Is the Biden Maladministration planning to physically harm Trump?

Good day all. The level of fear among the Democrats that the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, may win the 2024 election and retake the Oval office is increasing exponentially. The Democrats have tried just about everything to “Get Trump!” and have failed. Even the Kangaroo Court has backfired.

With all this people are starting to wonder what Biden, his cronies, the Deep State and Biden’s handlers might try next. Now one of Biden’s minions may have let the cat our of the bag. Here are the details from the Daily Fetched:

A member of Joe Biden’s campaign declared they will end the threat of Donald Trump from becoming president again “once and for all.”

That sounds to me like a flat out threat to me. Has the Secret Service been notified? Has this individual been arrested or fired?

Last week, Trump was convicted of 34 counts in Alvin Bragg and Judge Juan Merchan’s “lawfare” case against the former president.

And within minutes Biden and the Democrats were using this to try and raise money. Why it’s almost as if they knew that they were going to see their political opponent convicted of fake charges. Funny that. This brings us to one of Biden’s “SpokesIdiots.”

Junior Biden campaign spokesman Michael Tyler appeared on Fox News to discuss the garbage Trump verdict and Biden’s reaction to it.

Tyler said the 2024 Presidential Election was not a normal one because of “Trump’s supposed threat to democracy,” stating that Biden will end the threat of Donald Trump “once and for all.”

That sounds like a flat out threat to me.

He is a fundamental, persistent, and growing threat to our democracy,” he added.

And is Joe Biden is running to make sure we end that threat once and for all.”

What the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is a threat to is the continued rule of the tyrants of the Democrat Party. Your statement shows that you will, and have done anything to “Stop Trump!” from winning the election and returning to the Oval Office. (After it has been sanitized and disinfected of course) To bad for you that the serfs and peons know who the real threat is and doing what they can to “Stop Democrats!” by donating to and voting for President Trump.

Meanwhile, reports say Trump raised over 200 million since his guilty verdict.

What this Moonbat has barked out is the truth, (A generally alien concept in the Biden Maladministration), and that they will stop at literally nothing to keep Trump from his well deserved victory over the forces of Evil and the Democrat Party. The Democrats have almost nothing left in the toolbox now, and this is what’s worrying a lot of people.

Many, if not most of President Trump’s supporters are worried that Mechan will put Trump into prison on this fraudulent conviction to keep him off the campaign trail. They’re also worried that the Biden Maladministration will remove President Trumps Secret Service detail and make sure that President Trump is murdered in Prison.

Even if this doesn’t happen, and President Trump’s fake conviction is quickly vacated, there is some concern that the Maladministration and the Deep State might try something that will “Allow” them to cancel or postpone the 2024 election indefinitely. Something like what happened in Israel last October 7th and was novelized by Kurt Schlichter in his book, “The Attack.”

Of course, they might also be preparing yet another election steal the way they did in 2020, although everyone is on the lookout this time even more then they were the last time. The Democrats also don’t have the Panicdemic lock-downs to use as cover. Finally, of course, if Biden and the Democrats lose in November, they might just ignore the results. In other words, do exactly what they accused President Trump of planning in 2021.

Of course, we all know that President Trump was not planning to not vacate the office of President on January 20th. He, like 10’s of millions of others, had serious questions on the validity of the vote. In the end, unlike the Democrats, he followed the Constitution and stepped aside. One wonders now if, as a last resort, the Democrats might just refuse to have Dementia Joe Biden leave office on January 20th, 2025 at 12:00 PM EST? The remarks by this Junior SpokesGoof make it sound like all my tin foil hat conspiracy theories may not be all that theoretical after all. (I hope they are)


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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