New York Slimes decries Trump using child labor

Good day all. Over the weekend I wrote about 11 year old entrepreneur Frank Giaccio who made a deal with President Trump to mow the lawn in the Rose Garden at the White House. Generally, Young Mr. Giacco’s offer to cut the grass under the guidance of President Trump was well received throughout America.

There were exceptions of course, starting with a complete and utter loser who used to be the labor reporter for the New York Slimes. This blithering idiot accused President Trump of violating all the child labor laws on the books. The backlash was swift and sure. Here are the details from Fox News:

A former New York Times labor reporter has been slammed on social media for a snarky tweet hitting the White House for letting an 11-year-old boy mow the Rose Garden lawn last week.

Steven Greenhouse, who worked for the Times for 31 years and still writes for the paper on occasion, took issue with the feel-good story of the boy, Frank Giaccio, of Falls Church, Va., who showed up at the White House Friday to cut the grass at the invitation of President Trump.

Not sending a great signal on child labor, minimum wage & occupational safety >> Trump White House lets a 10-year-old volunteer mow its lawn,” Greenhouse, who covered unions for much of his time at the newspaper, tweeted.

When I wrote the original post, I made a few snide remarks that some leftist proglodyte moonbat would accuse President Trump of violating Child Labor Laws. I honestly didn’t think anyone would be that stupid. I was obviously mistaken. The twitter storm against Greenhouse Gases was quick and harsh.

The sanctimonious and humorless finger-wagging of nanny state progressivism in one tweet,” conservative commentator and journalist Bill Kristol tweeted.

Greenhouse Gasses failed to remember the 1st rule of holes. When you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING! He not only continued digging, he asked for a much bigger shovel.

After his initial tweet, Greenhouse engaged in a spirited back and forth with other Twitter users who disagreed with his view and let him have it. He tweeted later, “What this kid wants to do is noble, but sorry, I’m mindful of problems–I’ve written lots about child labor & kids being hurt by machinery.”

This opened the floodgates on Twitter, with one comment after another demonstrating why people like Greenhouse Gasses should not be allowed to post on Twitter without competent adult supervision. For instance, one TinaC on Twitter replied:

Teaching kids to be self-sufficient and the value of a day’s work is problematic now? FFS! My dad had me on the tractor when I was 9.

And how did Greenhouse Gasses respond? By barking like the proglodyte Moonbat that he is.

Dear fledgling writer. Didn’t you read the links I tweeted. It’s great to teach kids to be self-sufficient. It’s important that they be safe

It goes on from there with Greenhouse Gasses spewing ever more climate changing fumes. This knothead took a positive story of a young American seeking to improve himself and turned it into yet another Progressive blast at President Trump and American exceptionalism. The problem here is that Greenhouse Gasses has missed the point.

Young Frank was doing what any kid his age would do. That is called “Chores.” Most kids do them and that generally includes dad telling you to go out and mow the lawn. (While he sits back on the couch with a cold beer and watched the game of course)

I started cutting the lawn around that age and I wasn’t using a push mower. Our family estate was very large, (My father was a lawn Nazi of the first order), and I used a riding mower. It generally took me all day between the main lawn, using a push mower on the side areas and clipping the edges. I have a sneaking suspicion that Mr. Greenhouse Gasses never cut a blade of grass until he was well into his 20’s, if then. No, I suspect he just hired illegal aliens to do the job for him. That is what Progressive do, isn’t it? Hire Mexicans to do the jobs they can’t be bothered to do themselves?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to New York Slimes decries Trump using child labor

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    There are times like these that I occasionally regret not having a Twit account. I could so empty a volley gun into that moron.


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