The Great Panicdemic of 2020: Anthony Fauci finally looses it and jumps the shark

Good day all. Dr. Anthony Fauci is the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and has been since 1984. In his role, he has been the “Go to” person for President Trump and others regarding the China Virus. However, over the last few months, many people have been questioning his competence.

Fauci graduated medical school in 1966. In 1968 he decided that being a government employee was the way to go and he joined the National Institutes of Health, (NIH). From there he moved from the laboratory and into management and proceeded to shuffle paper instead of microroganisms.

When the Wuhan Flu showed up, President Trump made the natural assumption that Fauci was the man to talk to and lead the way in handling the virus. It’s turned out that he really wasn’t. He’s been wrong on most of the major decisions since this started. Now he has completely jumped the shark, saying that New York was the way things should have been done in handling the Corona Virus. Here are some of the details from CNBC:

White House health advisor Anthony Fauci has praised New York for its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, saying the state responded “correctly” to bring its outbreak under control.

We know that, when you do it properly, you bring down those cases. We have done it. We have done it in New York,” Fauci said in an interview with “PBS NewsHour” that aired Friday evening.

New York got hit worse than any place in the world. And they did it correctly by doing the things that you’re talking about,” he continued.

On what planet is Doctor Anthony Fauci currently residing on? It certainly can’t be Planet Earth. Governor Andrew “Flaming” Cuomo” is the poster child of how NOT to handle an epidemic. Cuomo should be criminally charged for the thousands of people who died as a result of his stupidity.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo instituted some of the strictest reopening requirements in the country, insisting that stay-at-home orders remain in place and many businesses remain closed far longer than states that are now seeing surges such as Texas and Florida.

The restrictions are of questionable constitutionality and are being challenged in court. As for businesses? This fool has basically collapsed the economy of the State of New York.

More than 400,000 New Yorkers have been infected by the virus since the pandemic began and at least 32,463 people have died in the state.

And how many of those people who died were elderly people in nursing homes this SCoaMF ordered to take in that weren’t ready or able to handle the cases? Try most of them, and this is the fool that Fauci things Flaming Cuomo did a wonderful job?

In his comments Friday, Fauci addressed the surges around the country, urging people to wear masks and pushing for the closure of bars to limit the spread of the virus.

Stay away from crowds. Close the bars,” Fauci said. “You appeal to the people in the local areas, close those bars. They are seriously the — one of the major reasons why we’re seeing [the surges].”

No, we’re seeing surges because the insurrectionists were to busy looting and burning, not doing your worthless “Socialist distancing.” Then we have this information from Fox News:

Fauci’s comments came amid a broader debate about which states responded appropriately to the coronavirus. New York recently defended its response with a poster that credited its residents with mitigating the virus’s impact.

That poster has come under fire for trying to cover up the crimes of the Cuomo maladministration. Not everyone is buying into Flaming Cuomo’s “Superior handling” of the situation.

However, many have criticized New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo for forcing nursing homes to accept patients who tested positive for the coronavirus — thus, placing them among the most vulnerable.

Stuck on Stupid

Scientists, health care professionals and elected officials assailed a report released this month that purported to show Cuomo’s order was not a significant factor in nursing home deaths. That was criticized for flawed methodology and selective stats that sidestepped the actual impact of the March 25 order, which by the state’s own count ushered more than 6,300 recovering virus patients into nursing homes at the height of the pandemic.

That report is being torn to shreds by people as nothing more then a cover up. Way to many of these “Experts” have proven to be experts in blowing their own horns and not much else.

Fauci told PBS anchor Judy Woodruff that states might need to “reset” their phases of reopening in order to see the number of cases decline. Universal mask wearing, closing bars and avoiding crowds were all part of the efforts he recommended for states. “I think if we do that for a couple of weeks in a row, Judy, I think we’re going to see a turnaround because we know that that works,” Fauci said.

Woodruff, who is a good little swamp dwelling Deep Stater didn’t agree with Fauci.

Woodruff pushed back, arguing that Americans have already been hearing that message but it’s “not working.”

Fauci responded by claiming that the efforts have been “a bit spotty.”

“It hasn’t been uniform,” he added, “where everybody in that region says wait a minute we’re having a serious problem. We got to reboot this.”

First, Woodruff wants to, like all good members of the Democratic CommuNazi Department of Propaganda, put everyone into house arrest with the threat of force if they don’t comply. Her goal, like all the Deep Staters, is to do whatever it takes to get rid of President Trump and restore power to the ruling elites.

Second, Fauci’s original idea was to lock down the country for 1-2 YEARS, until a vaccine had been developed. The fact that there wouldn’t BE a United States never crossed this incompetent idiot’s mind. Of course, since he’s never worked in the dreaded private sector, he has no clue who the real world actually works. Neither does Flaming Cuomo for that matter.

The only states considering, or carrying out a fresh lockdown are those run by the Democratic CommuNazi party, such as Kalifornistan. The problem with ordering people back under house arrest is that they’re starting to refuse. Businesses are reopening and telling the government to shove their orders.

Even threats to revoke business licenses are being met with people telling the licensing boards that they’re not going to listen any longer, and some are backing it up with firearms. These are people who are not part of the “Defund the police” groups, they are desperate citizens who are losing everything. Police are starting to refuse orders to sanction citizens or shut down businesses. Dr. Anthony Fauci has shown himself to be nothing more then a jumped up, paper shuffling hack. There is a reason President Trump isn’t listening to him any longer. Praising Flaming Cuomo is one of them.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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