Obama has no use for sick children…

If they interfere with whatever he wants to do. Good day all. This story came out Sunday, (September 20th) about how the Secret Service shut down a candlelight vigil for childhood cancer patients.


The vigil took place, or was planned to take place that is, in Lafayette Square. Here’s what happened according to the Washington Post:

The U.S. Secret Service ordered hundreds of parents and their cancer-stricken children out of Lafayette Square on Saturday night, barricading the park for at least two hours and disrupting the group’s plans for a candlelight vigil to raise awareness and research funding for childhood cancer, participants said.


Some of the parents and children expressed hurt and disappointment that the Secret Service and Park Police, citing security precautions, virtually shut down part of a two-day event called CureFest for Childhood Cancer. “We ended up waiting at the gates for two hours, and they never let us in,” said Natasha Gould, an 11-year-old Canadian girl who started a blog after being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor this year. “And to be clear, the entire crowd was half kids. I cried last night in my hotel room because it was my first CureFest, and I couldn’t believe people were acting like they don’t care about children.”

Il Douche

Much as I hate to be the one to tell you this, but the Progressive Liberal Fascist Democrats, led by Il Douche actually don’t care about children. I doubt they really care about their own children all that much.

As the closure dragged on, some of the sick children, fatigued by the wait or the need to receive medication, had to return to their hotel rooms, organizers said. Others began crying, and some parents became enraged. Attendees said the group of at least 700 people were not allowed access to personal items they left behind, such as chairs and blankets.

Whoever was running the security detail that night should be demoted to guarding the broom closet. Obviously, this moron has no idea how bad this looks. He or she should have gone up the chain to inform the Dirtbag in Chief what was going on and see if he was willing, (HAH!), to alter his plans a bit.

Police officers and agents on the scenes told some parents that the closure was necessary because President Obama had left the White House from an entrance near the square to address the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation’s annual gala.

Oh I’m sure they were absolutely terrified that a child in a wheelchair was going to whip out an RPG and open up in Der fubar.

eye roll

At first, we were patient. I mean we’re a peaceful community; we’re fighting for kids’ lives,” said Anthony Stoddard, a New Hampshire resident who, after the death of his 5-year-old son, launched an initiative to light public buildings in gold as a show of support for children who have cancer. “But after about an hour, or hour and a half, it started getting a little angry, some of the fathers.”

And now you are seeing the differences in style between your average Democrat president and your average Republican president. The Republican would have altered his or her point of departure or at the very least done something to minimize the disruption. The Democrats consider themselves to be little kings and can do whatever they like and the serfs can just get out of their way.

A typical tolerant Democrat

Let’s assume, for the moment, that this event had occurred under President Trump. What would he have done? I would hazard a guess that at the very least he would have altered his plans so as not to interfere with these people. I suspect he would have actually arranged to go out and meet some of the parents and children, and he would have arranged for the White House to be lit up as they were requesting. Why? Because, whatever else you may think of Trump, he does put his money where his mouth is. (Or hair as the case may be)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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