DNC: Where have all the donors gone?

Good day all. Things are looking up today, just not for the Democrat National Committee. It seems that their new chairman, Tom Perez aka El Doofus, isn’t raking in the bucks they way everyone thought he would.

This wasn’t what was supposed to happen. El Doofus was supposed to be the shining light of cash collections for the DNC. However, the donors, they’ve decided to go on vacation instead. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Democratic National Committee just posted its worst July fundraising numbers in a decade, raising questions about why the party machine cannot capitalize on President Trump’s low approval ratings and whether new Chairman Tom Perez is up to the task.

Oh I think I know why the money tap is on the “OFF” position, but I’ll come to that later.

The DNC raised $3.8 million last month, compared to $10.2 million for the Republican National Committee. The tally fit a pattern for the Democrats, who have posted a string of depressed fundraising numbers month after month this year, even after new party boss Perez took charge in February.

And the Republicans response?

Perez, after the small haul was announced last week, attributed the disappointing July results to understaffing and too few fundraisers as he tries to rebuild the group in the wake of 2016’s damaging controversies.

Ahh yes, the standard Progressive response. “It’s not my fault!!”

The DNC had a similar response when reached by Fox News, issuing a statement from press secretary Michael Tyler saying the group is “still focused on rebuilding” but confident that “our team will raise the resources needed as we head into 2018 and beyond.”

Somehow, I don’t think so. While Democrats love blowing money, eventually, the well will run dry, the Cash Cow will die and the money tree will fall over. Since El Doofus has taken over from the utterly corrupt Debbie Downer Wasserman Schultz, the Democrats have spent tens of millions of dollars on one failure after another. While Trump’s supporters aren’t getting tired of winning, the Democrat money people are getting tired of taking a flame thrower to their money.

Many Democrats seem willing to extend Perez, a Labor secretary in the Obama administration, a longer honeymoon, considering the situation he inherited.

Shouldn’t that be “Helped cause.”?

DNC Chairwoman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, of Florida, resigned last July after hacked emails revealed discussions about undermining primary candidate Bernie Sanders. Then the party suffered a devastating defeat four months later when nominee Hillary Clinton lost to Trump.

I notice that they haven’t mentioned the special elections to replace members of Congress who went to work for President Trump. I think it’s currently 0-4 in favor of the GOP(e). Probably to embarrassed by their crushing defeats and the millions flushed down the toilet.

Perez is trying to reorganize,” said a Democratic strategist, whose ties to the DNC go back the early-2000s, when now-Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe used his fundraising prowess to finally get the group out of debt.

McAuliffe had the advantage of being the Clinton’s bagman. When he “Put the arm” on donors, they knew it was in their best interests to pony up. After all, the Clinton body count was growing by leaps and bounds back then. El Doofus doesn’t have that advantage of “Making donors offers they can’t refuse.”

“We really should be kicking their asses,” one Democratic donor told The Hill. “It shouldn’t even be close, considering all hell is breaking loose on their side.”

Keep dreaming there bub. The problems Trump is having can be laid at the doorsteps of the GOP(e) NeverTrumpers who would rather see Trump fail and be crushed, instead of doing what they were sent to Washington to do in the first place. All the lies you and your lackeys in the Democrat Propaganda network keep pushing haven’t taken hold.

The real problem for the Democrats is they have no ideas at all, other then the ones that were so thoroughly rejected in the last few elections. That and the senior leadership is suffering from dementia.

Former Tennessee Democratic Rep. Harold Ford suggested Monday that the fundraising issues are connected to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi now essentially being the party’s most recognizable and influential figure.

Unfortunately for Democrats … Nancy Pelosi is less popular than Donald Trump is in many of these districts where Democrats have to win,” he said on MSNBC. “Without a message and a local messenger, it is very difficult to construct a path to victory for Democrats in the Senate winning the majority and Democrats in the House doing it as well.”

There are other reasons as well. The usual means Democrats win, by cheating, is beginning to fall apart. President Trump’s commission is looking into election issues, such as the zombie vote going 120% in favor of the Democrats.

Ben Tulchin, pollster for Sanders, on Monday downplayed the fundraising numbers, arguing they should be viewed in a larger context.

DNC and RNC fundraising is largely tied to the president who’s in power,” said Tulchin, president of San Francisco-based Tulchin Research. “Debbie Wasserman Schultz was a good fundraiser, but President Obama was also in the White House. So I’m not overly concerned.”

Barack Obama was probably one of the best fundraisers for the Republican party in years.

But time is running out. The primary races for the 2018 midterms are now just months away, with Democrats aiming to win at least 24 House races to take control of the chamber.

I see someone is listening to San Fran Nan again. The Democrats are defending a large number of seats in the Senate, and the House may see an increase in GOP seats. Where you might see a major change is the number of current GOP(e) members, House and Senate, who could face primary challengers and could lose their primaries.

The Progressives could see that as being to their advantage. But, and it’s a really big but, a Kardashian sized but in fact, the Democrat Party is utterly bereft of anything that attracts people who have the capability of thinking for themselves. They just keep repackaging the same old thing. More power to the State, suppression of Free Speech, confiscation of Firearms, open borders and moving the nation to a single party state similar to California.

Clinton’s defeat highlighted Washington Democrats’ disconnect with voters. And in March, interim DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile admitted she’d used her position as a CNN commentator to share with Clinton questions for a primary debate.

It isn’t just the disconnect with voters. Now we’re seeing that the Democrat Party is supporting the thugs from the Antifa and Black Lives (Only) Matter groups, along with all the major corporations that back the Democrats, such as Goolag and Rotten Apple, actively using their systems to flat out suppress anyone who doesn’t toe the Progressive Proglodyte line.

Today, the only people who support the Democrats are Marxists, Socialists, Communists, Illegal Aliens and the Globalist elite led by George Soros. The regular people that the Democrats relied on are voting their own self interests. They want to keep their hard earned money, be safe from criminals, and have school systems that actually teach their children that America is a great nation.

Until the Democrats purge the hard left from their ranks, they will continue to lose. Their donor class is growing tired of backing one loser after another. It’s now eating into their bottom line. Since the Democrats no longer have their hooks into the treasury, the donors have been suffering a serious cash flow problem. They don’t see the current crop of criminals as worth supporting, so they aren’t.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to DNC: Where have all the donors gone?

  1. BruceInVA says:

    Their problems are made even worse by the fact that Trump does not want to spend money for the sake of spending money as pols have done forever.

    Trump has lowered the national debt and, if he has his way, will lower it a whole lot more. That makes a smaller pie for the donors to get a piece of. And since Trump doesn’t have any donors to which he “OWES” some, it ain’t gettin’ spent. Not on Dems, not on SQRLs (Status Quo Republican Liberals), not on any of the Uniparty.


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