CNN discovers the “Streisand Effect”

Good day all. For the last week, CNN has been busily digging a hole for itself. A crude video was released showing President Trump body slamming someone with the CNN logo for a head into the floor.

It was basically a crude photoshopping of a wrestling video. The video drew the attention of President Trump’s people and they tweeted it out. Right on cue, CNN and their fellow travelers in the media started screaming that “Trump is supporting violence towards the media!” To top it off, CNN, forgetting the Rule of Holes, continued digging ever deeper.

CNN propagandist pretending to be a journalist, Andrew Kaczynski, found out the identity of the person who created the video. Then he threatened the person, apparently a 15 year old, that if he didn’t apologize and delete all his accounts, they would publish his name and all information they had on him. The boy, who went by the Reddit handle of HanA**holeSolo, promptly caved in.

This is where things have really started going south for CNN and Kaczynski. When they proudly announced on the CNN web site what they had done, it set off a backlash against CNN. Almost immediately, the militant autistics of 4Chan declared war on CNN.

They promptly began creating and releasing videos that made the original one look tame in comparison. These are the same people who drove the crazed moonbat, Shia Lebeouf, absolutely insane shortly after President Trump took office. Now they have set their sights on CNN.

There are also reports that CNN blackmailed the wrong person. According to a Buzzfeed report, it may be that Kaczynski extorted and threatened the wrong person.

This is still unconfirmed, but people are looking into it. There is also the issue of the outright blackmail of HanA**holeSolo into apologizing and closing down his accounts. There are a number of people with legal backgrounds that are saying that CNN might just have crossed the line and committed both state level and federal level felonies.

CNN is also owned by Time-Warner. Time-Warner is trying to sell itself to Charter Communications. This includes CNN. Considering all the news about just how blatant the bias of CNN has become, bordering becoming a propaganda machine for the Democrat Party, I wonder if Charter might just decide to pull the plug on the whole deal, or possibly sell off or spin off the CNN division.

Whatever happens, CNN is probably going to get sued and possibly criminal charges might be brought against certain people. No matter what happens, CNN is in big trouble. Who knows? If Charter does complete the sale, they may come in and clean house. It would be the only way to restore CNN’s credibility as a news service. It’s going to be an interesting time for CNN. I hope they enjoy the attention.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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