Democrats getting a taste of their own medicine

Good day all. Recently, the People’s Democratic Republic of California started down the primrose path to a single payer healthcare system. Then, reality came up and smacked them in the back of the head with a Clue x 4.

The Legislature, which had been going full bore into creating a single payer system finally did the math and came to the rather obvious conclusion that it would crash the state economy almost overnight. The leadership decided to table the bill until “certain issues could be worked out.” This didn’t sit well with the Social Justice warriors of the Perpetually Offended, and they have resorted to their usual tactics, issuing threats. Here are the details from Fox News:

California Democratic lawmakers are facing a brutal backlash from union activists and others on the left after shelving a universal health care bill – a debate that has grown so intense that lawmakers say they’ve faced death threats and other violent rhetoric.

Assembly Democrats publicly decried the “bullying tactics” in a written statement over the weekend, maintaining that lawmakers are committed to improving health care but need to have an “open discourse.”

In recent days, we have become alarmed and disheartened by bullying tactics, threats of violence, and death threats by a few who disagree with the decision of Speaker Anthony Rendon to postpone the advancement of SB 562,” they said, referring to the scrapped single-payer health care bill. “While it is appropriate for persons of varying views to express concern, disapproval or disfavor about the delay, it is never acceptable to engage in those tactics.”

I think the phrase goes “Sauce for the goose” or something.

Now, the problem was the costs. It was estimated that the single payer plan would cost more then the entire budget of California. According to The Blaze:

SB562, the Healthy California Act, would replace California’s health insurance marketplace with a publicly funded system, the Bee’s reported Monday. The new system would provide health care coverage with no out-of-pocket expenses for all California residents. The California Senate Appropriations Committee found that the bill would cost $400 billion per year.

Now the legislature was playing their usual fun and games with how all this would be funded. Primarily, it was going to be smoke, mirrors, rainbows and unicorn farts. In other words, they had no real idea. This is why Speaker Rendon shelved the thing. California has some serious fiscal issues already, (As in they’re giving Illinois a run for the money on bankruptcy), and this plan would break the state.

Of course, the “Gimme” brigades and the “Free Stuff Army” flat out don’t care. They want their free stuff and will attack anyone who says they can’t have it.

Being the typical Progressive “Antifa” thugs that they are, they immediately went to death threats.

Rendon announced on June 23 that he was shelving legislation to set up a government-run, single-payer health care system in the state. This prompted an immediate backlash from the California Nurses Association, which had backed the $400 billion plan.

On social media, the union circulated the image of a California bear with a knife stuck in its back. On the blade was Rendon’s name. The protests and rhetoric escalated from there.

And then came this gem on Twitter.

One tweet that gained attention in local media said, “I pray someone checks his schedule for baseball practice” – an apparent reference to the Rep. Steve Scalise shooting outside Washington last month.

Now the Democrats in California are facing the same tactics that they’ve been quietly pushing against President Trump and his supporters. We had Calexit, which has pretty much fizzled out after it was discovered the guy organizing it lives in Russia. Then we had, and continue to have the Antifa thugs. These people have proven that they are nothing more than violent Fascist thugs similar to the old Nazi S.A.

They just happen to be a lot less competent.

I hope the Progressive Democrats are happy now. Instead of squashing these thugs, the way the Republicans come down on violent radicals that pop up on their side, they nurtured and encouraged them. Like all hard left groups, the issues of “Political purity” have come into play with the usual reactions to anyone who doesn’t toe their line. Violence.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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