Surprising no one, Palestinian terrorists support Columbia University protesters

Good day all. Over the last few months, the Hitler Youth, aka the Pro-Hamas supporters on college campuses have been getting more and more threatening. They’re now taking over areas on campuses and threatening the schools to “Bow to their will.”

There has already been some violent actions taken against Jewish students and the schools, rather than calling in the police to clean out the trash, have basically done nothing. Now these punks are getting encouragement from another group, and these are actual terrorists. Here are the details from the Washington Free Beacon:

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and a senior Hamas leader declared their support for the unsanctioned tent encampments roiling Columbia University and other elite American universities.

The Popular Front, a U.S.-designated terror group, released a statement Tuesday evening affirming the group’s firm support for “our students at American universities.” The statement called for “the escalation of their struggle” and condemned university administrators for implementing “policies biased with the occupation.” The terror group specifically praised the student protests at Columbia and Yale University.

The terror group’s statement coincided with a separate statement from a senior Hamas political leader, Izzat Al-Rishq, published Wednesday morning by the Resistance News Network. Al-Rishq’s statement likened Israel to Nazi Germany and declared support for American student protesters. The Resistance News Network frequently releases English translations of communiques from U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organizations located in Palestinian-controlled territories, according to the Anti-Defamation League. “Today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders,” Al-Rishq noted.

Well now, unless these mush heads start repudiating these statements, and I doubt they will, it’s time to send in the police and deal with them as active threats to national security, and with aiding and abetting known terrorist organizations.

The terrorists’ support for the student protests comes as tensions at Columbia have remained high, as university administrators have struggled to put an end to the unsanctioned tent encampment.

Those gutless progressive wonders know exactly how to put an end to this. They simply tell the Nazis and Hitler Youth to pack up and get out. When they refuse, send int the cops with dogs and water cannon. Arrest everyone. Any students, instant expulsion. If there are any non-citizens, depending on their visas, (I’m going to assume most are on Student Visas), put them on a plane to their homelands the next morning.

The protesters have clashed with university administrators and police trying to clear them out, resulting in more than 100 arrests.

That’s a start, but a pathetic one at that. These terrorists need to be hit with serious charges, and that the Palestinian terrorist groups are backing them should be all they need to hit these losers with major felony charges.

Jewish students at Columbia have indicated they do not feel safe on their campus amid the protests, which have included anti-Semitic chants and at least one assault of a pro-Israel individual.


I think it’s time for people to break out the Kosher Kannons and take up defensive stations around the Jewish students. These Brownshirt wannabe’s need to understand that when push comes to shove, there are people who will move to protect Jews and, if need be, use all force necessary.

Protesters were captured shouting “We are Hamas” and “Zionist pig” at pro-Jewish bystanders, while another keffiyeh-clad individual held a sign pointing toward a group of Jewish students with the caption “Al-Qassam’s Next Targets,” a reference to Hamas’s military wing.

Nice of them to announce that they are working with known terrorist groups. I think Gitmo may be getting a few new residents.

Students at Yale and other universities have formed similar encampments in solidarity with the Columbia protesters.

This is obviously being coordinated, and someone is funding it. There is a story in the New York Post that names, surprise, surprise, George Soros. (I may write something about that later)

Soros has a long history of working with Nazis going back to the WW2 when he was ratting out Jews in hiding and then selling the Jews property. Oh, Soros is Jewish and if the Nazis had toggled to this fact, would have sent him to the gas chambers. The only reason the Hungarian government didn’t hang him after the war was his age at the time. (About 14 I understand)

On Wednesday, Columbia released a statement indicating it was “making important progress” in its negotiations with student protesters, which the school said had “committed to dismantling and removing a significant number of tents.” Nonetheless, the protests have remained ongoing at Columbia and other campuses.

“Jewish students at Columbia University don’t feel safe. It’s become so dangerous that students were forced out of the classroom,” said Republican speaker of the House Mike Johnson, who is expected to meet with Jewish students at Columbia Wednesday afternoon. “Let’s be clear: these are not peaceful protests, these are antisemitic mobs.”

That they are Mr. Speaker, (For now), and in my opinion, should not be tolerated at all. The first order of business should be to protect the Jewish students from these thugs, (And break some heads if required), and then move on to humiliation. This will require the consent of the Jewish community since what I’m thinking of could be very insulting if they don’t understand the idea.

Get some people, all volunteers, who are blond haired and blue eyed, put them in Nazi SS uniforms and have them show up at these protests, face the protesters and start shouting out “Seig Heil!” Then march around their encampment, always facing them. When the media shows up, and they will, have a spokesman, in a fake German accent say “We wish to thank these people for joining our cause.” and leave it at that. Then fade away.

Without question, some of those idiots will figure out that they are being compared to Nazis and maybe slink away in shame. (You can see why I would want to get various Jewish groups OK before proceeding especially any Holocaust survivors) Sadly, most of these Proto-Nazis won’t understand and might just reinforce their bubbles. That’s when Phase Two kicks in. The universities need to tell these punks to leave. They won’t of course so then the police move in to remove them and start arresting the “Precious Little Antisemitic Snowflakes.”

This brings us to Phase Three. Any student of that particular university that was arrested is summarily expelled and black listed. If these students are here on a student visa, that visa is revoked immediately and they are deported within 72 hours. That will probably hit a lot of Arab and Islamic students. I’m sure their families will be so happy that their brats were kicked out of school and then thrown out of the United States. I would also put them on a no entry list as well.

Will any of this happen? It should, but I doubt it will. While I would love to see someone pull the stunt with the Nazi uniforms, I fully concede that one is way over the top. All the rest however? That should be done, but would require the colleges and universities to actually grow a spine and stop coddling these terrorist wannabes. I don’t see it happening with the current school administrations, which is why all the schools need to replace their entire administrative staff.

As to the administrators of these schools being shown the door, that could happen. Most of the current crop of Communists are DEI hires and as people start digging into their backgrounds, they’re finding out that a lot of them may actually be frauds. Plagiarism seems to be the common thread, which doesn’t surprise me. Well, we shall see what happens in the next few weeks. Just be ready for when these punks decide to start the “Summer of Fiery Love II.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Surprising no one, Palestinian terrorists support Columbia University protesters

  1. Jefferson Selvy says:

    One of these days the grandchild’s of a Warsaw Ghetto Survivor is going to, in defiance of rule and law, go about his business peaceably armed. And, in defense of self or others, is going to demonstrate exactly what “Never Again” really means. I could not understand any circumstances find it within myself to convict on any charge save, maybe, littering (improper disposal of garbage, the neo Nazi’s bodies).

    • It’s starting already. UCLA had a group go after the Hamas Nazis after they beat a Jewish woman into unconsciousness. Now that the weather is improving and schools are getting out, I’m expecting a major flare up, especially after Israel cleans out Rafah.


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