Biden’s plan to hand the United States over to the World Health Organization is dead

Good day all. A few weeks ago I wrote a post on the Biden Maladministration’s plan to hand the American healthcare system over to the World Health Organization. Needless to say, that plan was not greeted with joy and happiness as people found out about it.

This plan to hand things over to the WHO didn’t just affect the United States, it was intended that all nations hand over their sovereignty to the WHO. The Transnational one world globalists have been “Negotiating” in Switzerland for the last two years on how to do all this. Well, the whole plan has fallen apart and looks to dead. Here are some of the details from Breitbart:

No deal. That was the message for World Health Organization (W.H.O.) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus on Friday after his proposed global pandemic treaty was rejected after two years of closed-door meetings in Geneva, Switzerland.

AP reports Roland Driece, co-chair of W.H.O.’s negotiating board for the agreement, acknowledged countries were unable to deliver an agreed proposal. W.H.O. had hoped a final draft treaty could be agreed on at its yearly meeting of health ministers starting Monday in Geneva.

We are not where we hoped we would be when we started this process,” he said, adding that finalizing an international agreement on how to respond to a pandemic was critical “for the sake of humanity” even as a host of countries disagreed with the basic principle that unelected, unaccountable, health bureaucrats could somehow decide major global decisions on government policies.

The unelected and unaccountable bureaucrats were the ones who showed just how incompetent and corrupt they were during the Great Panicdemic of 2020. These were the people that Biden and his handlers fully intended to hand the American healthcare system over to. Once news broke of what Biden was planning, the angry comments were fast to come.

Earlier this month, U.S. Republican senators wrote to the Biden administration, arguing the draft treaty focused on issues like “shredding intellectual property rights” and “supercharging the WHO.” They urged Biden not to sign off.

We know that Biden doesn’t pay any attention to Congress, the Constitution or the law. He would have just issued an executive order, a blatantly illegal one, that would have “Required” all medical systems to do whatever the WHO told them to do. This would have included things like mandatory vaccinations, and a whole host of restrictions on people’s rights. A number of State governors flat out told the Biden maladministration that they would not permit the WHO to dictate anything in their states. Hopping over to the Associated with Terrorists Press story:

The draft treaty had attempted to address the gap that occurred between COVID-19 vaccines in rich and poorer countries, which WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said amounted to “a catastrophic moral failure.”

We now know those vaccines were never very effective and were, in fact, dangerous. In fact the whole response to the Fauci Flu was a complete fraud and was used by certain groups to institute totalitarian rule. In the United States, the damage done by the Government is still reverberating through the economy, not to mention the flat out violation of people’s rights by the likes of Biden, Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo, etc.

Addressing a sullen final day of negotiations, the WHO chief insisted, “This is not a failure.”

We will try everything — believing that anything is possible — and make this happen because the world still needs a pandemic treaty,” he said. “Because many of the challenges that caused a serious impact during COVID-19 still exist.”

The first challenge was the outright lies and suppression of any information that ran counter to the Globalist elite’s narratives. Thanks to Elon Musk, we now know that anything that wasn’t approved by the CDC, FBI, WHO, etc. was suppressed and the people posting attacked, banned and in some cases jailed.

The accord’s aim was to set guidelines for how the WHO’s 194 member countries might stop future pandemics and better share resources. But experts warned there were virtually no consequences for countries that don’t comply.

I suspect that was something the “Experts” had a plan for. Think American governors and citizens arrested by Interpol with UN forces and shipped off to the ICC to be tried. There is no data in the story indicating this was considered, and it does sound like a conspiracy theory, but we all know how these conspiracy theories ended up over the last few years.

The latest draft had proposed that WHO should get 20% of the production of pandemic-related products like tests, treatments and vaccines and urges countries to disclose their deals with private companies.

Yeah, how does NO! Sound to you?

Earlier this month, U.S. Republican senators wrote to the Biden administration, arguing that the draft treaty focused on issues like “shredding intellectual property rights” and “supercharging the WHO.” They urged Biden not to sign off.

Biden, or his handlers, basically told the senators to, as the British say, “Sod off!” His attitude as well as those of the Deep State handlers was that he didn’t need to submit this to the senate as a treaty for ratification. (Like I and others have said, Biden doesn’t care what the constitution says, he knows what’s best and everyone else needs to get in line, or else)

Precious Matsoso, the other co-chair of WHO’s negotiating board for the pandemic treaty, said there was still an opportunity to reach agreement and that efforts wouldn’t stop — despite the inability to reach a deal on Friday.

We will make sure that this happens, because when the next pandemic hits, it will not spare us,” she said.

I had to look up this Precious Matsoso person. That name just said “Oh look! I’m one of the Special people. Bow down to me and worship my 18 degrees showing how smart I am you peons.” I wasn’t far off. She’s South African and is one of the classic Elitists who probably has trouble tying her own shoes and yet thinks she should rule over the world. (Yes, I said rule and I meant it)

Tedros, the WHO chief, said there should be no regrets.

What matters now is when do we learn from this and how can we reset things, recalibrate things, identify the main challenges, and then move on,” he said.

Why isn’t Tedros in a jail cell somewhere? That POS is wholly owned by the People’s Republic of China and is about as trustworthy as Joe Biden at an all girls junior high school. Right off the bat, he was one of those who lied about the origin of the Covid-19 virus and that it was a manufactured virus that escaped the lab in Wuhan, China. No one trusts him or the World Health Organization.

This “Cunning plan” for world domination, (Like that bit of tin foil hat stuff?), is dead, and should remain so. Will other pandemics happen? They always do. The difference with the others and the Covid-19 virus was how the world elites used it to assume dictatorial power. The reaction to that attempt is still ongoing and any attempt by the WHO to impose anything on the United States will be rejected, possibly with maximum force.

Even if it had succeeded, it would be unenforceable in the United States no matter what Dementia Joe or his Deep State handlers thought. Even if the submitted it as a treaty to the Senate and they could muster the votes to ratify it. (Treaties can’t override the Constitution of the United States) With luck, in a few months we will have a much better president returning to office, one who always puts America first and that will put this nonsense right where it belongs.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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