Congress might like remembering that they represent the United States for a change

Good day all. Recently, there was a vote regarding more money for the Ukrainian war effort. There has been a lot of discussion on where the money is going and what the actual plans out to bring the war to a close.

Because of this and a number of other issues, such as accounting for the funds already spent, a number of Republicans have decided to stop voting in favor of continued aid. There was a lot of things that happened, however the current aid package was approved with the help of the Democrats. What is really enraging many Americans was the aftermath. Here are the details from Fox News:

House Democrats have come under fire for waving the Ukrainian flag in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives during a vote to approve $60 billion in aid for the country’s defense.

“Ukrainian flags fly in the chamber of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives as they vote to send more of your hard-earned money to a corrupt foreign regime,” Sen Rand Paul, R-Ky., said in a post on X Saturday. “And just like that they shout ‘UKRAINE! UKRAINE!’ while happily working to secure Ukraine’s borders, not ours.”

This is the problem we’re now facing. Most Americans are fine with providing some help to the Ukrainians. What they aren’t fine with is gutting our own defenses to do so and shipping off billions of dollars with no accountability. We have watched the worst administration in American history empty our munitions bunkers and not replacing the stocks. There is also the issue of the Europeans. They have been rather stingy with assistance to the Ukrainians. They have been quite happy with Uncle Sugar spending our money so they don’t have to.

While the package itself, which passed in a 311 to 112 vote, faced fierce opposition among some lawmakers, others took particular offense to a moment at the end of the vote when Democrats began passing around Ukrainian flags to wave as the timer on the vote expired.

The move was a violation of House protocol, according to Rep. Marc Molinaro, R-N.Y., who presided over the vote and told those waving the flags that the display was “inappropriate.”

I’m not at all surprised that the Democrats did this. The entire party has moved to outright treason. Those in the party who would have told the hard left that something is not a good idea, (Tulsi Gabbard), have been silenced and forced out.

Molinaro’s comments elicited jeers from Democrats in the chamber, but was backed up by Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., who took the microphone and told her fellow lawmakers to “put those d— flags away.” Luna would take to social media later to echo a similar sentiment, arguing that it was a “disgrace to display any other flag than the American flag in the House Chamber!”

A number of other Republicans called out the actions of the Party of Tyranny and Treason Democrats. Representative Andy Biggs let fly at them with this remark.

“Democrats chanted ‘Ukraine’ while waving Ukrainian flags on the Floor of the UNITED STATES House of Representatives,” Biggs said on X. “The Uniparty approved $60.8 billion more for Ukraine while the US quickly approached $35 trillion in debt.”

The Democrats don’t care Representative Biggs, anymore then the Deep State Uniparty RINO’s do. Even the RFK Jr’s running-mate blasted the Democrats for their stupidity.

The display was also derided by Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“I remember as a 12 year old waking up in downtown Oakland and realizing our car had been broken into and the $1.50 I was relying on to buy a McDonald’s breakfast sandwich had been stolen,” Shanahan said on X. “Watching our leadership today send $60B to Ukraine while waving another nation’s flag is gut-wrenching. What about Americans?”

The answer to all that is simple. The Democrat Party flat out hates America. The RINO’s who voted for this are generally Neocons who see this as a way to increase their personal wealth from defense contractors. The one group that no one is bothering to consider are the actual taxpayers.

Granted, there are a few Republicans who truly think they are doing the right thing. However, their priorities are wrong. The first thing any expenditures should be aimed at is securing our own borders.

The Republicans that worked against this aid bill weren’t totally against the idea. They had a number of issues that they believed had a higher priority. Also none of them were waving the flag of a foreign nation in the House of Representatives. Every single one of those, and I am now using the word, traitors needs to be removed from office in November. If you would like to see how bad it is, Representative Thomas Massie filmed the entire disgraceful thing.

Are you angry yet?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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