Garland threatens Iowa if they arrest criminal aliens

Good day all. More and more states have had it with the Biden Maladministration’s open borders and letting millions of invaders into the country. Several states, fed up with Biden, are now taking actions that the Federal Government should be doing.

Texas, for instance, passed a law to allow local police to arrest illegal aliens and assorted charges. The Garland DoJ, rather then actually doing their jobs and rounding up the criminal aliens, (And yes, they are criminals. They are in the United States illegally, therefore they are committing a crime). Is going after states that are doing what they have to in order to protect their citizens. Now Iowa is in his sights. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

The Biden administration’s Department of Justice (DOJ) warned Iowa that it will sue the state if it enforces a recently passed law that seeks to crack down on illegal immigration.

The DOJ’s warning comes after Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds signed legislation last month that would make illegal reentry into the state an aggravated misdemeanor, empowering the state to arrest illegal immigrants.

The Biden administration has failed to enforce our nation’s immigration laws, putting the protection and safety of Iowans at risk,” Reynolds said after first signing the legislation. “Those who come into our country illegally have broken the law, yet Biden refuses to deport them.”

That’s the problem. We have a maladministration that is dead set on ending the United States as a sovereign, independent nation. Thanks to them, and the complete mental incapacity of the worst president* in American history, Joe Biden, the borders have been essentially abandoned and millions of illegal aliens have entered the country. What’s really scary is how many of them are men of military age from countries not friendly to the United States.

The Biden DOJ’s Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton responded to the legislation with a letter to Governor Kim Reynolds and Attorney General Brenna Bird, giving the state until May 7 to suspend the enforcement of the new law before the federal government steps in. Boynton argued that Iowa’s new law “is preempted by federal law and violates the United States Constitution” and that it “effectively creates a separate state immigration scheme,” which “intrudes into a field that is occupied by the federal government and is preempted.”

Hey Boynton! If the feds had actually been doing their jobs, then states wouldn’t have seen the need to step up and do them for you. As for Iowa, they have told this jumped up weasel to go pound sand.

The state’s Attorney General Brenna Bird signaled that Iowa will not capitulate to the Biden administration’s request. “Iowa will not back down and stand by as our state’s safety hangs in the balance. If Biden refuses to stop the border invasion and keep our communities safe, Iowa will do the job for him.”

Governor Reynolds asserted that the law is only necessary because of the Biden administration’s unwillingness to secure the southern border. “The only reason we had to pass this law is because the Biden administration refuses to enforce the laws already on the books,” Reynolds contended. “I have a duty to protect the citizens of Iowa. Unlike the federal government, we will respect the rule of law and enforce it.”

This has all the makings of a constitutional crises. The Biden maladministration’s actions, or inactions as the case may be, have forced states to look out for themselves when it comes to the millions of illegal aliens in the United States. The illegals are a true threat to the citizens and legal resident aliens. While the courts may deny the states the ability to “Do the needful,” the States might just decided to tell the Federal Courts to pound sand.

The emerging feud between the Biden DOJ and the state of Iowa comes while Texas is embroiled in its own ongoing legal fight over a similar immigration law. The state’s Senate Bill 4, which also allows authorities to detain and charge those in the country illegally, has been the focus of legal battles with the federal government.

Texas has already been told by some moron judge in Hawaii that they can’t go after illegal aliens. (Why the Circuit court is in Hawaii is another issue) Other states are also passing similar laws.

States like Iowa, Texas, and Georgia have passed legislation aimed at cracking down on illegal immigration as the United States has witnessed an unprecedented crisis on the border, with officials recording over 9.5 million nationwide encounters and 1.7 million estimated illegal immigrant gotaways since Joe Biden took office. There were only 445,000 total reported gotaways for 2018, 2019, and 2020 under the Trump administration.

I suspect the “Gotaways” under Biden are seriously under-counted. These criminals are committing other crimes as well as being in the United States illegally, up to and including murder. State governments have had it. Even the blue states are fed up and demanding that Dementia Joe and his handlers fix the problems they’ve caused.

States like Texas and Iowa look like they are done playing around. There is hope of course, and that will be in November when people can turn that senile idiot and all his handlers out of office. God help us if the Democrats steal this election like they did in 2020. If that happens we will see states flat out no longer recognizing the Federal Courts or the Federal government in these immigration cases, and start booting the Illegals out themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if Texas and other states actually cross into Mexico to set up a buffer area.

Garland and the DoJ may want to consider what will happen if one or more states, after being ordered by the courts, announce they are ignoring the rulings and begin round ups and deportations on their own. If that happens, is Garland going to send in Federal Agents to stop this? What will happen if there is a full on face down between state forces, (LEO, National Guard and Citizen Militias)? Will Dementia Joe try to nationalize the Guard? What happens if they refuse the activation order?

I can answer that easily. Nothing good. Without question, if this worst case scenario happens, you will see states announce that they no longer recognize the Federal United States government and will not until such time as they revert to the forms under the Constitution as currently amended. In fact, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that an Article 5 convention to amend the constitution to strip powers away from Washington. This is the mess that could happen. The good news is that we’re looking at the Second Trump Administration and most of these problems will go away.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Garland threatens Iowa if they arrest criminal aliens

  1. Jon P says:

    Even if Trump gets elected, I doubt it will be as easy as you think. Don’t forget we’ll have two more months of Joe before Trump will even be in office. Hopefully he’ll have a GOP-led congress to work with.


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