Harris continues emulating Biden, plagiarizes other people’s work

Good day all. One of the things that the Democrat Propaganda Corps flushed down the memory hole was Joe Biden’s habit of plagiarizing other people’s work. The most notable was his theft of a speech by Neil Kinnock, who was the Labor party leader in Britain back in the 1980’s.

That sank his first campaign for President. Now news is coming out that Vice President Harris also stole other people’s work. Here are the details from Fox News:

Vice President Harris is being accused of plagiarizing from several sources in her 2009 book on policing that was released while she was district attorney of San Francisco.

The book, “Smart on Crime: A Career Prosecutor’s Plan to Make Us Safer,” was co-authored with Joan O’C Hamilton.

I looked up this book on Amazon. The ratings come down on two sides, Sycophants and what appear to be people with functioning brains. The latter were not kind in their reviews.

The so-called “plagiarism hunter,” Austrian professor Stefan Weber, found 27 times that Harris, the 2024 Democrat nominee for president, and her co-author allegedly committed some form of plagiarism. He found that “24 fragments are plagiarism from other authors, [and] 3 fragments are self-plagiarism from a work written with a co-author.” 

Obviously, I haven’t read this book and never will. I can’t say what was in it that drew Professor Stefan Weber’s attention. I did a quick search and it looks like he’s Austrian and, as the old saying foes, doesn’t have a dog in our election hunt. Since he isn’t a United States citizen and doesn’t reside in the United States, I think that makes his accusations far more credible.

Manhattan Institute senior fellow and conservative activist Chris Rufo first reported on the allegation on Monday, pointing to multiple examples from Harris’ book in which entire sentences and phrases were apparently lifted from other sources without the use of quotations, though in some cases a footnote cites the source. 

Now, to be far, it’s possible that some of the sections stolen copied by Harris and her co-author may have simply been missed when they were finalizing the book. That does happen and a reputable writer, once this is pointed out, will make the corrections. I’m sure that Harris and Hamilton will do this forthwith.

“Taken in total, there is certainly a breach of standards here. Harris and her co-author duplicated long passages nearly verbatim without proper citation and without quotation marks, which is the textbook definition of plagiarism,” Rufo wrote. 

Hmm, that doesn’t sound like small editing errors to me. That sounds more like “Grand Theft Biden” where they stole entire sections and claimed them as their own.

Fox News Digital independently verified that Harris’ book features verbatim and near-verbatim reproductions from a 2008 NBC News report, a press release from the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, a Wikipedia page and a report from the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), among others.

The Fox News article then posts several sections that are pretty clearly lifted from several different groups. I won’t reproduce them here since the sections are rather lengthy and when I reference things, such as this article from Fox News, I always link back to them. This is such a simple thing, referring back to the original source material. Granted works that are more “Scholarly” which this blog most certainly is not, tend to be more rigorous in how they want their attributions.

Both Harris and her coauthor should know this since they both went to collage, and Harris went to Law school. If you don’t supply proper attributions, you will get a bad grade at best. At worst, you will be expelled from school. As a lawyer. Kackling Kamala would have written legal documents that referred to other cases or other legal papers. Screwing those up gets cases thrown out of court. This mess looks like it was intentional on their part. Now the question is, will Harris throw her coauthor under the bus and simply say those were sections Joan Hamilton wrote?

If you needed another reason to not vote for the two proven liars, here it is. What a pity that for the Progressive Liberal Democrats, that they don’t see this as a problem. Some might say they see it as a good thing. I see it as something that the people that had their work stolen should use to seek redress and compensation. Of course, nothing will happen because “Special People.”


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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