Liberal delusion is red lining

Good day all. Since the crushing defeat of Felonia von Pantsuit, the Social Justice Warriors, Precious Snowflakes and Democrat party members, (But I repeat myself), have been in full meltdown mode. It’s gotten serious with riots and death threats against President-Elect Trump in most of the “Blue” areas.

Precious Snowflake

The Precious Snowflakes refuse to accept that the grown ups voted to put Donald Trump in the White House. They have demanded a new election, (and will continue to do so until the right candidate wins), the end of the Electoral college and in a few cases, secession from the United States. Now they’ve come up with another “Brilliant” idea. They are petitioning the Electoral college members to change their votes and give the election to Felonia von Pantsuit. Here are the details from Fox News:

Voters upset that Republican Donald Trump had been elected president — or think that the presidency was unfairly taken from Democratic rival Hillary Clinton — are scrambling for ways to change the results.

Their major focus is trying to get members of the U.S. Electoral College to change their vote, arguing that Clinton should be the next president because 60.47 Americans voted for her, compared to 60 million for Trump.

That 470,000 votes is with the MOF, (Margin of Fraud). There are some serious questions on some of the vote totals in places like Virginia. However, Donald Trump won most of the votes in the Electoral College and will be the next President.

The college is part of the Constitution and is composed of 538 members, with each state and the District of Columbia having one member, or electorate, for every senator or House lawmaker. Trump won 290 of the so-called electoral votes, in the race to get a minimum 270.

Donald Trump

However, members don’t officially cast their ballots until December 19, which has Trump opponents making long-shot efforts to reverse the outcome, including petition drives to get the electorates to switch their votes. The largest effort is through the website, which as of Saturday has about 3 million signatures, getting closer to its goal of 4.5 million.

Petition organizers argue on the site that some states don’t require their electorates to vote for the presidential nominee who had the most votes in their state. And for electorates in states that by law require them to ballot for the nominee who won the most votes, “their vote would still be counted, they would simply pay a small fine,” the organizers write. “We can be sure Clinton supporters will be glad to pay!”


The delusions of these people is actually becoming frightening. Just how delusional are they? Take a look at what states they are going after to get Electors to change their votes.

Organizers in that drive are targeting roughly 160 Republican electorates in the 15 states that Trump won and don’t have laws bounding the electorates to the winner: Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

eye roll

Every one of those states voted for Trump, in many cases, by a large majority. There is no way that the Electors will vote for Felonia, and for reasons I’ll mention later. Meanwhile, the “Usual suspects” are calling for an end to the Electoral collage and elections by full mob rule.

A Baltimore Sun editorial this weekend called the college a “convoluted system” and “the product of an 18th century compromise forged over issues that no longer apply and resting on assumptions about the wisdom of the average person we no longer hold.”

It is not worked the way it was intended almost from the very beginning,” continued the editorial, which also suggests states follow Maryland’s lead by essentially joining a movement that could side-step needing a constitutional amendment to change the system.

Actually, it is working the way it was intended to. The College was designed to protect small states. If you take a look at the map of what areas went Republican and what areas when Democrat, you will see that most of the map is red, (Republican), and only the high population density areas, mostly cities, voted Democrat, (Blue)

Since the Democrats control the cities, (generally), ending the Electoral College, which would require an Amendment I believe, would essentially end the nation as a republic and turn it into a single party state ruled by the Democrats. Basically, the people in the rest of the country would not only be ignored, they would be forced to support the cities.

And that brings us to what would happen if the Moonbats managed to get the Electoral College to dump President-Elect Trump and give the election to Hillary Clinton. Long story short, outright civil war instantly. The faithless electors would literally be hunted down and lynched. Hillary Clinton’s chances of living long enough to take the oath would approach near zero. As for all those Precious Snowflakes out there who would do anything to put Hillary Clinton in office, well…the phrase “Bloodbath” comes to mind.


This is what the Moonbats, Social Justice Warriors, Precious Snowflakes and the Free Stuff Army forget. The people they have been accusing of racism, misogyny, and every sort of “ism” under the sun, are also the most heavily armed segment of the American population. Most of these people voted for Donald Trump and were happily surprised that the polls were wrong and that Trump won.


If you were to succeed in stealing the election from them, they would decide that, “That’s it. Game ON!” and the guns would come out of the closet. This is the main difference between the Moonbat left and the Wingnut right. (I’m an equal opportunity insulter) The left will riot, burn, loot, and attack anyone who opposes them. The right? They will take careful aim, and it will be a slaughter. The left will lose and upwards of 10 million people killed. How about we don’t go there, ‘kay?

Smoking gun

In 2009, Barack Obama won. People such as myself were deeply disappointed. We knew just how bad he would be as president, and we were right. Did we riot? Did we loot? Did we burn down our neighborhoods? No, we didn’t. We buckled down and worked through the system to mitigate the damage as best as we could and prepared for the 2010 elections. We won big time.


In 2012, Obama ran for reelection and we lost again. Did we riot? Did we burn our neighborhoods down again? Did we loot? Nope, we buckled down again and worked to use any lawful, constitutional method we could to stop Obama, and we prepared for the 2016 election, Guess what? We won. You LOST. Suck it up and forget this nonsense of trying to steal the election. You won’t be able to and if you do, we will see a replay of the Battle of Athens, Tennessee writ across the country.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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7 years ago

Actually, I’m pretty sure that when they actually finish counting the popular vote, if she still has a lead at all it will be a few hundred to maybe 10,000. Absentee and military votes were not — last I heard at least — yet fully counted. And those tend to break about 2-1 for the R candidates.

Some people have said his count has already exceeded hers, though I have no proof to offer that this is actually true.