Top level Democrats rallying around the Dementia Patient

Good day all. As we’re seeing, there are calls to remove Dementia Joe Biden from the 2024 race and probably from the White House. However, the Democrat “Grand Poobah’s” are figuring out that replacing Joe Biden may not be all that simple. So what is Plan B?

Circle the wagons and protect Joe Biden from himself. Thursday, June 27th during the Great Debacle, the Democrat narrative that Joe Biden was fine and that everything the Republicans were saying about him, that he was mentally incompetent and unfit to hold office, was nothing more than deep fakes and political hate mongering. Then came the debate and the whole world saw just how bad Joe Biden actually is.

Worse, CNN forgot to turn the stage cameras off. They showed President Trump briskly walking off the stage and Joe Biden being carefully led down a couple of steps by Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. While that was happening, the Democrat Propaganda Corps was in shock and had no idea what to say or do. Everything they had been pushing had just been proven a lie. Now that the shock is wearing off, and the drugs are kicking in, top level Democrats are rallying around the basket case. Here are the details from Fox News:

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and former House Majority Whip Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., rallied behind President Biden during television appearances Sunday, saying he should remain in the race despite his disastrous debate performance.

The lawmakers admitted during appearances on CNN’s “State of the Union” that Biden had a “bad night” Thursday, but both rejected the growing calls for him to drop out of the race. Pelosi claimed he only struggled due to former President Trump’s on-stage “lies,” while Clyburn argued his poor performance was merely due to “preparation overload.”

Preparation overload? Well, considering that Mush for Brains Biden can’t handle concepts more complicated then choosing vanilla or Rocky Road ice cream, that might be a bit accurate. As for Pelosi’s claim of “Trump’s lies,” Prove it. Pelosi is a proven liar herself and may end up criminally charged next year for her actions before, on and after the January 6th protest. (I think that really scares her)

CNN host Dana Bash opened her interview with Pelosi by citing a poll showing that 72% of Americans believe Biden is no longer mentally capable of holding office.

“Well, what do they think about the other guy?” Pelosi asked of voters. “Do they think that he has the integrity to be president after that performance? Let us not make a judgment about a presidency based on one debate.”

“The fact is, the reaction to the lies of Donald Trump is something that… people are focusing on, and to have a debate where you have to spend half your time negating what he said because he knows nothing about the truth,” she added. “On one side of the screen you have integrity and on one side you have dishonesty.”

Pelosi is one of the worst, most corrupt Speaker’s of the House we’ve had in over a century. Her first reign of error was so bad, it cost the Democrats something like 70 seats and control of the House. She recently admitted that it was her refusal to allow President Trump to bring in additional National Guard troops that let things get out of hand. There is a reason she’s out of the leadership now.

Clyburn, who was the House assistant Democratic leader until last year, also brushed off Biden’s embarrassing debate in his interview with Bash, saying he has full confidence that Biden can both beat Trump in November and serve as the leader of the free world for four more years.

“I do not believe that Joe Biden has a problem leading for the next four years, because he’s done a great job of leading for the past three years,” he said. “Joe Biden should continue to run on his record.”

Run on his record? Are you mental? The Biden Maladministration is neck and neck with that of the James Buchanan Administration as the worst one in American history. Buchanan’s actions led to the American Civil War. Dementia Joe incompetence, both administratively and mental, stupidity and arrogance may have pushed the country to the point of outright collapse and potential nuclear war. The economy is a shambles, the borders are, for all intents and purposes, undefended, we have been invaded by millions of criminal aliens, and that gibbering idiot caused Russia to invade the Ukraine.

Clyburn went on to acknowledge that Biden had a “bad performance” on Thursday, but offered his own explanation for why it happened.

How nice of you to admit the obvious. Now what is your excuse for it? The drugs wore off to soon?

“I’ve been around these things. I’ve been a part of debate preparation before, and I know when I see what I call preparation overload,” he said. “That’s exactly what was going on the other night. I saw Joe Biden grappling for words and phrases and even numbers that he was loaded up with. But today he arrived in North Carolina, he was freewheeling and he captivated the audience.”

Captivated the audience? What audience? There wasn’t one per the Biden campaign’s demands. Now if you are talking about the television audience, then you are somewhat correct, if for the wrong reasons. People were captivated by Biden’s performance the same way they are captivated by a train wreck or a slow motion car crash. They know it’s horrible but just can’t turn away.

I think that Biden will remain on the ticket unless he drops dead. For one thing, the First Karen Lady, Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden won’t let Pedo Joe to step aside. Another reason is who will replace him? Kamala Harris will not go quietly into the shadows. Newsom? He has his own issues. Some have mentioned Wretched Gretchen Whitmer, but her baggage is as bad as Newsom’s. Finally it may be to late to put the replacement on the ballot in several states due to their ballot access laws. I think the Democrats are stuck with Joe Biden and the defeat is going to rival Mondale’s in 1984.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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