Well, Gardner has gone and done it

Good day all. Yesterday, (July 20th, Happy moon Landing Day America), I wrote about the corrupt St. Louis Circuit Attorney, (Another term for District Attorney), Kim Gardner and how she is a bought and paid for minion of George Soros.

Recently, there was an incident where a group of BLM terrorists tore down a gate and entered private property. As they prepared to do their usual looting and burning, a couple came out with a rifle and pistol and told the criminals that they were on private property and to leave. This is perfectly legal under Missouri Law.

However, Gardner has nothing but contempt for the law and will put politics ahead of the law and constitution, (State and Federal). Even though what the McClosky’s did was absolutely legal under the State Law, Gardner, who actively protects BLM criminals, decided to go after them. First she got a bogus search warrant and stole the McClosky’s guns, and yesterday, the corrupt bitch charged them.

This has now exploded across the country, with the Missouri Governor saying he will pardon the McClosky’s, and the state Attorney General coming down on the side of the defendants. So angered is the state AG, that he has called this a flat out political prosecution. According to Fox News:

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt told “Fox News @ Night” Monday that he is seeking to have the charges against the homeowners dismissed, calling it “a political prosecution.”

Of course, Gardner is not listening to what anyone has to say on this matter.

St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner, the city’s top prosecutor, said Mark and Patricia McCloskey — both personal injury attorneys in their 60s — will be charged with felony unlawful use of a weapon following the June 28 incident.

“It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner — that is unlawful in the city of St. Louis,” Gardner said in a statement.

Actually, under Missouri Law and it’s castle doctrine, no it isn’t. That won’t slow down this tyrannical bitch of course. The governor, as I mentioned earlier, has other ideas on this case.

Missouri Gov. Mike Parson, a Republican, said last week he would consider pardoning the couple should they be criminally charged.

“Kim Gardner’s action toward the McCloskeys is outrageous,” he wrote on Twitter Monday. “Even worse, the Circuit Attorney’s office has admitted there is a backlog of cases and dozens of homicides that haven’t been prosecuted, yet she has accelerated this case forward.”

Gardner’s success rate regarding convictions is abysmal. Her office is so politically motivated, that they only win some 20% of the felony cases they bring, and that’s if they bring them in the first place. The Attorney General has also made a motion to have the case against the McClosky’s dismissed. In another Fox News Report:

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt on Monday moved to dismiss charges brought by St. Louis’ top prosecutor against a couple who pointed guns at a crowd marching to the mayor’s home last month, Fox News has learned.

When pressed about the case and how it could be brought under the State’s Castle doctrine, Gardner bravely ran away.

Gardner declined to discuss to why Missouri’s “castle doctrine,” a law that justifies deadly force for those who are defending their homes from intruders, didn’t apply.

Within hours of the ruling, Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed a brief seeking to dismiss Gardner’s charges against the McCloskeys on the grounds that their Second Amendment rights are being violated.

The right to keep and bear arms is given the highest level of protection in our constitution and our laws, including the Castle Doctrine, which provides broad rights to Missourians who are protecting their property and lives from those who wish to do them harm,” Schmitt said in a prepared statement provided to Fox News.

The only hope for Gardner is that she finds some corrupt Obamalike judge who will back her in the malicious prosecution of the McCloskys. As to the Governor issuing a pardon, I have little doubt his office is in tight communications with the Attorney general’s office and the lawyer for the McCloskys. The goal, of course, is to get these charges dropped with prejudice and sanctions applied to Kim Gardner. Considering she’s already being investigated for criminal activities, having her fitted with an orange jump suit is a good possibility. Stay tuned, this is a breaking story.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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