What the Hell Hyatt Hotels? Did you O.D. on Crack?

Good day all. As I was working on the post regarding the Greatest President in the 21st Century, Donald J. Trump’s address to CPAC, I saw something about the Hyatt Hotel suddenly denouncing the convention for having hate speech and Nazi symbols.

This caught me by surprise. The last I had read, the Hyatt management had slammed a bunch of whiny Progressive Social Justice Warriors for whining about the Hyatt allowing CPAC to hold their convention at their Florida center. I was looking for links to those remarks when I saw this from PJ Media:

The American Conservative Union (ACU), the organization behind the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC), is “seriously considering all options,” ACU President Matt Schlapp told PJ Media on Monday after ACU’s general counsel sent a letter to Hyatt protesting the company’s decision to breathe new life into a conspiracy theory regarding the CPAC stage.

And what was the big deal about the stage? It seems some stupid socialist bitch by the name of Sari Beth Rosenberg, asked the Hyatt if they were ok with Nazi symbols being used on their property.

The suggestion was absurd, of course. American Conservative Union (ACU) Chair Matt Slapp denounced the “stage design conspiracies” as “outrageous and slanderous.” CPAC supports the Jewish State of Israel, hosted multiple Jewish prayer services and a Shabbat dinner, and denounces the anti-Semitism of Democrats who spread a modern blood libel against Israel. Even the left-leaning Snopes fact-checked the insinuation that CPAC designed the stage to look like a Nazi symbol and found it “unproven.”

If even Snopes, which is not noted for being accurate about anything when it comes to Conservatives or Donald Trump says that Rosenberg is full of it, then you know it was some lefty SJW’s idea of emulating Jussie Smollett. (And his sister, Alexandria Occasio-Smollett)

Rabbi Yaakov Menken, managing director of the Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV) had the perfect response. “The left is desperate to draw attention from their elevation of antisemites in Congress… so they claim a stage design is antisemitic,” he said on Twitter. “The Left traffics in ‘dog whistles’ so incredibly sensitive that only leftists can hear them, as compared to the supposed targets, who only see a stage.”

The section they are all looking at is a square box on the floor of the stage with the podium in the center of it. The camera angle caught it with one of the corners facing the camera. Basically it was geometry, a subject this thundercunt never bothered learning in school. What happened next is probably going to cost the Hyatt a pile of money if they don’t deal with this in very short order.

Hyatt wisely refused to cancel the conference. A hotel spokesperson said, “We believe in the right of individuals and organizations to peacefully express their views, independent of the degree to which the perspectives of those hosting meetings and events at our hotels align with ours.”

That was probably the quote I was looking for when I stumbled on this fiasco. They basically took the SJW’s of the Progressive Cancel Culture to task. Apparently, after CPAC ended and the check cleared, the management opened their moths and inserted their feet.

Yet on Sunday afternoon, as CPAC ended, Hyatt released another statement that needlessly drew attention to the claim.

We take the concern raised about the prospect of symbols of hate being included in the stage design at CPAC 2021 very seriously as all such symbols are abhorrent and unequivocally counter to our values as a company,” a spokesperson told Reuters.

The Hyatt then forgot the first rule of holes. When you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING!

Hyatt leadership apparently felt the need to clarify why the company had not canceled CPAC mid-event.

With CPAC’s denial of any intentional connection to hate symbols and our concerns over the safety of guests and colleagues in what could have been a disruptive situation, we allowed the event to continue,” the company explained.

The American Conservative Union then replied, and I can say they are furious with what the Hyatt’s management said.

According to ACU, Hyatt worked with the conservative group to organize the event, and Hyatt had “approved and worked collaboratively to build this stage.” ACU’s general counsel, David Safavian, sent a scathing letter to Hyatt Executive Chairman Thomas Pritzker on Monday. While the letter did not make any explicit legal threats, ACU’s claims suggest the organization might sue Hyatt for defamation.

Hyatt made a decision to issue additional statements late last night after the conference ended that disparaged and defamed us. These statements appear to validate demonstrably false and malicious claims,” Safavian wrote. “When we learned of the orchestrated assault on us, we immediately contacted your senior management to set the record straight. Together, we quickly responded to these slanderous accusations.”

Your hotel’s senior management was on notice and acknowledged that these claims were false and agreed to share any statement before its release,” the ACU lawyer added. He said the organization was “shocked” that Hyatt issued additional statements after the conference, statements he said were “irresponsible, untrue, and contribute to a climate of division and hatred.”

The statement continues with remarks from members of the ACU board who happen to be Jewish. If any group has a right to be angered by alleged Nazi regalia, it would be these people. They didn’t see any such thing for a very simple reason. There wasn’t anything to see.

Our Jewish Board Members, staff, speakers, and attendees are appalled by the Hyatt leadership for not standing with us as we fight against antisemitism (a term that Hyatt fails to use in its statements). We would have hoped that our 10th annual Shabbat Dinner, daily Jewish prayer services, and speeches on the main stage from Jewish leaders, such as Ambassador David Friedman, Former Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel, and Rabbi Yitz Tendler would be enough to put an end to these outrageous falsehoods,” Safavian added.

Yeah, I think it’s safe to say that these fine people would have noticed and made mention of the stage decorations if they thought they reflected Nazism. Since they didn’t, it’s obvious to anyone with 4 functioning brain cells, (Which, of course, leaves out all Liberals and Progressives), that the stage decorations had nothing whatsoever to do with that heinous political movement. That the Hyatt was working closely with the ACU on designing and setting up the stage shows that they knew exactly what every looked like.

If indeed Hyatt worked closely with the ACU on the CPAC stage construction and if Hyatt staff agreed that the Nazi conspiracy theory was false before Hyatt released the statement on Sunday, ACU would have a strong defamation case.

I hope the ACU sues the pants off the Hyatt holding company. This backstabbing by the management, and apparently telling intentional untruths to harm the ACE, CPAC and President Trump should result in their being sued into oblivion. If they are sued, I hope that the ACU attorneys refuse any NDA’s, and demand the firing of everyone involved in the decision to issue this statement…That and a big pile of cash too. As for the bimbo who started this, Sari Beth Rosenberg? Name her as a defendant and make sure she is financially ruined for life.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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