More interesting information on Trump’s Classified Docs case

Good day all. The fallout from Judge Cannon’s unsealing of all the documents that Jack Smith and his minions wanted sealed, buried, dug up and burned, continues. I did a post on how the DoJ, the White House and the National Archives, appear to have colluded to use the Mar-a-lago Panty Raid and Trump prosecution to cover up Biden’s actual crimes. Now it looks like there is more coming out.

Apparently, an investigative reporter, (As opposed to a Journalist), went through the documents and found something very interesting, the kind of interesting that gets cases dismissed. Here are the details from PJ Media:

This week in Florida, Judge Aileen Cannon unsealed a trove of new documents that Jack Smith fought to keep hidden. And you’ll soon find out why. Among the documents unsealed were extensive exhibits, motions, and other filings shedding light on the intricate web of communication between the Biden White House and the National Archives and Records Administration in the lead-up to Trump’s indictment.

This is what I was referring to in the other post on this case. However, that isn’t what is so interesting. (Ok, it is, but this is even more interesting)

Investigative journalist Julie Kelly found something interesting in the documents that could change everything. The first things is testimony from an FBI agent who testified that the General Services Administration (GSA) had been in possession of Trump’s boxes in Virginia before ordering Trump’s team to come get them.


“So an entire pallet full of boxes that had been held by GSA somewhere outside of DC is dumped at Mar-a-Lago,” Kelly notes. “Apparently these are the boxes that ended up containing papers with ‘classified markings.'”

“I will double check indictment but I don’t recall this event in the timeline,” she added.

This is, as President Trump likes to say, “YUUGE!” I, like many others, assumed that all the documents had been packed up and shipped out before President Trump left office. Instead, they were in the possession of the General Services Administration and they called President Trump’s people to come and get them. They didn’t ship them down to Florida.

So, it appears that the Biden administration may have been responsible for shipping classified information to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home in Florida. This development is significant because Trump has previously blamed the GSA for packing the boxes that contained the classified documents, only to later accuse Trump of essentially stealing them and using that as pretext for sending the  FBI to raid his Mar-a-Lago home in August 2022.

“It was a set-up from the get-go,” remarked Tom Fitton, the founder of Judicial Watch.

I don’t know if this could be a literal set up or not, but it definitely blows a lot holes in the case against President Trump. With the huge amount of documents delivered to Mar-a-lago, just going through everything would take a significant amount of time. Then there is the issue of security. The Trump team had everything locked up in a secured SCIF with cameras and armed federal agents on site. Then we have the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden had classified information that he was never entitled to have stored in boxes in his garage for years, but was not charged. Biden blamed staffers for packing the classified information. 

While this may not prove the Biden administration set up Trump in the classified documents case, considering the way the Biden administration has abused the legal system against Trump, no one can confidently say they wouldn’t.

Considering how hated the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is by the Democrats in General and that senile psychopath in particular, setting up President Trump is quite plausible. Of course, this will just be called yet another conspiracy theory.

Even so, it still raises other legitimate questions. For example, if the GSA had been in possession of the boxes, why wasn’t a review of the materials conducted before they instructed Trump’s team to get them? When it comes to classified information, they wouldn’t have expected Trump and his staff to be responsible for ensuring that classified documents weren’t among the records. Perhaps they did review the contents of the boxes and knew classified documents were contained in them before they told Trump’s people to come get them.

If that can be shown to be accurate, that the GSA knew there were classified files in those boxes and still told President Trump’s people to pick them up, then the wrong people are being charged. At the very least, you have a huge bucket of reasonable doubt for a jury. In fact, any reputable investigator or prosecutor would look at that and not seek charges against President Trump and his people. Of course, we know that Jack Smith is anything but reputable.

I think it’s going to be safe to assume that this and other information that’s been coming out since the unsealing of these documents is going to be brought up before Judge Cannon. Then will come the Defense request to dismiss all charges with prejudice. Of course Smith will fight that. He has no choice now. Smith and Garland may end up facing their own criminal charges in 2025. Stay tuned. I have no doubt more interesting things will be coming out.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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