Surprising no one, Soros spending millions to censor online speech

Good day all. I’ve written about George Soros once or twice before. He is, well I can’t call him a progressive. He’s more of a one world government Fascist. He has been working to wreck the United States, and quite frankly most of the Western world for decades.

In the United States, he spent millions of dollars to put District Attorneys into place who would not put criminals into jail. The “High water mark” for this was probably around 2020 when he had dozens of his minions in place and they have done a massive amount of damage. Fortunately, people saw this and understood that the Soros DA’s, as they are called were an outright threat and many have already been removed from office.

Soros has also been handing out money to support the antisemitic groups that have been “Protesting” Israel going after Hamas after the October 7th attack. People started to follow the money and found that a number of these people and groups were getting funding from organizations that Soros either supports or helped to set up in the first place.

Now we are finding out about another line of attack against American’s rights and freedoms by this evil sociopath. He is paying socialist media companies to censor anyone who goes against his narratives on the 2024 election. Here are the details from Newsmax:

A media group funded by billionaire leftist George Soros is seeking to implement a global plan to pressure Big Tech social media platforms to censor more content before November’s presidential election.

The group called Free Press is leading the charge to restrict free speech online, the Media Research Center reported Tuesday. MRC described Free Press — not to be confused with The Free Press media outlet helmed by former New York Times editor Bari Weiss — as an activist organization disguised as a journalism operation that uses its sizable resources to push the federal government and Big Tech to silence conservative speech.

More Nazis, Communists, Fascists and Democrats. As for Bari Weiss, she was one of the people who wrote the Twitter Files exposing how Twitter’s previous management was censoring anything the Biden Maladministration told them to do. (This was mostly the Covid-19 stuff. Anything that went against the Narratives was deleted. We now know most of that data was actually accurate) The whole house of cards started falling apart when Elon Musk bought Twitter and found out just how corrupt and evil the old management was.

Free Press, which MRC said claimed responsibility for helping to get former President Donald Trump banned from Twitter, bragged in a news release about a letter sent by a coalition of more than 200 “civil-society organizations, researchers, and journalists” to the heads of Big Tech companies such as Google, Instagram, Discord, X, and TikTok. In it, the groups called for the companies to reduce “interventions necessary to keep online platforms” allegedly “safe and healthy” and demanded “swift action” to protect “democracy.”

I love that line, “To protect democracy.” The last thing these groups believe in is the Democratic process. (I won’t bother going into the fact that the United States is a Republic, not a democracy) Their goal is flat out suppression of the people and rule by the elite. You will also notice that a few Social Media platforms aren’t on this list of companies. That would be Twitter(X), Truth Social, Gab, Rumble, Mewe and Gettr. (Ones that I’m families with since I’m on the platforms) They probably told the “Free Press” to go pound sand.

MRC said its research unveiled that Soros packed the coffers of at least 45 of the signatories with $80.7 million combined between 2016 and 2022.

The letter attempted to justify that it was written with reducing “real-world harms” and “the rise of extremism and violent attempts to overthrow democratic governments.” But it appears its true design was to pressure Big Tech companies to silence speech the left despises as 60 countries across the globe gear up for elections in 2024, the MRC reported.

“Even more disturbing was the letter’s implication that its primary target is interfering in the 2024 U.S. election,” the MRC reported. “This development is directly in line with Soros’ brand, of which he has dedicated millions of his ungodly fortune to groups looking to interfere in elections by stifling online speech.”

George Soros is a naturalized American. His only reason for becoming a citizen, as far as I can tell, was financial, and also influence. As a foreign national, he wouldn’t legally have the access to bribe members of congress donate campaign contributions or hand out the hundreds of millions he spent to actively subvert the Constitution of the United States.

The letter made six demands of the Big Tech companies, the first of which called for investment “in greater platform integrity by reinstating election-integrity policies, inclusive of moderating content around the Big Lie,” defined by co-signatory Brennan Center for Justice, which has received funding from Soros, as the idea the 2020 election was stolen from Trump.

Which it was. The active suppression of any investigations into the 2020 presidential election, which may or may not have shown extensive fraud just made people more suspicious and looking for answers, one way or the other. Since the Progressive narrative was “The election was absolutely perfect” (Which is laughable), then anyone who says otherwise must be suppressed and banned.”

It sounds like they are planning to ramp up the election fraud machine and put it into overdrive this year. They’re going to have to since the Senile Pedophile they installed into the White House is getting hammered in the polls. (People are coming out and admitting they voted for that turnip and announcing they’re voting for President Trump this time)

The MRC reported the signatory that received the most Soros funding was Global Witness, which MRC said is on record for pressuring Facebook and TikTok to increase censorship operations before the 2022 midterm elections. Global Witness hauled in $20.3 million from Soros between 2016 and 2022, the MRC said.

Facebook is understandable, especially since Zuckerberg is fully on board with the Progressive totalitarian agenda. Of course, he also has all the subtly of a truck bomb and has ended up in front of Congress several times. TikTok is interesting since it’s basically a front end of the Chinese Ministry of State Security. (Think KGB, STASI and Gestapo all rolled into one package) They really don’t need any encouragement to suppress people.

Strategic Dialogue, another signatory that received $3.1 million from Soros between 2017 and 2022, was recently exposed by a House Judiciary Committee investigation for co-authoring a “hate groups” blacklist with the Soros-funded Global Disinformation Index targeting “conservative” and faith-based organizations, the MRC said.

Add this group to the actions of the Southern Poverty and Law Center who will declare any group that espouses traditional American and Family values as a “Hate Group” that must be suppressed and destroyed.

“The fact that Free Press is at the tip of this Soros-tied spear should concern every American,” the MRC said. “Free Press’ obsession with censorship and gaining control of the Internet cannot be overstated.

“This is the same group that boasted how it was ‘involved in direct talks that pressured Google and Amazon’ to boot the ‘dangerous’ pro-free speech platform Parler from their platforms because of so-called ‘election lies.'”

Parler never really recovered from being booted from Amazon Web Services. (Coding for AWS doesn’t allow it to be easily moved to a different platform. Nice and monopolistic) While it’s now under new owners, it doesn’t appear to be actually working. Thanks to the flat out corporate murder of Parler, other social media companies that tend to lean center right move to secure their infrastructure from attack by the totalitarian left.

The Left is now preparing for their worst nightmare. President Trump regaining the White House and the Republicans retaking the Senate and increasing their seats in the House. Worse, from Soros and his minions point of view, it looks like a large number of Deplorable, Ultra MAGA Trump supporters may be taking seats in the next Congress.

If this happens, and I hope it does, Soros and all his “Independent” organizations are going to be getting a congressional colonoscopy. This is why these leftists are now moving to prepare the Social Media companies they control to start suppressing anything that smacks of being conservative in thought, deed or speech. It’s not going to work this time. People are ready and looking for it and will have the means to get around them. (Thanks Elon)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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