James “Serpent head” Carville doesn’t understand the Democrats message

Good day all. James Carville is a consultant for the Democrat party. He’s best known for getting the Clinton’s into office. He’s also known the phrase “It’s the economy stupid.”

Carville hasn’t really amounted to much since Clinton left office. He’s mostly seen on various progressive news channels pushing the Democrat line. Recently however, he’s concluded that the 2024 election isn’t going the way he expected. Here are the details from Newsmax:

James Carville has expressed a candid rebuke of what he sees as the Democrats’ failing political agenda.

“We keep wondering why these young people are not coming home to the Democrats: Why are Blacks not coming home to the Democrats?” Carville told Politicon in a video podcast posted Saturday.

“Because Democrat messaging is full of s***, that’s why!”

No stupid, it isn’t the message. It’s what’s actually happening in this country under the Worst President* in American History, that senile psychopathic pedophile, Joe Biden. The message you and the Democrats have been putting out basically amounts to “Don’t believe your lying eyes. We’re good, things are great, the only way you can succeed is by listening to us and doing as we say.” Guess what Serpent head, Your old property constituencies are having a really tough time and they aren’t paying any attention to your “Message” any longer.

The famed “It’s the economy, stupid” Carville said: “Talk about cost of living, and, We’re going to help deal with this. Don’t talk about f***ing Gaza and student loans!”

Help deal with the cost of living? Hey moron, it was your party that caused all the economic problems the American people are suffering under. You really think we’re going to trust you to fix it?

The Newsmax story goes into details of what Carville thinks will fix things for the Democrats. Things like taxing universities. That isn’t a bad idea but we all know that whatever the Democrats touch, they destroy. There is no way the Democrats will ever take away Harvard University’s or any other of the Progressive poison Ivy League schools tax exempt status.

Carville’s problem is simple and not unlike what Tulsi Gabbard experienced. The modern Democrat Party is anti-American, anti-Constitution, Anti-free enterprise and isn’t all that much different from the old 20th century totalitarian parties. (Communists, Fascists and of course, Nazis) With regards to Israel, the modern Democrat Party is going full on Nazi. This is why Tulsi Gabbard said enough and left the Democrats. It’s long past time for James Carville to call it a day. He’s no longer relevant.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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