Progressives threaten 8 year old girl

Good day all. Several months ago, when Alexandria Occasional-Cortex started touting her plans to restore slavery under the guilse of her “Green New Deal” an 8 year old girl took the internet by storm with her impersonation of AOC. Her first video, where she was explaining the Green New Deal went viral and Mini AOC was born.

The young lady portraying Mini-AOC wore big red glasses similar to Occasional-Cortex and bright red lipstick. She looked exactly like how you would think Alexandria Occasional-Cortex looked at that age. Her father wrote up a simple script for her and would video the impressions. The young lady was a natural and funny to boot.

Needless to say, this pissed off the “Usual suspects” on the left, and they began doxing the little girl and her family. At first it didn’t matter, since her parents listed their names and address with the idea of getting a few paid appearances for their daughter. Since the information was out there, (Along with a couple of TV appearances), the doxing failed. Recently, the progressives and their Antifa thugs moved to the next level. They started making death threats against the young lady and her family. Because of this, her parents were forced to pull everything down. Here are the details of the terrorist actions by the CommuNazis from Fox News:

The 8-year-old child actor who went viral for impersonating Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, is no longer going to make videos due to death threats and harassment she and her family have received. Earlier this year, Ava Martinez, known as “Mini AOC,” brought joy to her fans with several videos poking fun at the socialist darling, collecting millions of views on social media. However, the fun came to a screeching halt on Wednesday when Martinez’s family announced that she would no longer be impersonating Ocasio-Cortez and that all the videos created would be removed.

“The Left’s Harassment and death threats have gone too far for our family. We have been getting calls on our personal phone numbers,” Martinez’s stepfather Salvatore Schachter tweeted. “For our safety and for our child’s safety, we deleted all Mini AOC accounts.”

I saw most of the videos and it was obvious that young Ms. Martinez was having a ball making them. Of course, as an 8 year old, she probably has no interest at all in politics and has only a basic grasp of the concepts she was parodying. The videos were hilarious, and basically showed what a childish moron Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is. Needless to say, that was the reason for the left to threaten to murder Ms. Martinez and her family.

Schachter told Fox News that the feedback from “Mini AOC” was overwhelmingly positive, but the negativity “became too much” after she reenacted photographs the congresswoman had taken at the southern border last year, adding that the comments were “increasingly personal, dark, and dangerous.”

“She’s disappointed at not doing Mini AOC going forward but we explained that this is for the best and she’s okay with it,” Schachter said.

She isn’t the only one who’s disappointed. So where the tens of thousands of fans she’s acquired, including me. Still, her parents have their priorities straight. Ms. Martinez and her siblings come first.

Ava’s family had one message for those on the left who harassed her and her family.

“The world has seen Ava’s beauty, talent, and charm, which was the whole reason for Mini AOC to begin with and no amount of hate or anger will change that,” Schachter told Fox News. “Also, like Ava says, ‘try using your words.'”

This is how the left operates today. Threats, intimidation and violence. They have no sense of humor at all when it’s one of their own getting laughed at and they will do whatever it takes, in their putrid brains, to shut down any dissent. Threatening to murder an 8 year old girl because she made fun of their socialist hero, Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is part and parcel for them. I am not amused, and neither is our old friend, Chuck.

I would love to ask Representative Alexandria Occasional-Cortex a few key questions on this matter:

“Have you heard and seen the parody videos of Mini AOC? Have you heard that she was threatened by your supported with death, along with her family? Are you good with that or will you denounce them and encourage Ms. Martinez and her family to bring back Mini AOC?”

Considering just how thin skinned Alexandria Occasional-Cortex is, I suspect she’s fine with what’s happened. On the other hand, Ms Martinez would probably have to start looking for someone else to parody in 2021. The odd of Representative Alexandria Occasional-Cortex winning reelection, or even her primary, are increasing daily. As for the thugs threatening an 8 year old girl? What I would like to do to you can’t be imagined, and I have no doubt that there are millions more thinking the same thing.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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