Corrupt St. Louis DA wants to arrest couple who defended themselves

Good day all. A couple of weeks ago a couple in Saint Louis were seen on a video bringing out firearms, (AR-15 and a pistol), and yelling at BLM invaders to stay out.

The video went viral and the Progressives demanded that the couple be arrested and executed for refusing to allow their home to be burned down. The police did start an investigation, however they considered the couple to be the victims of a crime. This brings us to the corrupt, incompetent District Attorney for Saint Louis, Kim Gardner.

The District Attorney, Kim Gardner, is a hard left progressive liberal Democratic CommuNazi, (Are there any other kind?), Announced that she was going to investigate the couple for all sorts of civil rights violations and issued a warrant to seize their firearms.

Gardner, who was one of the beneficiaries of the Soros plot to destroy America by putting his minions into lower level offices, is considered to be incompetent and completely corrupt. She has released all the rioters and terrorists and is ignoring a number of facts in the case. She has all but announced that she is going to arrest the couple and put them on trial, similar to the Flynn Affair in Washington D.C.

There is a few large holes in her plan. To begin with, she has no support from the Missouri state government, she is ignoring the rather tough, (On prosecutors), Missouri Castle Doctrine, and the fact that the neighborhood that the BLM terrorists invaded is considered private property. Now the Missouri State Attorney General is looking into Gardner’s activities. Here are the details from the Daily Wire:

Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt responded to Friday night’s breaking news that a search warrant was served and at least one gun confiscated from the St. Louis couple who defended their home last month from an angry mob by saying that the Democrat prosecutor who was handling the decision has an alleged track record of making politically motivated decisions.

I know this is being handled by a local prosecutor, not something you’d be involved with, but what is your take on what we’re seeing tonight?” Fox News host Shannon Bream asked Schmitt. “The local warrant there signed off by a judge and being executed by St. Louis police?”

Under Missouri law, under the Castle Doctrine, the individual has really expansive authority to protect their own lives, their home, and their property, and I think the story here to watch is the local prosecutor, Kim Gardner,” Schmitt responded. “Kim Gardner has an abysmal record in prosecuting violent crime, has recently released and been complicit in the release of dozens and dozens of inmates who have been charged with violent crimes, and has a record of making politically motivated decisions not based on the law. So, this is certainly something to watch.”

Which means that if this incompetent communist does order the arrest of this couple, there is a fair chance the State A.G. may step in. I also suspect that the warrant that was served on the couple is going to be very carefully scrutinized, along with the moron judge who signed it. As for the police who executed the warrant, I’ve heard they were polite, professional, apologetic and disgusted with what they were forced to do.

The Attorney general go on to describe the location where the events occurred, explaining that it wasn’t a public road maintained by the city/state, and is considered private property.

One important factor here is this was a private street. This was not a public street,” Schmitt continued. “These individuals were on their way to the mayor’s house, actually, which has been vandalized several times. This was on a private street, and if you listen to the McCloskeys, they felt threatened, that they were going to be attacked, and that it was made known to them. They made known to the protesters and the people who came by that this was a private street, and they said they were going to murder them and come into their house, and so, as I said, the Castle Doctrine in Missouri is pretty expansive; it allows you to defend your life, obviously your family’s life, your home, but also your property, and this was on private property.”

One of the stories I’ve heard was that after the McClosky’s firearms were seized, the “Protesters” were about to pay them a return visit, with a very high probability that they would have been attacked and their house looted and burned. Instead, nothing happened and the rumor was that President Trump sent in federal agents to protect them. This is just a rumor of course, but it is something he would do when dealing with a corrupt prosecutor who had no intention of upholding the actual laws.

It’s hard to get into the mind of Kim Gardner. As I said, she has a sketchy track record of making politically-based decisions,” Schmitt continued. “And I would also point out, Shannon, that this very same day—there’s been calls to change the name of St. Louis, which is ridiculous—and there were peaceful folks praying at the base of that statue who were assaulted, and those folks haven’t been charged with anything, so again, Kim Gardner’s track record is certainly suspect.”

There is a bit of good news in all this. Kim Gardner is facing a primary challenger and stands a good chance of losing the election. Even if she were to indict the McCloskys, she would probably be out of office by the time this went to trial, if it ever did. The new DA would probably drop the charges and apologize to the McCloskys for the actions of his/her predecessor. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if, in the end, it isn’t Kim Gardner who ends up on trial.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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