What is it with Anti-Trump prosecutors and tampering with evidence?

Good day all. The Star Chamber Kangaroo cases against the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, have been falling apart over the last few months. Recently, the Documents case in Florida forced Jack Smith to admit that that the evidence he was presenting had been tampered with.

Because of that, among other things, Judge Cannon has put the case on hold while she tries to figure out what Smith and his goons are doing. Now we appear to have yet another instance of evidence tampering, this one by Soros D.A. Alvin Bragg’s office. Here are the details from the Federalist:

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s paralegal testified on Friday that his office deleted from their evidence three pages of phone records between convicted liar Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Keith Davidson without notifying former President Donald Trump’s legal team, according to reports.

Trump attorney Emil Bove questioned paralegal Jaden Jarmel-Schneider on Friday about three pages of 2018 phone records between Davidson and Cohen that Bragg’s office had deleted, according to CNN. Additional phone records between Daniels manager Gina Rodriguez and then-National Enquirer editor Dylan Howard regarding Daniels’ claim about her alleged affair were also deleted, according to The Epoch Times.

I’m no lawyer, but I am under the impression that destroying or altering evidence, especially by the prosecution, is a great big Bozo No No.

Tampering with evidence is a class E felony in the Empire State under New York Consolidation Laws, Penal Law § 215.40, which states in part:

A person is guilty of tampering with physical evidence when: Believing that certain physical evidence is about to be produced or used in an official proceeding or a prospective official proceeding, and intending to prevent such production or use, he suppresses it by any act of concealment, alteration or destruction, or by employing force, intimidation or deception against any person.

I wonder just what those records said? This will be especially damning of they could provide exculpatory evidence. Considering that Bragg, much like Letitia James, (NY AG), and Fat ass Fani Willis all ran on platforms to “Get Trump!” this, along with a number of other things, should have had the judge issue a directed verdict of acquittal. But then the judge is just as crooked as James and Bragg.

Bragg — who campaigned for office on targeting Trump — indicted the former president in April 2023 on 34 felony charges for allegedly falsifying business records. Bragg alleges Trump’s lawyer at the time, Cohen, paid Daniels before the 2016 election to stay quiet about an alleged affair that the former president denies. Bragg alleges Trump made this payment to help win the 2016 election so the expenditure should have been classified as a campaign expense rather than a legal expense.

That case is literally crap. There is no case here. The original law for this in NY was under a statute of limitations, which long since had expired. He also took a federal case that the actual federal government said was a nothing burger and pulled it into the State case. (Which I understand is illegal) There is nothing illegal about paying off someone to keep quiet about something provided no law was broken. (Like shooting someone and paying off a witness)

Trump’s defense also made a motion for a mistrial, which Judge Juan Merchan denied. Merchan also kneecapped Trump’s team from defending the former president by limiting what former Federal Election Commission Chairman Bradley Smith could say when testifying about campaign finance-related issues, noted Steve Roberts and Oliver Roberts in The Federalist Friday.

Merchan is a crook. He is utterly dishonest and his sole goal is to railroad President Trump into prison, come Hell or high water. Again, I’m not a lawyer, but even to my unschooled eye, Merchan has made so may errors and is obviously actively aiding the prosecution that if they manage to get a conviction, it will be overturned on appeal.

Smith was expected to testify, as Roberts and Roberts note, that “almost anything a candidate does can be interpreted as intended to ‘influence an election’” though “not every expense that might benefit a candidate is an obligation that exists solely because the person is a candidate.”

I suspect that is what that corrupt judge intend to disallow. I really wonder if Bragg and Merchan understand the can of worms they will open if they do succeed in railroading President Trump? I hate to say it, but there is a good chance that someone, or a large group of someone’s, might come into New York City, armed to the teeth with the goal of removing these two, and probably Merchan’s daughter as well, from this plane of reality. This is the last thing we need right now.

What might happen next year is that President Trump’s Department of Justice, while cleaning out the mess left by both Obama and Biden, file criminal charges against both Bragg and Merchan. Right off the bat, a case could be made for deliberate interference with the 2024 presidential election. There are probably other things as well of course. All this case is doing is showing just how far the Democrat Party will go in their quest for absolute power, and this includes the destruction or alteration of evidence.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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