State Dept. drone thinks White Diplomats to protective of U.S.

Good day all. For decades, actually closer to a century, the United States Department of State has had a tendency to not actually support the interests of the United States and the American people. They had a long history of basically selling out the United States.

When President Trump took office, first Rex Tillerman, (Not a very good SecState), and then Mike Pompeo came in, they started cleaning house, and with Secretary of State Pompeo, put the screws, diplomatically speaking, to countries not friendly to the United States. On the flip side, he and the Trump Administration regularly backed those who were friendly to us. (See Israel)

Now that the Fake President has taken office, the first thing his handlers did was restore the anti-American drones in the State Department who did so much damage to the United States over the last few decades. One of these idiots recently announced that diplomats who’s skin happens to be rather light tend to put America’s interests first. Here are the details of what this racist traitor had to say from the Washington Free Beacon:

A top foreign-policy adviser joining the Biden State Department has argued that white diplomats are often too “protective of the United States,” a statement potentially in violation of new department guidelines.

Desirée Cormier Smith, a newly minted senior adviser in the Bureau of International Organizations, said in a podcast interview that white diplomats often treated visa applicants with hostility because of their “ownership” over the visas during her experience as a foreign-service officer.

“It seemed like many of our white colleagues approached the visa applicants with so much ownership over these visas. They were so protective of the United States, and they didn’t want anybody who could sully the image of the United States because it’s this perfect shining city on a hill,” she told the Black Diplomats podcast in October. “If you are a white foreign-service officer, coming from a very wealthy background, a two-parent household, never knew what it meant to struggle … you might automatically assume that there’s no way [an applicant] would use this visa properly.”

It seems that this racist anti-American member of the Progressive Liberal Democratic CommuNazi Party might have run afoul some of the very things they’ve pit in place to go after anyone who opposes them.

Such language may run afoul of previously implemented State Department guidelines. The State Department’s discrimination and harassment policies place priorities on diversity and tolerance in the culture of the department, asking employees to work without bias toward skin color.

“Discriminatory harassment is verbal or physical conduct that denigrates or shows hostility toward an individual because of his or her race, color, gender, national origin, religion, age (40 or over), physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, or because of his or her opposition to discrimination or his or her participation in the discrimination complaint process,” the department’s policy reads. “Some examples of conduct that might constitute harassment include: Racial epithets, ‘jokes,’ offensive or derogatory comments, or other verbal or physical conduct based on an individual’s race/color.”

As expected, the State Department has nothing to say. I’m sure they’re trying to determine if this twit is worth saving or if they should throw her under the bus.

Cormier Smith’s remarks came in a podcast episode titled “Trump’s White Supremacist Foreign Policy.” Cormier Smith said black diplomats possess superior skills to white diplomats in humility and empathy when dealing with foreign nationals.

“We also come with a certain humility that I would say that a lot of white foreign service officers lack,” she said. “We approached it with so much more empathy.”

This is the type of person that the senile pedophile’s handlers are pushing on America. She hates everything about the country she’s allegedly employed to represent. She is a flat out racist who is incapable of looking past a person’s skin color. She is utterly unfit to be in the position she now holds. In other words, in the Dementia Joe maladministration, she will go far, God help us.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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