Biden still won’t quit the race after ABC interview

Good day all. I actually started a different post about Dementia Joe’s refusal, not to mention inability to admit he should step down. Then came the ABC interview with Democrat Operative George Stephanopoulos.

The “Interview” was meant to show that Biden was not senile and full control of his mental faculties. Instead it showed that Biden is delusional and in denial regarding just how bad things are for his campaign. Here are some of the details from Newsmax:

President Joe Biden’s post-debate, damage-control interview with ABC News left one CNN analyst admitting the incumbent is in delusional and in “denial.”

David Axelrod, a fierce anti-Trump voice, panned Biden’s performance in his softball interview with Democrat operative-turned-anchor George Stephanopoulos and says Biden must step aside before Democrats suffer defeat.

Yeah, that’s not happening. Biden is a senile psychopath. His level of delusions may be rivaling a certain dictator in a bunker in Berlin in 1945.

“Only ‘the Lord Almighty’ could persuade him to give up the race, the president said, as a growing chorus of Democrats, fearful of an electoral disaster, call for him to step aside: Denial. Delusion. Defiance,” Axelrod, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama and strategist for his two presidential campaigns, wrote in a scathing rebuke on CNN.

“It can’t be the good Lord, but it should be the people who love and care for him and his closest advisers,” Axelrod added in a CNN appearance.

The only one Dementia Joe will potentially listen to is Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden and she has no intention of telling Joe he needs to step down. It would mean that she would lose her influence and power.

“His portrait of where he is in this race doesn’t comport with reality.”

Apparently, whatever drug cocktail they had Biden on helped somewhat, it didn’t help enough, especially since Biden, as usual, went off script and ingested some shoe leather. The responses to his interview have not been kind to say the least. Here are a few more details from RedState:

As we reported Joe Biden’s effort to redeem himself from his debate debacle hasn’t been going well. His interview on ABC was a train wreck. The response was just brutal, with even ABC host Jon Karl saying it failed to reassure anyone and it just added fuel to the fire.

Biden’s denialism disturbed even more people as he refused to accept the dire position he was in, what anyone was saying if they weren’t supporting him staying in or the polls.

This surprises people? Never mind his senility, Biden has a long history of denying reality. The only reason he remained in office was his staff and the Democrat Party protecting him.

That prompted one House Democrat to say that he was completely “insulated from reality” and pollster Nate Silver to say that they should be working on a plan to transition to Kamala Harris in the next 30-60 days. 

The only difference between Kackling Kamala and Dementia Joe is that Harris is not senile. She is incredibly stupid and isn’t liked by anyone. As for Biden’s denial of reality, this is Standard Operating Procedure for that psychopath. Anything that goes wrong is always someone else’s fault.

We saw it after the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, where he refused to admit that any mistakes were made. He lied about getting Americans out and then left hundreds behind, along with thousands of allies. And now in the debate, he was even denying the deaths of the 13 service members who were killed because of his poor planning. 

This is typical of the Worst president* in American History. He has always blamed others for his own failings. This was happening even before his brain turned to hot mush. All of this, along with his recent performances starting with him crapping his pants, (again), in Normandy in June, has started the ball rolling to get him the Hell out of the White House. (And keeping the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump from getting back in)

The problem of course is that neither Dementia Joe Biden or Kill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden are having any of that.

Instead of listening to anyone with sense telling him to step aside, he appears to be relying on a “very tight inner circle” in the words of George Stephanopoulos. I wrote earlier about that “very tight circle” said to be three people who had thrown up a bubble around Biden, like “Weekend at Bernies” and including the man referred to as Jill’s “work husband,” Anthony Bernal. 

Nick Arama, is the author of the RedState piece. He’s also not the only one who’s noticed that only “Yes Men” are being allowed near the presidential basket case.

According to Martha Raddatz, administration officials are telling her that that very tight inner circle is telling them that he can win, that he needs to keep going. 

“This includes his wife, Jill, who they said is lashing out at those who want him to get out of the race,” she said. 

This is where the problems arise. If the Bidens won’t step down, the only way to get rid of Joe Biden is to either impeach and convict him in Congress or remove him under the 25th Amendment. The former is pretty much impossible. Previously, the Republicans would have been happy to impeach Biden. Now? They are enjoying the collapse of the Democrats and their blind panic.

Removing Biden under the 25th would be a bit easier, however the Biden’s will fight it tooth and nail and in the end, it will still require actions by Congress and that will probably take to long. The election will be either here or on the way. It will also be used by the Republicans against both Biden, whoever the Democrats get to stand in for him and the down ticket candidates as well.

The Democrat Party has no one to blame but themselves for this. They rigged the 2020 primaries when it looked like Comrade Bernie might actually win the nomination. All the other primary candidates with the exception Tulsi Gabbard. The problem With Tulsi Gabbard is that she isn’t a screaming communist. The Democrat Base wouldn’t support her.

The other possibility was Kackling Kamala Harris, the retired prostitute. She was blown out of the Democrat Primaries before the first one was held. However, she checked a number of virtue signaling boxes so when Obama and the DNC put Joe Biden in place, they named her as VP. They also saw her as impeachment insurance, much as Biden was considered impeachment insurance for Obama. If they had made Tulsi Gabbard VP, Biden would probably already be in a dementia ward somewhere.

Now they’re stuck. Biden is toast. However, it looks like they won’t be able to force him off the ticket unless they play games at the Democrat Convention. This isn’t an impossibility. They’ve done things like this in the past. The problem here is that Harris should be the next in line, however the Democrats want her gone as well, and she will put up an even bigger fight then Jill “Call me Doctor Damn It!” Biden. So sit back and enjoy the show.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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3 Responses to Biden still won’t quit the race after ABC interview

  1. Jason A says:

    I honestly think, if the Dems want to try either of the Congressional routes to oust Biden, the Reps should essentially sit on their hands and let the D’s do it / try to do it all on their own.

    The infighting alone among the various D factions might take the entire organization out as a viable political org for a couple election cycles at least, and even better might be the possibility of Joeys’ name STILL ending up on several states’ ballots regardless of the outcome, meaning whoever the D’s anoint to run would be a write-in candidate.

    On top of all that, the R’s could ALSO use the situation to their advantage in pretty much every race for campaign ads.

    Time to buy stock in popcorn manufacturers!

    • If the Democrats decide to go 25th Amendment on Biden and he fights it, it would require both houses to remove him similar to a full impeachment. The Republicans should simply smile at them and then ignore them.

      • Jason A says:

        Oooo, or have a couple R’s who aren’t up for re-election this cycle, JUST enough to give the D’s hope they might get a 25th through, make noises like they’d vote for it.

        Then, not. Just play mind-f**k games with the D’s


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