Along with anyone else who they don’t like) and have finally taken the gloves off. Initially, the schools were all in on this since the administrations were made up of like minded idiots. Then reality hit when all their donors shut off the money.

Following the ousters of Penn and Harvard’s presidents in recent months, other schools have also clamped down on protests, Times Higher Education reported in February. American University banned indoor demonstrations and Barnard College banned public protests, the report said, and the University of Massachusetts Amherst prevented students who participated in nonviolent protests from joining a study abroad program.

This is a very small step. What is really needed it tossing out all the loudmouth bigots, antisemites and terrorists supporters, and not just students. Examples, a large number of them considering how thick headed University staffers are, need to be fired and shown the door, including as many tenured professors as possible. That may be the hardest part, but until these thugs are pushed out, there is no saving the American University system. In the mean time, people need to stand up and push back against these NeoNazi fascistic thugs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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