The National School Boards Association is rapidly disassociating

Good day all. A few months ago, the story broke regarding a letter sent to the Department of (In)Justice asking for federal agents to investigate the terroristic actions of parents at School board meetings. That fiasco detonated in the faces of the Maladministration, and is continuing to detonate to this day.

However, the organization that sent the letter in appears to have fallen on hard times. First, a number of states that had been a part of this organization were furious that they sent in a letter calling parents who disagreed with the Teachers Union controlled school boards terrorists. They were not aware that this was going to be done and were certainly not consulted.

Then the news came out that Attorney General Merrick “Heinrich Himmler” Garland was going to send out FBI agents to harass and threaten parents. This too, blew up in the faces of the Dementia joe Biden maladministration. At this point, a number of states said “That’s it! We’re done!” and pulled out of the
Association. Now it looks like the National School Boards Association is on the verge of going out of business. Here are the details from, believe it or not, the Washington Compost:

Until this fall, the National School Boards Association was a noncontroversial, bipartisan lobby group. Then its leaders wrote President Biden a letter. It alleged that the threatening and aggressive acts against school board members across the country might be a form of “domestic terrorism” and asked for federal law enforcement intervention.

Now, the association is at risk of total collapse.

Oh what a shame. How sad. NOT!

In between, conservative think tanks, media, intellectuals, lawmakers, researchers and activists turned what might have been a forgotten mistake into a potentially fatal blow to a group that has for eight decades been a national advocate for public education.

And here we have the standard Moonbat response that shows why no one pays much attention to the MSM. If it weren’t for those damn Conservatives, no one would have noticed as the FBI started arresting people because they dared to speak out against the Professional Educators.

Until this fall, the National School Boards Association was a noncontroversial, bipartisan lobby group. Then its leaders wrote President Biden a letter. It alleged that the threatening and aggressive acts against school board members across the country might be a form of “domestic terrorism” and asked for federal law enforcement intervention.

That isn’t entirely accurate. It now looks like they were working hand in glove with the Maladministration to suppress the parents who were getting angry at things like boys in skirts pretending to be girls and then raping their daughters, and having the school district cover it up. Then there is the whole CRT “If you’re white, your a racist and need to be punished” being shoved down the throats of children. But, hey, the writer is a progressive and nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of progress don’t you know, especially things like facts.

Nineteen mostly GOP-led states have withdrawn from the association or promised to when this year’s membership expires, and six members of what was a 19-person board have left. Several states are discussing forming an alternative association for school boards. A new executive director of the National School Boards Association (NSBA) is working to save the organization, lobbying individual states to reconsider, but so far he has not persuaded any of them to change their minds.

I hope they’ll give us a chance,” John Heim, the newly installed executive director, said in an interview. His goal, he said, is to “rebuild trust” in the association, which critics believe took sides in a partisan debate.

Took sides in a debate? Well, that is one way to look at it. It isn’t the correct way, but is is one way. The simple fact of the matter is, the NSBA has never been a “Neutral party” and is just another bunch of Progressive educrats who’s primary goal is the care and feeding of the Teachers Unions. The parents and the states? They were just supposed to shut up and do as they were told by their betters.

In October, the association apologized and promised to conduct a “formal review” of its procedures and said it would announce “specific improvements” to ensure better coordination and consultation with its members, but nothing has been announced and a spokesperson would not say where the group is in this process.

The “Formal review” would have consisted of “Oh damn! We got caught. Well, we will throw a few less important people under the bus and sweep this whole thing under the rug, and continue as if nothing had happened.

If the school board association’s goal was to tamp down conservative parent protests, it had the exact opposite effect, galvanizing a movement that coalesced last fall around the idea of parental rights.

The letter shifted the focus away from some frightening threats and decidedly aggressive behavior to a defiant defense of free speech and local control.

Oh we certainly can’t have any of that now, can we comrade propragandist Laura Meckler, can we? How dare these parents make demands like actually educating their children instead of the political indoctrination that’s been going on for decades? We most certainly can’t have that! Send in the STASI FBI immediately!

Parents and other conservative activists, urged on by national figures and associations, have directed anger against public schools and school boards on two big issues: complaints over coronavirus mask mandates and other pandemic-related restrictions, and concerns about how schools were teaching and talking about race.

My feelings on the masks should be well known by now. They don’t work and the only reason that the mandates are in place, (And it’s under very questionable legal and constitutional grounds), is to enforce absolute control over the people. As for the “Teach and talking about race?” Thanks to the teachers unions forcing children into remote learning, the parents were able to see just what they’re actually “teaching.” It certainly isn’t what Dr. Martin Luther King had in mind.

Many made their arguments peacefully. But in communities across the country, others yelled and disrupted school board meetings, prompting some boards to adjourn early, which only further angered the protesters.

The parents started getting angry because the school boards were flat out ignoring them, threatening them and in a few cases, having them arrested for simply speaking their minds. Most of the school boards around the country are nothing more than wholly owned subsidiaries of the Teachers Unions, and they were caught flat footed when parents started showing up and demanding changes. (How dare these people think they have any say in the education of the future generations!)

On Sept. 29, the NSBA sent Biden its six-page letter requesting intervention by federal law enforcement agencies “to deal with the growing number of threats of violence and acts of intimidation occurring across the nation.” It pointed to a raft of incidents in recent months, though not all of them were violent.

Actually, none of them were, unless the local storm troopers jumped a parent and slammed them into the ground.

As these acts of malice, violence, and threats against public school officials have increased, the classification of these heinous actions could be the equivalent to a form of domestic terrorism and hate crimes,” said the letter, which was signed by Slaven and association president Viola M. Garcia, a member of a school board in Texas.

And this is where things began to fall apart for the NSBA. Accusing parents of being domestic terrorists and demanding that the FBI come in and crush them was the height of both entitled arrogance and blatant stupidity. And then out came the news that they were working with the Dementia maladministration and wrote the letter at their behest.

Email correspondence from the time suggested that the NSBA might have been acting at request of the White House, according to documents released through open records requests filed by a conservative group called Parents Defending Education. Slaven and the White House said that isn’t true.

It was this letter that gave Attorney General Himmler Garland the ammunition he needed to send out his goon squads. This caused the Republicans in Congress to take notice.

The combination of the letter and the Justice Department directive prompted an explosive reaction among conservative lawmakers and media outlets, feeding preexisting complaints that Democrats, school boards and their allies wanted to silence voices of parents who objected to their policies.

Well, of course they do! They have even been dumb enough to say this publicly, although the MSM has worked tirelessly to flush that down the memory hole.

At a Senate hearing on Oct. 5, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) aggressively questioned Lisa Monaco, deputy attorney general, about the directive.

If this isn’t a deliberate attempt to chill parents from showing up at school board meetings … I don’t know what is,” Hawley said. “You are attempting to intimidate them. You are attempting to silence them. You are attempting to interfere with their rights as parents.”

Isn’t it interesting that when a Republican asks some tough questions, they are “hyper-partisan and extremely aggressive” and when it’s the Communazis, it’s “a simple request for information.” The column by Comrade Laura Meckler continues on, both stating what is actually going on and then trying her best to whitewash what the Maladministration, the Department of (In)Justice, the local school boards and the teachers unions have actually been doing.

That Meckler made any attempt at being even handed in this column probably means she was instructed to do so to try and make the Compost look good with the people in Flyover country. The Compost, especially since Jeff Bezos bought them, is nothing more than a propaganda sheet for the Democrat Party. Nice try though and yes, you did actually include some useful information. I’m sure you and your editors won’t make that mistake again.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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