NYC Mayor Eric Adams indicted

Good day all. This news literally just broke. I saw it in my news feeds when I woke up. The Department of (In)Justice has indicted New York City mayor Eric Adams.

This is a breaking story and the 72 hours rule is in effect. The actual indictment is still sealed so were don’t have the actual charges being brought against Adams yet. The rumors are that he is being hit with the Biden Maladministration’s favorite charge of “Being an unregistered foreign agent.” Here are the details so far from Fox News:

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted New York Mayor Eric Adams on federal criminal charges, multiple sources familiar confirmed to Fox News. The details about the indictment remain under seal. Multiple sources have confirmed to Fox News that the indictment could be unsealed as early as tomorrow.

On a legal note, and being that I’m not a lawyer, I really don’t understand why they would issue a warrant and not announce the actual charges. It would seem to me that if someone is being arrested, they have the right to know what for. As for Adams?

“I always knew that if I stood my ground for New Yorkers that I would be a target — and a target I became,” Adams said in a statement obtained by The Associated Press. “If I am charged, I am innocent, and I will fight this with every ounce of my strength and spirit.”

There has been an ongoing investigation into Adams and his campaign for a while now. The reports are that his campaign took donations from Turkey and helped clear the way for their new consulate in New York. I have no idea if this is true of course, and I really can’t understand how anyone could be so stupid if it is true. But then, Democrats.

In February, FBI agents raided the home of Winnie Greco, one of his top aides, in the Bronx. In November, feds swarmed the property of another aide, Cenk Ocal, a former Turkish airlines executive who joined the mayor’s transition team. That same month, they visited Brianna Suggs, the mayor’s chief fundraiser.

Shortly after this, the Progressive rats started turning on each other.

Rana Abbasova, another close aide, reportedly flipped on the mayor in May after scrutiny over his dealings with Turkish Airlines, according to the New York Times.

Interestingly, the day before the news of Adams being indicted, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex shot her mouth off demanding that Adams resign. I had thought about doing a post on it, but obviously, there is no point. In any case, it looks like others are calling for Adams to resign. AOC just appears to have jumped the gun.

“The mayor and his administration appear to be riddled with corruption, and the public has lost all confidence in their ability to move the five boroughs forward. Mr. Adams should do what’s best for this city and step aside so that a new election can be held. His situation is untenable,” said New York State Conservative Party Chairman Gerard Kassar

Since when has any Progressive Liberal Democrat ever considered what’s best for anyone other then him or herself?

“Another NY Democrat clouded in scandal. Time and again, they have proved they only care about their personal power and scoring political points, not what’s best for New York’s taxpayers. It’s time for people to send a message that they aren’t going to take it anymore,” said New York Congressman Nick Langworthy.

Just an FYI Representative Langworthy ins one of the very few Republicans representing New York. Perhaps things might change in November?

“We can add another name to the list of high-ranking Democrats in Albany and New York City tarnished by scandal, including Governors Andrew Cuomo and Eliot Spitzer, who both resigned in disgrace,” said New York GOP Chair Ed Cox. “One-party Democrat rule in New York City and New York State is not serving the best interests of our citizens, who continue to flee New York for states with lower taxes, more freedom and less corruption. It is highly likely that Mayor Adams will have to resign following the revelation of the specific charges against him.”

Recently, Adams and his people started annoying the Biden-Harris, (Or is it Harris-Biden?) maladministration with his calls to stop all the illegal immigration and that New York can’t handle the inflow. Of course, New York City is one of the Sanctuary cities and states like Texas and Florida decided to make them put their money where their virtue signaling mouths were and bussed up thousands of illegals.

When Adams started turning on the maladministration, he became a target and that seems to be when the investigations started. Of course, there is also the possibility, (Probability), that Adams is guilty as sin too. This is New York after all and they’ve been arresting NY politicians going back to Boss Tweed. Interestingly, most of them have been Democrats too. Well, it will soon be up to a jury to decide.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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