Letitia James loses again

Good day all. When Soros Attorney General Letitia James, working in collusion with New York Judge Arthur Engoron to basically steal everything the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, has, President Trump vowed to appeal. The problem was the massive amount of money that President Trump had to put up as a bond in order to file for an appeal.

President Trump’s legal team was able to get the amount he had to put up reduced to a still ridiculous $175 million dollars, but it was something President Trump could quickly put together, which he did. This has angered James as she was salivating over stealing all of President Trump’s New York properties. She decided that she would have Trump’s bond revoked. Well, a New York Judge who, apparently isn’t a crooked tyrant has ruled. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former President Trump’s $175 million bond judgment stemming from his non-jury civil trial will stand, a New York judge ruled Monday after New York Attorney General Letitia James attempted to invalidate it. 

Lawyers for James on Monday argued that the court should void Trump’s slashed judgment of $175 million in his non-jury civil fraud trial. James questioned whether the company that posted the massive bond, Knight Specialty Insurance, could actually pay the bond if needed. 

Actually, they can and I suspect, provided proof when the bond was posted. It looks like the court agreed with my belief that the company was able to pay if required. (Isn’t this sort of thing put into some sort of escrow account anyway?)

The court, though, ruled against James, deciding that the bond will stand. 

The court has said that the bond will need to be in cash, not securities due to the fluctuations in the market. They also have to provide monthly statements to that crooked AG, James to show that the money is still there. I expect that the company providing the bond will put it into some sort of interest bearing account. I don’t know if Government bonds are acceptable or not.

Trump attorney Alina Habba on Monday said the former president’s legal team is happy with the ruling. 

“A complete waste of time and taxpayer money, once again,” Habba said. 

“The fact that we have two courts, not one criminal and civil being used against one man because they cannot beat him in the polls is a disgrace to the American judicial system,” Habba said Monday. “He should not have two teams of lawyers here today. He should not even be here today because he did nothing wrong. It is the epitome of a witch hunt.” 

The whole point of these legal “Exercises” is to destroy President Trump and put an end to any ideas of Making America Great Again. The Democrat Party isn’t even trying to hide their plan to end the Constitution of the United States and institute a totalitarian, single party rule of the United States. President Trump is a threat to that plan. (They aren’t thinking about people just saying “Enough!” and pulling the guns out of the closet)

“Ms. James wanted to argue and say that our cash somehow isn’t green enough,” Habba said, adding that they will appeal every ruling. “This is where your tax dollars are going to America, right here, witch hunt after witch hunt.” 

“And now what? We’re here because of something that happened when he was in the White House that wasn’t even wrong. It was not wrong. You hire lawyers to solve problems, they solve those problems, we pay them. That’s it,” she said. “This is a joke.” 

I believe that second paragraph is in regards to the fake criminal case that Soros DA has ginned up to “Get Trump!” Of course, James and her band of thugs are trying to spin this as a victory for them.

However, James’ team spun the ruling, saying Trump “has conceded to the Attorney General’s demands to resolve concerns related to the bond.” 

President Trump and his team are appealing this joke of a decision by “Judge” Engoron. Because of this prejudged case, (There is no doubt in anyone’s mind that Engoron had made up his mind 30 seconds after finding out he was handling the case), and the way that New York rigs the system against people, President Trump was forced to post a bond in order to appeal. Engoron’s original ruling was for nearly half a billion dollars.

Engoron, in February, ruled that Trump and the defendants were liable for “persistent and repeated fraud,” “falsifying business records,” “issuing false financial statements,” “conspiracy to falsify false financial statements,” “insurance fraud,” and “conspiracy to commit insurance fraud.” 

The problem with that bogus ruling, as we all know, is that no one was defrauded. There were no victims. The companies that provided President Trump with the loans were paid back on time and in full with interest. The actual fraud was by the New York Judicial system.

In September 2023, before the non-jury trial, Engoron ruled that Trump and the Trump Organization had committed fraud while building his real estate empire by deceiving banks, insurers and others by overvaluing his assets and exaggerating his net worth on paperwork used in making deals and securing financing.

One major point of appeal is the valuation of President Trump’s home in Florida, Mar-a-lago. While there might be some discussion of it’s actual value, (Anywhere from $500 million to $1 billion dollars), the value that Engoron came up with was laughed at by everyone who knows the value of real estate in that area. The lenders, and this is something that both the courts and the Democrat Propaganda Corps have ignored, the lenders did their own valuation of the property.

If Trump loses his appeal, the former president may be liable for the full $454 million. His real estate portfolio may then be exposed to seizure by James.

If the appellate court has any honesty, they will take one look at this “Judgment” and laugh it right out of court. They should also look at sanctioning both Letitia James and Engoron for both bringing this travesty into court and issuing what was so blatantly a plan to commit grand theft. From what I’ve read, there may also be Federal grounds for appeal on this since the actual law may not be constitutional. We shall see what happens next.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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