Do you need another reason to not like Mitch McConnell? He likes Biden

Good day all. Hot on the heels of the train wreck that was Dementia Joe Biden’s recent debate performance, Mitch “Brain Freeze” McConnell decided to jump in and in true Uniparty style, throw Biden a lifeline.

Mitch McConnell is the current Senate minority leader. It is accepted by the GOP base, that if it hadn’t been for Cocaine Mitch’s shenanigans in the 2022 midterms, the Republicans would have control of the senate and probably a larger majority in the House. He threw several candidates under the bus and handed seats to the Democrats for one reason only. To protect his personal power and privilege.

McConnell is “Stepping down” from his leadership next year. The GOP base has had enough of McConnell’s putting the Uniparty ahead of the GOP base and the American people to the point of caving in to whatever UpChuck Schumer wanted. Add to this that he won’t go against Biden to any real extent. Here are the reasons why from Newsmax:

President Joe Biden’s policies, not his personality, should be what costs him the election, according to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who calls him a “good guy,” rather than following former President Donald Trump’s “Crooked Joe” characterization of him.

I wonder what the Democrats have on Cocaine Mitch? Joe Biden is NOT a “Good guy.” We are seeing how corrupt he has been going back decades. Stealing classified information and leaving it unsecured everywhere, (And potentially selling it). Selling his office as VP and more than likely Senator. Finally his inappropriate behavior towards preteen girls and his own daughter.

“I know Joe Biden pretty well. He’s a good guy; I like him personally,” the Kentucky Republican, who spent more than 20 years with Biden in the Senate, told a Louisville audience this week, reports The Hill.

Biden was quite good at conning people. However, McConnell is just as corrupt as Biden, in different ways, which is probably why he has no problem with him.

However, McConnell said he never believed Biden’s efforts to portray himself during the 2020 election as a moderate, as he was never a moderate when they were in the Senate, and said his administration has created a “regulatory nightmare” after he “signed up with the far left of the Democratic Party.”

Nice of you to notice you worthless pile of steaming horse manure. Anyone who paid any attention to Biden over the decades knew what a scumbag he was and just how much contempt he has for things like the Constitution or the Rule of Law.

Saturday, while speaking in Philadelphia, Trump asked if he should “be tough and nasty” with Biden or “be nice and calm and let him speak” during Thursday night’s debate in Atlanta.

Well, we know that President Trump decided be nice, calm but tough and basically let the Dementia Patient destroy himself.

McConnell, though, said that if Biden is defeated, “the principal reason that will occur is two unforced errors: one, the $2.6 trillion creating the inflation, and the other, basically, opening the border.”

No, it’s a lot more then that you Deep State Uniparty hack. Yes, inflation is a major problem, and throwing open the borders as well. However, we also have the two-tier justice system, his kowtowing to the Hamas wing of the Democrat party, and using the DoJ and FBI to go after anyone who won’t follow the Democrat narratives. Finally, there is the obvious mental decline, which you should have done something about yourself.

Meanwhile, McConnell and Trump fell out after the then-majority leader congratulated Biden on winning the 2020 election, waiting until after the Electoral College voted before he recognized Biden as the president-elect. Until this year, Trump and McConnell reportedly had not spoken since 2020. 

McConnell was just fine with his Deep State buddy becoming President since the only thing he and the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump agreed on was the courts. McConnell knew there were serious questions regarding the 2020 election and instead of just looking into things, was quite happy to get rid of President Trump and go back to the way things were.

McConnell has also supported several of Biden’s bills after he became president, including a $1 trillion infrastructure package in 2021 and investing in the domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry in 2022. 

That was a complete waste of money and very little of it went where it was allegedly supposed to go. That and several other spending bills are what triggered the massive levels of inflation we’re now suffering under. I wonder just how much of that money went into McConnell’s personal accounts?

Mitch McConnell is one of the reasons this nation is in dire straits. He is not part of the solution, he is a major cause of many of the problems. That he thinks Joe “Hairsniffer” Biden is an OK guy tells me and many others all we need to know about McConnell. The sooner he’s out of the senate, the better.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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