The fascist left goes all in

Good day all. One thing that the mess in Charlottesville did last weekend is show people just how much the left in this country hates freedom of speech and the 1st Amendment. Since then, they have ramped up their demands for suppression of anything they don’t like.

The latest offense against freedom comes from the Black Lives, (and no one elses), Matters group. They want to outright ban anything to do with the Confederate States of America. Here are the details on their Fascistic desires from Polzette:

In the aftermath of violence at a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, progressive activists nationwide have demanded, and in some cases illegally carried out, the tearing down and removal of statues and monuments to Confederate leaders and soldiers on public space. Now Black Lives Matter activists have gone even further — going so far as to call for a ban on all Confederate imagery — even in private possession.

Inspired by Germany’s post-war laws banning any and all Nazi imagery, Black Lives Matter activists on Twitter called for a similar ban on Confederate imagery or memorabilia.

After WWII, Germany outlawed the Nazis, their symbols, salutes & their flags. All confederate flags & statue, & groups should be illegal,” tweeted the Black Lives Matter Chicago Twitter account, @BLMChi.

First, a few small issues. To begin with, this isn’t Germany, it’s the United States. Second, there is this pesky little thing called the 1st Amendment, third, if they were to actually start trying this, the reaction would be…not good.

Germany has that ban because of two things. The Nazi’s were the scum of the earth, rivaled only by the Communists, and second, they lost the war and we sort of told them what they were going to do. Trying to do this runs into a number of practical matters too.

Outlawing all Confederate flags, symbols, statues, and groups would not only be indescribably impractical — taking into account the existence of battlefield monuments, graves, Civil War re-enactors, every single souvenir shop within a 10-mile radius of Gettysburg, historical computer games, and Lynyrd Skynyrd albums — it would also be illegal.

As if that bothers the Black Lives, (And no one elses), Matter thugs.

“Even the most liberal Supreme Court justice knows that the remedy to hateful or offensive speech is opposing speech,” Eddie Zipperer, an assistant professor of political science at Georgia Military College, told LifeZette. “This would be a blatant violation of the First Amendment.”

“Leftists always haul out the argument that you can’t yell ‘fire’ in a crowded theater, so free speech has limits,” he said. “But that argument is nonsensical. Historically, the Supreme Court goes to any length to protect political speech — even wildly unpopular speech.”

Actually, you can shout “FIRE!!” in a crowded theater, but if there isn’t an actual fire, you might have a few problems. Besides, these days, fire isn’t the issue, it’s usually some nut, (Who votes Democrat), or a Muslim going all Jihad in theaters.

Zipperer provided as an example the decision in the 2011 case Snyder v. Phelps, in which the court ruled 8-1 to “protect the absolutely horrible, hateful speech of the Westboro Baptist Church during a protest of a dead soldier’s funeral.”

I had to look up that case. It revolves around another group of scum called the Westboro Baptist Church. These scumbags liked to go to the funerals of soldiers who died in the line of duty and screech “God Hates Fags!” and other assorted crap. They never interfered with the funerals to my knowledge, but they were just as nasty as the white supremacists and Nazi scum. The court ruled, with the exception of Justice Alito, that walking piles of crap that the Westboro Baptist Church members were, they had the right to spew their venom.

“That case was decided by all the same justices we have now, except Scalia was on the court instead of Gorsuch,” he noted. “The Supreme Court has allowed almost no limitation on political speech, and there’s no reason to think that will change.”

Justice Alito was the lone dissenter, writing:

Justice Samuel Alito was the lone dissenting justice in this case, beginning his dissent with, “Our profound national commitment to free and open debate is not a license for the vicious verbal assault that occurred in this case.” He concluded, “In order to have a society in which public issues can be openly and vigorously debated, it is not necessary to allow the brutalization of innocent victims like petitioner.”

As much as I would agree with his sentiments, he was dead wrong in saying that bad words should be banned. The other justices, including the late Justice Antonin Scalia concluded that speech, no matter how vile, must be protected. It’s a pity that our elected officials, on both sides of the aisle, have a long and sordid history of ignoring the parts of the Constitution they don’t like. They also have a serious problem with American history and want to destroy it.

The entire Congressional Black Caucus called on Wednesday for the removal of all Confederate-related statues in the nation’s Capitol.

“The Congressional Black Caucus and the Black Lives Matter movement ignore the reality that the central figures in Confederacy, from Robert E. Lee to Jefferson Davis, were also central figures in American political life,” said Dr. Lee Cheek, a professor of political science and history and Dean of the School of Social Sciences at East Georgia State College.

“Most of the more important figures were the children of heroes or veterans of the American Revolution,” Cheek continued. “For example, CSA Brig. Gen. and Secretary of War George W. Randolph was the grandson of Thomas Jefferson. Lt. Gen. Richard Taylor, CSA, was the son of General and President Zachary Taylor and the grandson of a Revolutionary War officer.”

I guess that Dr. Cheek hasn’t been keeping up with the news. Now these Totalitarian Proglodyte Fascist thugs want to start tearing down anything to do with Thomas Jefferson and George Washington. Why? Well guess what? They owned slaves!

“As the great American historian Dr. Clyde Wilson has noted, there are hundreds and hundreds of these historical connections; in other words, this is an American story as well as a Civil War story that should be shared with the rising generation in its fullness,” he said.

Not if the Moonbats have their way. The last thing they want is a successful, free Republic where individuals matter. They would rather destroy everything if they can’t rule it themselves.

“The greatest threat to Congressional Black Caucus’ new ‘cultural revolution,’ inspired by an illiberal and anti-democratic worldview, is an environment in which free and uninhibited discussion and disagreement can take place,” Cheek continued.

“In fact, diversity of thought is the opposite of their desires, but is at the heart of a free society. The proponents of historical cleansing are on the ascendency, and the authentic study of the American South is the victim,” he said.

The Left’s goal for the last century has been the destruction of the United States as a free nation. They have worked at it since the early days of the 20th century, when Woodrow Wilson was president. Wilson, a Democrat, was an outright racist who would have fit right in with the white supremacist movement. He also despised the Constitution and believed, like all good Proglodytes, that Americans should be ruled by an elite. Of course, the Democrats try to avoid discussions regarding their own past leaders.

Last weekend may have lit the fuse on what a lot of people hope will never happen. A second American Civil War. Right now, you have the extreme left, led by the Antifa fascist thugs and the BLM scum attacking anyone that says anything, or even appears to oppose their views. They aren’t verbally attacking them, they are physically attacking them. Most people they go after aren’t looking for that sort of fight, so the Leftards literally get away with assault and attempted murder.

The times, as the song goes, they are a changin’ and now people are starting to fight back. So far, these incidents have been few. (I’m not commenting on the car incident in Charlottesville, since that is still being investigated) A number of people I know online are saying “That’s it! That’s the way you want to play it? Fine. GAME ON!” Not one of these people wants it to go to a full blown battle, but they are fed up with the BLM, Antifa and their Democrat Party backers and supporters.

They won’t go out of their way looking for trouble, but when, not if, it happens, they are not going to hold back. When that happens, (Again, unless the Antifa/BLM thugs back off, it won’t be if), it will be a bloodbath. There are some people saying that the Uniparty elites are hoping that this actually does happen, so they can then crack down fully and assume the dictatorial control they feel is their due. They don’t comprehend that they too will be targeted.

How about we all take a step back, crack down on those who don’t want to discuss things, but would rather set fires, loot stores and beat people who they don’t like, and chill out for a while? I’m ready to. I don’t want another civil war. The problem is, the Proglodyte Leftards aren’t and they seem to want a full blown confrontation. I’m one of many very worried people.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to The fascist left goes all in

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Ask people to look into the 1654 legal case in the Virginia colony of Anthony Johnson. This was the first case law in America that said that Mr Johnson had the right to hold his servant for life (slavery). Mr. Johnson was Black. If I ever hear someone say their ancestors were slaves, I will be sure to pointedly ask if the slaveowner was white or black.

    • And they will say “Not Possible! Only Africans could be slaves, you white racist!!” You could also ask them where the root of the word “Slave” comes from. Hint, The First Lady is from that region.


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