Democrats unified in opposition to stopping illegal voting

Good day all. There is one thing that Democrats will fight tooth and nail to stop and that’s making sure that only people who are legally allowed to vote, (United States Citizens), are the only people who do vote.

One of the major problems of the 2020 Tainted Election was verification of voters and their right to vote. This was primarily producing identification. With all the mail drops and other “things,” there were a number of issues regarding the honesty and validity of the election.

Jump forward to 2024. Thanks to the actions of the worst president* in the history of the United States, millions of criminal aliens have invaded the United States. Some of these criminals have already been found to be registered to vote. This has led the Republicans in the House of Representatives to put a bill demanding proof of citizenship. The Democrats are 100% opposed to this. Here are the details from Fox News:

House Democrats launched a united effort to vote against a Republican-backed election bill that would require voters provide proof of citizenship to cast ballots in federal elections. 

Republicans are pushing the passage of the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which would amend the National Voter Registration Act, and require states to obtain proof of citizenship from voters for federal elections, as well as purge noncitizens from voter rolls. 

I don’t have a problem with this. After all, only American citizens, native born or naturalized, should be voting in elections.

Democratic leadership is urging its House members to vote against the bill in the lead-up to the vote, saying it would place “an extreme burden [on] countless Americans” in order to vote. 

And what burden is that? If you have a passport, you should be all set. I think real ID also is proof of citizenship. I had to come up with all sorts of documents when I renewed my license and had the Real ID added to it.

“As we’ve seen a number of times this Congress, House Republicans continue to irresponsibly call into question the credibility of our elections. Despite numerous recounts, challenges in court, and deep-dives by conservative think-tanks, there has been zero evidence of the widespread fraud that this bill purports to target. It is already illegal under current law for noncitizens to register to vote or to vote in federal elections,” the office of House Minority Whip Katherine Clark, D-Mass., wrote in a “whip question,” Axios first reported. The whip vote rounds up this coming weeks’ votes and outlines guidance regarding how Democratic House members should vote

Zero evidence? Oh there has been plenty of evidence. I’ve read over the years how green card holders were signed up to vote without their knowledge when they got a drivers license. I also recall a few that were discovered and arrested when they actually did vote.

Republican House leadership, meanwhile, is urging the bill’s passage, with House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., posting on X that “the SAVE Act will safeguard our elections by ensuring only American citizens vote in federal elections.”

Under the legislation, voters would be required to provide proof of citizenship via IDs and documentation such as a passport, a government-issued photo ID showing proof the individual was born in the U.S., military IDs, or a valid photo ID as well as documentation showing proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, the legislation states. 

So what’s the problem here? Everyone has a birth certificate. If you have a passport, you’re all set to go. I’m assuming they are also counting Real ID stamps on drivers licenses and nondriver ID’s as well.

Johnson circulated a 22-page report late last month urging House members to pass the legislation, contending there is “irrefutable evidence that noncitizens have been illegally registering to vote and have illegally voted in U.S. elections.”

“While falsely claiming the 2016 election was ‘stolen’ due to ‘foreign election interference,’ Democrats ignore the real threat of foreign election interference posed when noncitizens are allowed to register and vote in U.S. elections,” Johnson wrote in the report. “Lax voter registration laws make it possible for noncitizens to register and vote in federal elections while campaign finance loopholes allow noncitizens to fund U.S. election activities – both of which can affect the outcome of our elections.”

The problem, of course, is that anything that increases the security of the ballot makes it harder for the Democrats to steal an election. This is something the Democrats will fight tooth and nail to prevent. They are demanding their “Right” to steal votes and rig elections. Then you have Elon Musk and his growing contempt for the Democrat Party.

Johnson’s X thread championing the legislation last week received support from fellow Republicans, as well as critics of the Democratic Party. Tech billionaire Elon Musk notably sounded off that lawmakers who vote against the bill are “traitors” to the U.S. 

“Those who oppose this are traitors. All Caps: TRAITORS What is the penalty for traitors again?” Elon Musk posted in response to Johnson’s post. 

I’m sorry Elon, but this isn’t treason as defined by the constitution. However, in spirit, you aren’t wrong. Still, it will earn you a community note correcting you.

The bill comes as the immigration crisis continues mounting under the Biden administration, with at least 1.6 million migrants designated as “gotaways” alone between Fiscal Year 2021 to Fiscal Year 2023, Fox previously reported. Gotaways are individuals who evade Border Patrol agents. 

That “Gotaway” number is low. Really low. By it’s very nature, there is no way to accurately count the number of criminal aliens who slipped past the Border Patrol. You also have the millions that were caught and then released. They are being given all sorts of welfare benefits by the Democrats because they want to use them as voters in the election. You also have a few cities and states, all under the domination of the Progressive Liberal Democrats, who are looking to give legal resident aliens the vote. (No. Just no. If they want to vote, then they can become naturalized citizens)

It doesn’t matter if this bill passes the House, it will die in the Senate. Even if, by some miracle, it actually made it to the Dementia patient’s desk, he would veto it. I suspect we’re going to have to wait until 2025 and we have a new congress and a new president. Assuming that everything goes the way we hope, this bill, properly written to block the courts from screwing the United States again, should pass and go into effect.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Democrats unified in opposition to stopping illegal voting

  1. Diane Guinn says:

    The worst part is that most of the GOP (group of pussies) know it and continue to turn their back on it.


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