Corrupt Judge’s corrupt “Investigator” says ignore DoJ, Jail Flynn

Good day all. With the riots, looting and armed insurrection’s going on, the Flynn Affair has dropped off the radar. When last we saw, Corrupt judge Emmett Sullivan hired, at taxpayer expense, a friend and chronic sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome, was brought in to give cover to Sullivan to ignore the DoJ and send Flynn to prison.

This led to Flynn’s attorney, Sidney Powell, to file a Writ of Mandamus with the appellate court asking that Sullivan be removed from the case and the case against General Flynn be dismissed as the Department of Justice asked. Now Sullivan’s best buddy, corrupt former judge John Gleeson, has returned with his opinion. Surprising no one anywhere, he recommends that Judge Sullivan ignore the DoJ, The Law and the Constitution and sentence General Flynn. Here are the details from Fox News:

John Gleeson, the attorney and retired judge who was appointed by Judge Emmet Sullivan to submit a brief discussing whether federal prosecutors should be able to dismiss their case against Michael Flynn, insisted in a filing Wednesday that not only does Sullivan have the authority to reject the government’s request but he should do so.

The Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure state that prosecutors may dismiss a case “with leave of court.” At issue in the Flynn case now is exactly what level of discretion this gives the court. Gleeson argues that it covers the current situation, claiming that federal prosecutors gave a pretext for why they want to drop the case.

Now the “Pretext” used by the Department of Justice to drop the charges against Flynn, were little things like lying under oath, manufacturing evidence, prosecutorial misconduct, extortion, hiding exculpatory evidence, you know, just a few technicalities. That isn’t how Gleeson see’s it of course.

Leave of court should not be granted when the explanations the Government puts forth are not credible as the real reasons for its dismissal of a criminal charge,” Gleeson wrote in his amicus curiae (“friend of the court”) brief, alleging that prosecutors’ reasoning is “riddled with inexplicable and elementary errors of law and fact” and should not justify dismissal.

[T]he rule empowers courts to protect the integrity of their own proceedings from prosecutors who undertake corrupt, politically motivated dismissals. That is what has happened here. The Government has engaged in highly irregular conduct to benefit a political ally of the President.”

Gleeseon apparently has a history of both exceeding his authority and usurping powers that he wasn’t entitled to under the Constitution. He’s also a hypocrite.

When Gleeson was still serving as a judge, he wrote in 2013 that prosecutors have “near-absolute power” to dismiss a case. He claimed that courts are “generally required” to grant a prosecutor’s motion to dismiss unless it is “clearly contrary to manifest public interest.”

Flynn originally plead guilty to lying after the Mueller Goon Squad threatened to go after his son. They had no grounds to do so, but as we’ve been learning, the Mueller Inquisition was anything but an impartial investigation. It’s come out, thanks to Attorney Powell, that Peter Strzok was the one who ordered the investigation to continue. His corrupt ass was fired from the FBI and he’s probably looking at a criminal indictment.

The Justice Department’s motion to dismiss raised such concerns about investigators’ conduct. It came after unsealed FBI notes revealed that there had been a question regarding what the purpose of Flynn’s interview was: whether the aim was find out the truth or to get him to lie and thus subject him to being prosecuted or fired. Flynn ended up facing charges and being terminated from the NSA job.

To top it off, Sullivan decided he was going to charge General Flynn with perjury and was looking for a way to do this.

Judge Sullivan also asked Gleeson to examine whether Flynn should be charged with perjury, since he said under oath that he was guilty. Gleeson argued that Flynn did perjure himself, but that this should factor into his sentencing and not be the basis for an additional charge.

Flynn has indeed committed perjury in these proceedings, for which he deserves punishment, and the Court has the authority to initiate a prosecution for that crime. I respectfully recommend, however, that the Court not exercise that authority. Rather, it should take Flynn’s perjury into account in sentencing him on the offense to which he has already admitted guilt. This approach—rather than a separate prosecution for perjury or contempt—aligns with the Court’s intent to treat this case, and this Defendant, in the same way it would any other.”

Never mind being removed from the case, Sullivan needs to be removed from the bench. He is the epitome of an out of control, power mad judge. When he first came into this case, he called general Flynn a traitor. Right there, his lawyers should have demanded his removal.

Now the people who were involved with the Flynn Affair are themselves looking at criminal charges. Flynn will never serve a day in prison. At worst, President Trump, who has been watching this mess, will issue a pardon. Right now, he’s holding back in order to let the courts do their job. As for Sullivan and Gleeson? Sullivan should be impeached. Both of them should be stripped of their law licenses and forbidden to hold any position of trust again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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