Psaki spills the beans on why they want higher gas prices

Good day all. If you’ve filled your tank recently, you’ve noticed that gas prices are reaching levels we’ve never seen before. A year ago, gas prices in some parts of the country were below $2.00 a gallon. Now, thanks to the stupidity of the Biden Maladministration, gas prices are closing in on an average of $4.00 a gallon and is probably going to go even higher.

The reasons for this are simple. Since he was installed in office, the Meat Puppet, Bumbles Dementia, has signed whatever executive order was put in front of him by his handlers. Pipelines have been shut down, oil leases canceled and wells capped. On the flip side, the Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis have been pushing “Alternative Energy” as the way to “Save the planet.” Now Reach Around Psaki has admitted that causing massive increases in gas and oil is all part of the plan to force windmills, solar panels and unicorn farts on America. Here are the details from Town Hall:

Speaking to reporters at the White House Friday afternoon, Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked what President Joe Biden is doing to alleviate painfully high oil and gas prices. In her answer, Psaki said the administration is using the opportunity to move the country away from oil and gas to “alternative” energy sources. 

“Look, our view is that the rise in gas prices over the long term makes and even stronger case for doubling down on our investment and our focus on clean energy options so we are not relying on the fluctuations and OPEC and their willingness to put more supply and meet the demand in the market,” Psaki said.

So she is admitting that the maladministration is deliberately sabotaging the energy production sector for political reasons?

The White House has repeatedly rejected the option of drilling more oil in the United States.

Not only rejected the option, the Secretary of Energy flat out laughed at the idea. These scum, and that is the nicest word I can use for them, are a direct threat to the economy and security of the United States of America. These people flat out do not care about this country, in fact they hate everything that made America the land of freedom and opportunity for 200 years.

The only way I can see to stop them that doesn’t involve a shooting civil war would be an Article V convention of the states. Many say this is a very risky proposition, and that it could rapidly spin out of control. While that is a possibility, it’s a slim one, especially if the proposed amendments, such as a balanced budget amendment, term limits for Congress, fixing the income tax in the 16th Amendment, (Limiting the amount they can steal), and repealing the 17th Amendment. Other Amendments could reinforce the 10th Amendment.

There are those who would like to codify things like Abortion, (Make it legal/illegal), end or extend the death penalty or restrict the 1st Amendment’s Speech and Religion sections, or repeal the 2nd Amendment. The odds of things like that passing are slim at best. (Prohibition was the last such attempt and was repealed as an abject failure) However, Term Limits would probably pass and if done correctly, would throw every one of the Jurassic Pols out of office. Another would restore to the states the power to decide what to do with their mineral wealth.

Do we need to move away from Fossil fuels as an energy source? Of course we do. However, we do not have anything that can match the energy density of Oil or Natural Gas. (Progressives won’t even consider nukes) However, it should be left up to the marketplace to determine what direction we’re going, not some pointy headed bureaucrat who has never lived outside of a city and has no clues on how the world actually works.

The Republicans have started to massacre the Democrats at the polls, and it looks like the 2022 midterms are going to be an electoral bloodbath for the progressive liberal Communazi party. They’re only hope is to so tighten the screws on America that we won’t be able to make our voices heard on Election Day. We can’t allow them to do that, so you all need to call your reps and senators and tell them to “Drill baby Drill!”


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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