Democrats asking 4th Circuit court to block GOP from challenging elections

Good day all. The Democrats are continuing to do whatever it takes to keep the GOP from blocking their plans to steal the 2024 election. Currently, they are trying to get the 4th Circuit Court to block the GOP from any challenges to any part of the 2024 election.

This all started back in 2020 when the GOP and President Trump started going to the courts to get them to look into all the issues with the presidential election. Prior to 2018, the Republicans were under consent decree going back to 1981 that prevented the Republican contesting anything that looked like ballot, voter or election fraud. The consent decree was finally lifted when the original judge in the case died and a new one reviewed everything.

The 2020 election was the first time that the Republican Party could actually issue challenges, and as we now know, there was a lot out there that needed to be challenged. This caused the Democrats no end of fits. Prior to this, they could do pretty much whatever they wanted, (And did), to make sure that the Democrat Party would win. I won’t bother going over all the stuff from 2020, it’s been done.

Now the Democrats are trying again to keep the Republicans from stopping their next election “Steal.” Here are the details from the Federalist:

Left-wing forces in Washington, D.C., are attempting to revive a 2020 lawsuit against former President Donald Trump, his campaign, and the Republican National Committee to tip the scales of the election in favor of Democrats.

If the Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) have their way, Trump and the RNC would be barred from “engaging in any activities related to recounts, certifications, or similar post-election activities” without receiving prior approval from the D.C. District Court to do so.

Normally, I wouldn’t see this getting any traction, however the case has ended up in front of one of the most corrupt federal judges in the country.

Moreover, the case is before lawfare Judge Tanya Chutkan, who is overseeing Trump’s criminal trial in the nation’s capital, despite calls for recusal over prejudicial statements she made against Trump in a separate case.

Chutkin is one of the Obama judges that Obama and the happily dead Dingy Harry Reid literally packed the 4th Circuit Court with. She has a long history of abuse and ignoring the Constitution. If any judge needs to be removed from the bench, it’s her.

This case is just another example of the left weaponizing courts to take out their competition. The left simply doesn’t want Republicans to be part of the process or be able to engage in routine election activities like observe polling places,” Jason Snead, executive director of Honest Elections Project, told The Federalist in a statement.

Liberals want elections to be run behind closed doors where nobody can observe the process or question liberal election policies. It’s shameful that left-wing lawyers act as if the courts should work only for Democrats.”

Congratulations! You have just figured out the end game of the Democrat Party. Their goal is to end all potential competition and insure that the United States becomes a single party state ruled by an elite few. Since most Americans aren’t on board with this, the Democrats go to their pet judges to have them suppress anyone who gets in their way.

The case threatens to effectively put back in place restrictions that hindered the RNC for nearly four decades. A judge appointed by President Jimmy Carter instated the restrictions when he settled a case between the RNC and the Democrats with a consent decree that limited Republicans’ abilities to partake in regular election practices like poll watching.

That consent decree expired in 2018 when the corrupt Democrat judge, (Are there any other kind?) Finally kicked the bucket. Even when he was retired, every time this case came up, he would make a trip back to the bench to uphold it. It was blatantly a partisan judge sticking it to the Republican Party as a favor to the Democrats.

Of course, the GOP(e) country club Republicans back then were idiots for agreeing to that decree in the first place. Thankfully most of them are no long in a position to screw the party any longer. (FYI, I am a registered independent and not a member of either or any party)

From 1981 to 2018, the judge, who only served for 15 years but took senior status for 21, continued to renew the consent decree, and modify it in favor of Democrats, as The Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway pointed out in her book Rigged:

For decades, the Democratic Party built up expansive coordination efforts that the Republicans were prohibited from developing. Republican candidates and state parties could do things on their own, but not with help from the national party. …

The consent decree also meant the RNC was kept out of almost any litigation related to Election Day. In fact, a main part of the RNC’s legal efforts came to be training RNC staff to stay away from Election Day operations on Election Day, including recounts, and fending off litigation that arose from the consent decree. It utterly paralyzed the political operation of the RNC, as the slightest misstep would result in getting sued by Democrats.

There is no way that the current Republican National Committee is going to repeat the mistakes of the RNC managers from the 1980’s. They will litigate this and if Chutkan decides to play her usual games, it will go to the Supreme Court. It would also bee seen as yet another move by the Democrats to steal elections and suppress any attempts to stop them.

Now the case itself was originally filed four years ago and was already dismissed once before. The NAACP and the MWRO refiled an amended version of the original case and this is the one now in front of Chutkan.

This lawsuit has been going on for four years and is a frivolous and transparent attempt at election interference,” an RNC spokesman told The Federalist. “That’s why the court dismissed the initial complaint. Plaintiffs’ amended complaint fares no better and won’t stop the RNC from protecting the integrity of our elections.”

Before this ended up in front of Chutkan, it was handled by two other judges. Then it was “Randomly reassigned” to Chutkan in 2023. I really wonder just how “Random” this reassignment was? Chutkan’s history as a dedicated protector of the Democrat Party and the Deep State is well known. Of course, we all know that any questions about how this ended up in front of her will be seen as just another conspiracy theory.

Although no major decisions have been made on the case yet, at a November hearing, Chutkan highlighted how important it was to keep the case moving in time for the 2024 election.

It’s been pending for a long time. At a certain point, a failure to decide means that it effectively denies the plaintiffs their remedy,” Chutkan told Trump’s lawyers. “Their remedy is they’re seeking injunctive relief to prevent what they allege are the problems that arose in the 2020 election; and the 2024 election is staring us in the face.”

Well, this leads me to believe that Chutkan has, as usual, already made her decision on how this case is going to be decided without bothering with little things like a hearing, presenting evidence or a trial. I have no doubt at all that she fully intends to reimpose that old consent decree, or worse as soon as she can get away with it and at a time to do the maximum amount of damage to the Republican party.

A ruling in favor of the plaintiffs would restrict the Republican Party from being involved in elections more than the 1981 consent decree because the new lawsuit, in addition to asking that poll watcher restrictions be reinstated, seeks to limit GOP interactions with election officials.

Which is exactly what the Democrats want.

Speaking with CNN, Rajiv Parikh, a Democrat attorney involved in keeping the 1981 consent decree alive, said Democrats believe a court intervention here will be particularly helpful for them in swing states like Georgia and Pennsylvania, where lawsuits and challenges are almost certain to arise.

Gee, why would lawsuits be filed? For the Democrats, it will be to suppress the Republican vote and make sure that they win. For the Republicans, it will be to stop the Democrats from their usual tactics of Grand Theft Election.

The Democrats have been rigging elections going back at least to the Kennedy/Nixon race. Lyndon Baines Johnson, who was the VP nominee, literally stuffed ballot boxes to hand Texas to JFK. The turnout among Cemetery Vote in Chicago was near 135%. Back then, Nixon and the GOP knew that the election had been stolen but decided for the good of the country, they wouldn’t fight it.

That, obviously, was a mistake, but back then the GOP was really just Democrat Lite, New York/North Eastern based and more concerned with their privileges. The original consent decree was an outgrowth of their stupidity and elitism.

When the decree was ended in 2018, it gave the Republicans a chance to actually look into what the Democrats had been doing for the last 40 years. When the Tainted Election of 2020 occurred, the GOP, the Trump Campaign and a number of individuals instituted legal challenges. None of them were ever heard by the courts since the judges, in many cases in violation of the law and the constitution, refused to allow them to proceed.

In 2022, there were a number of local races, *cough* Arizona *cough* where there were lot of questions about the honesty of the elections. The RNC under Ronna Romney McDaniel did nothing and due to her and Cocaine Mitch McConnell, a number of winnable races were handed to the Democrats.

Now that she’s gone and McConnell is on his way out, the current leadership of the RNC is ramping up in case they find the Democrats once again rigging things. This is why the Democrats are trying to get one of their pet judges to reinstitute the original decree. This time isn’t isn’t going to work. The GOP will not agree to this and will take it to the Supreme Court.

Perhaps it’s time for the Democrats to just stop their lawfare games. If they keep this up, they might find themselves facing actual warfare. There is also the chance that Chutkan will actually do the right thing and throw this out once and for all.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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