Fake Presidential nominee supports genocide

Good day all. The title is a bit over the top, but not by much. Yet another one of Dementia Joe’s nominees has been found to be a radical lunatic. In this case, it’s his nominee to head the Bureau of Land Management, Tracy Stone-Manning.

Barking Moonbat

Stoned-Manikin is already under fire for her Eco-terrorist activities back in the 80’s and early 90’s, where she was involved in tree spiking. For those of you who might not know, these terrorists would drive large metal spikes into tree trunks. Then, sometimes, they would announce that they had done this to the lumber companies. When the lumber companies didn’t get the word, for whatever reason, they would cut into the trees, hit the spike and the chainsaw would kick back. When this happened, it could seriously injure or even kill someone.

In other cases, if they didn’t hit the spike and cut the tree down. The trees being processed in saw mills could and did hit these spikes. When that happened, it would would break the saw blade. In a few cases the blades, basically giant band saws, would explode into a cloud of shrapnel. In one case, this happened and it nearly killed a worker.

Some of the eco-thugs decided that spiking was a bad idea at that point, but the more militant branches of Earth First continues to do this an other things to this day. While it isn’t generally known, and definitely not admitted to, there are rumors that mill workers and lumberjacks flat out threatened some of the eco-groups. The rumor was that they would have people in the forests, and if they saw anyone spiking a tree, they would shoot them. (The weren’t going to use the glorified .22 of the “Dreaded AR-15 either. These were large caliber deer rifles)

It’s come out that Stoned-Manikin was part of these groups, got caught and flipped on her “Comrades” to avoid prison. Now it seems that she is also a supporter of mandatory population control with all that entails. Here are the details from Fox News:

Tracy Stone-Manning, President Biden’s nominee to lead the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), argued in her graduate thesis that Americans need to engage in population control to protect the environment.

Stone-Manning has already come under fire in recent weeks for her connection to a tree spiking incident – an ecoterrorism tactic – in Idaho in the 1980s, where she traded her court testimony for legal immunity.

As I mentioned earlier, she’s a true stand up person. She stood up and tossed her “Comrades” under the proverbial bus to keep her commie ass out of jail.

But her past links to ecoterrorists aren’t the only controversial material in her background. In her graduate thesis, a copy of which was reviewed by Fox News, Stone-Manning also urged Americans to have no more than two kids in order to protect the environment. 

“The origin of our abuses is us. If there were fewer of us, we would have less impact,” states the thesis, which was first flagged by the Daily Caller on Thursday. “We must consume less, and more importantly, we must breed fewer consuming humans.”

This idea has been tried in the People’s Republic of China and has been shown to be a dismal failure. They outlawed having more then one child, and would forcibly terminate pregnancies. The Chinese demographics, thanks to the desire for sons over daughters, led to parents aborting girls in favor of boys. Recently, China changed this to two children and just a few months back increased it to three children.

Stone-Manning created a series of eight advertisements for her thesis that focused on the issues of overgrazing, overpopulation, a mining law from the late 1800s and the lumber industry. One ad refers to a human child as an “environmental hazard” and encouraged Americans to only have two children and no more.

“The earth is only so big, and we can tap into it only so often. In America, we tap in often and hard,” Stone-Manning’s ad reads. “When we overpopulate, the earth notices it more. Stop at two. It could be the best thing you do for the planet.”

“The point is a simple one,” Stone-Manning wrote of the ads in her thesis. “Harshly, the ads say that the earth can’t afford Americans. More softly, they ask people to think about how their family planning choices affect the planet.”

Typical Moonbat of course. She hates the United States and everything about it. She goes on talking about overgrazing, which doesn’t happen these days. Ranchers have figured out how to take care of the pastures so they don’t run into this sort of problem. However, reality is not something moonbats are noted for. Another thing they aren’t noted for is the truth, and telling it when under oath.

While Stone-Manning told senators that she had never been the target of an investigation, that appears to conflict with what she previously said about the case.

“It’s clear that Ms. Stone-Manning was intentionally trying to deceive the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources,” the committee’s ranking member, Sen. John Barrasso, R-Wyo., said last week. “She told the committee she had never been the subject of an investigation and yet complained about being investigated in the press.”

Several Republicans in the Senate have stated that Dementia Joe should withdraw the nomination of this lying anti-human fanatic. I also don’t see the Maladministration pulling her nomination, and I fully expect her to be confirmed on a party line vote with Blow Job Harris providing the tiebreaker vote. If she does get confirmed, considering the past history of abuse, I expect to see several more Bundy Ranch incidents. She comes across as just that stupid.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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