DHS considers Trump supporters and others may be terrorists

Good day all. Once again I have something in my queue that slipped due to the political collapse of the Biden Maladministration and the Democrat Party. Still it needs to be discussed.

The Department of Homeland Security was created in the aftermath of the 9/11 attack. It has proven to be what a lot of people expected, a complete waste of money, incompetent and a threat to the Constitutional Rights of the American people.

With the installation of the Worst President* in American History, Joe Biden, it’s now just another arm of the Democrat party. They, along with the DoJ and the other three letter agencies have been going after anyone who supports President Trump, The Make America Great Again idea, or dares to speak out against the Democrat narratives. Now DHS advisory board is saying that pretty much half the country are probable domestic terrorists. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Department of Homeland Security (DHS) advisory board suggested that supporters of former President Donald Trump – as well as those who served in the military or are religious – have a greater possibility of posing domestic terrorism risks, according to internal files obtained by America First Legal (AFL).

Named the “Homeland Intelligence Experts Group,” the now-disbanded board was created in September 2023 to provide DHS with “expert” analysis on subjects like terrorism and the trafficking of certain controlled substances like fentanyl.

Looking at who these “Experts” were, I can understand why they think anyone who supports President Trump are probable terrorists.

The panel, according to the conservative legal nonprofit’s findings, included former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan, both of whom signed onto an October 2020 letter falsely dismissing Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as Russian disinformation.

The documents revealed that the board suggested “supporters of the former president” accounted for “most of the Domestic Terrorism threat” in the U.S.

“There is a political backdrop to all of this. It seems that most of the Domestic Terrorism threat now comes from supporters of the former president. It is not like you want a political advantage, but people have attacked the government and its institutions for the last six years,” meeting notes from the board stated.

Really? Funny, I don’t recall people in MAGA hats rampaging through cities, looting and burning and murdering. Wasn’t that Antifa and the BLM?

Citing unnamed “researchers,” the board also claimed that specific traits – like those who served “in the military” or are “religious” – are “indicators of extremists and terrorism” that the U.S. should be “more worried” about.

“If you ask researchers to dive into indicators of extremists and terrorism, they might indicate being in the military or religious,” the board said. “This being identified as an indicator suggests we should be more worried about those. We need the space to talk about it honestly.”

Oh yes, the infamous “Unnamed researchers” that are never cited, identified and in all probability, don’t actually exist.

The files were released Friday as the second installment of AFL’s “#DeepStateDiaries,” which was described by the organization as a “multi-part series of releases including newly obtained documents.”

“These shocking records reveal apparent unabashed partisanship on this Deep State committee,” AFL Executive Director Gene Hamilton told Fox News Digital. “All efforts to weaponize the federal government against political opponents of the ruling regime should be stopped. We look forward to exposing more records in the coming days.”

Nice of you to notice. The Biden maladministration has been using the DoJ to go after anyone who they perceived as a threat to them and the Deep State. We’ve seen them going after people who object to the crap the teachers unions have been trying to force down their children’s throats. They have flat out filed false charges against people for crimes that never happened. The persecution of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, is the final proof that most Americans needed to know that the Federal Government has gone out of control.

Certain efforts outlined in the files released Thursday showed how the board hoped to enhance its ability to collect information about Americans.

Why am I not surprised?

The group of “experts” said the “See Something, Say Something” campaign following the 9/11 terrorist attacks in New York City fell short because “Americans have an ambivalent feeling of telling on each other.”

The basic American philosophy is “Mind your own business.” People do not like snitches. If someone sees something that is clearly against the law and dangerous, such as Biden chasing a 12 year old girl, they will move to either stop it or if they can’t, call the police. People who just call in for no real reason? Yeah, they aren’t liked and are generally called “Karens.” This isn’t what the “Experts” want.

“We see people who go off the rails. We need people to say something. We need a nationwide campaign to push it to the locals,” the meeting notes stated.

“To get a mother or teacher to come forward, it needs to be a public health catcher’s mitt,” one board member noted.

Basically, these totalitarians wanted to create a vast internal spying network were everyone is reporting on everyone else. I think this is something the East Germans did prior to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Nice to see who these “Experts” want to use as an example.

Following its successful lawsuit on behalf of former Acting Director of the United States National Intelligence Ric Grenell, AFL announced last month that the Biden administration had decided to “disband” the group.

The Homeland Intelligence Experts Group was announced by DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas last year. The group was a collection of figures from the private sector to provide perspectives on the government’s intelligence and national security efforts.

“The security of the American people depends on our capacity to collect, generate, and disseminate actionable intelligence to our federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, campus, and private sector partners,” Mayorkas said in a statement at the time.

Mayorkas has been a disaster for the security of this country. It was under his watch, with the connivance of the Biden White House, that the United States has been flat out invaded by millions of criminal aliens. Now they’re worried that they may have let Islamic terrorists, such as ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and other slip in.

Mayorkas is, of course, protected. The Republicans have tried to get rid of him, but the Democrats, a pack of corrupt thugs themselves, have blocked every attempt. Now we’re seeing reports daily of crimes being committed by these illegals and what’s Mayorkas’s response? To go after Americans who don’t like the government, Joe Biden and support President Trump.

Personally, I hope that when the next administration takes over, that a criminal investigation into Mayorkas be initiated and if actual crimes are found, that slimeball is indicted, tried and convicted. Step two will be dissolving the DHS which should never have been created in the first place. It has failed at everything and was nothing more then a Deep State wet dream made real.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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