Kim Gardner bought and paid for by George Soros

Good day all. A few weeks ago a couple was forced to use the threat of deadly force to protect their home and their lives. No shots were fired, and one of the firearms was nonfunctional. However the St. Louis Circuit Attorney, Kim Gardner, in violation of every law on the books in Missouri, appears to be looking to prosecute the couple.

This has led to the Attorney General for the State of Missouri to tell Gardner that she is going to be hammered of she proceeds as she appears to be doing. There has been a request from one of the Missouri U.S. Senators to the Department of Justice to open a civil rights investigation into her actions.

Gardner’s office has lost all of their prosecutors and a number of her hand picked replacements have also quit in disgust. She refuses to prosecute violent criminals, and when she does go to court, she loses her cases most of the time. This has people wondering how she got elected in the first place. The answer is simple. She’s one of the Soros D.A.’s and Attorney’s General. Here are the details from Just The News:

The Missouri Justice Public Safety PAC, which is linked to George Soros, has donated nearly $78,000 in contributions to St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner’s 2020 campaign, according to her July 15, 2020 financial report, obtained by Just the News.

Now you may be wondering why George Soros would put resources into races for D.A.;s and Attorney’s General. The reasoning is simple and Gardner is a classic example. Soros has not been able to buy the offices of Governors and very few legislators, never mind Presidents and Congressmen. He has decided to work to put his people into offices that enforce the laws, with the goal of not enforcing laws he doesn’t approve of, such as laws supporting the 2nd Amendment, Self Defense, Stand your ground and the Castle doctrine.

The Washington, D.C.-based political action committee is listed at the same street address as one that contributed to Gardner’s 2016 campaign. The Safety and Justice PAC that contributed to the 2016 campaign has the same 13th Street NW address of the Missouri Justice & Public Safety PAC. Both have financial links to Soros.

Soros and his minions might have been pleased originally with Gardner, but now I’m thinking they might be having a bit of buyers remorse. Besides her incompetence, she has been using her office to go after her political enemies.

Gardner, St. Louis’ top prosecutor, remains under criminal investigation for her handling of the criminal investigation into former Republican Gov. Eric Greitens.

Oh really? I did a quick search on this and it’s not looking to good for her. From what I’ve found, the former governor was forced to resign, but was later cleared of any wrong doing. Some of the things he was charged with were some campaign finance issues and the biggie was some sexual shenanigans with some woman that was never identified. Here are a few details from CNN:

The woman testified under oath in 2018, telling Missouri lawmakers that she felt forced into sexual acts with Greitens, and that he had threatened to release explicit photos of her if she revealed their relationship.

And this would be bad, if it were true. Apparently, it wasn’t.

Greitens admitted to the affair, but denied ever engaging in blackmail, coercion or acts of sexual violence. At the time, he maintained that the allegations against him were part of a “political witch hunt” perpetrated by his enemies.

And one of those enemies appears to have been Kim Gardner. In any case, Greitens was pressured into resigning, only to be cleared after he left office. This is where things take a very interesting turn.

Since then, the landscape has shifted considerably. In June, the lead investigator in the Greitens case out of St. Louis, William Tisaby, was indicted on seven felony charges, including for lying in a deposition about his interview with K.S. The St. Louis circuit attorney, meanwhile, has been under investigation by a special prosecutor for her handling of the case; she has sued the city, alleging a racist conspiracy designed to oust her.

It gets even better. The woman who framed the former governor? She was paid to lie under oath. According to Gateway Pundit:

Newly obtained evidence indicates the woman who made false allegations against former Missouri Governor Eric Greitens was bribed to willfully lie under oath and engaged in extensive perjury in an effort to oust the rising Republican star from office, according to a police source with knowledge of an investigation into the circuit attorney’s misconduct.

The details of this are extensive and I recommend reading the article on Gateway Pundit. They found out that the accuser flat out lied about everything, including the bit about nude pictures of herself. It appears she and her ex-husband used to do this all the time and send them to other people.

After Greitens gained national prominence in law enforcement circles for “defeating Antifa,” Gardner, whose campaign received 70 percent of its funding from progressive billionaire George Soros, began targeting Greitens.

It’s clear that a Soros prosecutor and establishment insiders were desperate to overturn the 2016 election and this is just one more alleged example of the kind of perjury, evidence tampering and lies that they engaged in. We knew that national liberals and insiders were coming after us,” he said. “Now it’s good that the whole world is beginning to see the truth.

And this is why Gardner is being investigated. She flat out abused her office and position to get someone she hated out of office. To top it all off, instead of learning her lesson, this moron is doubling down on stupid. Returning to the Just The News story:

More recently, Gardner has targeted Mark and Patricia McCloskey for defending their home June 28 when they brandished their guns as hundreds of Black Lives Matters protestors trespassed onto their property as they headed to the St. Louis mayor’s home. The protesters barged through the McCloskeys’ privately closed gate and onto their private road.

President Trump and Missouri Governor Michael Parson have even weighed in with concern for how Gardner is handling the situation.

And have they weighed in. There is a rumor that the BLM and Antifa terrorists were going to pay the McClosky’s a return visit, one that, at best, was going to cost them their home, when the thugs were either turned away or never formed up. The rumor was that federal agents intervened to protect the McClosky’s home and frankly, their lives. It gets even better.

Senator Josh Hawley, who is the former Missouri attorney general, argues that Gardner has abused her office after seizing McCloskey’s guns while pursuing a possible indictment of the married couple.

Apparently, Attorney General Barr agrees that there is something fishy going on here.

Gardner released a statement after Hawley sent the letter to Attorney General William Barr requesting a civil rights investigation.

“Baseless. Our office will continue to investigate this matter,” she wrote. “And will not be bullied by a sitting U.S. senator or anyone else.”

That sounds an awful lot like whistling past the graveyard to me.

Gardner’s controversies have grown from her earliest months in office and just seem to snowball. She indicted Greitens shortly after she assumed office in January 2017, and months later was forced to drop that case for lack of evidence.

Gardner hired William Tisaby, an out-of-state retired FBI Agent, to investigate Greitens, and then the tables were turned on Gardner and Tisaby, as early reported by Just the News.

And how did that work out?

A special prosecutor indicted Tisaby on seven counts of perjury. Tisaby is awaiting trial, and Gardner is under criminal investigation in the same case.

Gardner is running for reelection, and she is continuing to take Soros’s money. Her primary opponent seems to have a very good shot at crushing this corrupt twit. Even if Gardner cons her way into a second term, she’s probably going to be removed from office when the indictments are finally handed down. It couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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