4th of July, 2024

Good day all. Today is the 248th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. We are at a point that many people are wondering if we have a chance of making it to our 250th anniversary in 2026. We have arguably the worst, most corrupt administration in American history headed by a senile corrupt psychopath.

Last year I put together an edited version of the original Declaration of Independence titled “A New Declaration of Independence, July 4th 2023.” In the last year, things have, if it’s at all possible, to have gotten even worse. We have seen the railroading of the Greatest President of the 21st Century by a literal kangaroo court in New York. Hundreds of Americans are still locked up without trial over the January 6th protests.

The Democrat Party has thrown off any pretense of supporting the Constitution, the Rule of Law, Liberty and the United States. They have demonstrated that they are the party of slavers, totalitarians and tyrants.

Recently, the Supreme Court of the United States issued a number of decisions that reversed previous decisions that were flat out wrong and unconstitutional. They have also upheld presidential immunity for things done in office. This, along with other decisions, all of which went against the Progressive Liberal Democrats goals, caused the Democrats to demand basically the end of the Supreme Court.

The recent debate between the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump, and the worst president* in American history, Dementia Joe “Hairsniffer” Biden, has caused a major rift. Since before the Tainted Election of 2020, Joe Biden has been showing signs of serious mental degradation. The Democrat Propaganda Corps had circled the wagons prior to the debate, calling all the videos of Biden’s obvious decline “Deep Fakes.”

The debate put an end to that and now there is serious talk in the Democrat Party on how best to get both Biden and Harris off the ticket in November. There are several problems with this. A number of states will not allow the Democrat Party to replace Biden on the ballots unless he is removed from office or dies. Then Harris would be the “Heir apparent.”

Harris is an even bigger disaster then Biden, if that is all possible. There is also the problem of Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. She’s not going to let Joe step aside, even if he wanted to. It looks like the Democrat National Convention in Chicago is going to be an even bigger dumpster fire then the 1968 convention was.

The Democrats are now at the point of desperation. They are on track to lose the Presidency to Donald Trump. They are also looking to lose the Senate and see the GOP significantly increase their hold on the House. If/when the new Trump administration comes in, they will be a lot better prepared then they were in 2017. If the GOP controls both the House and Senate, the previous four years are going to be very carefully reviewed and I have little doubt that a long list of Washington insiders might find themselves in the dock.

This is why many people on the right are concerned that the Democrats might just do something really stupid. They might be looking to have the corrupt New York judge, Juan Merchan, throw President Trump into prison on the trumped up charges hoping to both disrupt his campaign and get President Trump killed.

There is also a possibility that they might try to cancel the election in some way, possibly by having Dementia Joe declare some sort of national emergency with a declaration of martial law. This would be followed up by mass arrests of Republican office holders, both federal and state. That, of course, like everything else the Democrats have tried, would fail in the extreme.

People have been talking about a “National Divorce,” where states secede from the Union. Others have been talking about a hot civil war. Neither of those are things anyone wants to see. What is frightening is that these ideas are no longer out on the fringes.

The best thing we can do today is have a good time with friends and family and prepare to vote in November. I am hopeful that the totalitarian Democrat Party will be hammered at all levels and that their attempts at fraud will be stopped in it’s tracks this time. Next year, if all goes well, we will have President Trump in office, working once again to Make America Great Again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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