Daily Archives: November 17, 2015

Spain nukes the fridge, orders arrest of Netanyahu

Once again, Spain demonstrates why no one takes them seriously any longer. The Spanish courts have issued an arrest warrant for Prime Minister Netanyahu regarding the 2010 boarding of some blockade runners that went sideways. Continue reading

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John Oliver on the Paris attacks

Good day all. Normally, I don’t watch John Oliver’s show on HBO, Last Week Tonight. However, every once in a while something comes up that he comments on that crosses political lines. Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton frisks NH State Official

Good day all. With all that’s happened, this story slipped under the radar. It involves Hillary Clinton all but strip searching the New Hampshire Secretary of State before letting him into his own office. Continue reading

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Illinois lottery sales plummet

Good day all. In the department of “Well Duh!” we have news that the sale of lottery tickets in Illinois have plummeted. The reason for this is rather simple.

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