What did Fauci Know, When did he know it, and when did he begin the cover-up?

Good day all. As we head into the third year of the Great Panicdemic, the questions regarding the origin of the Wuhan Flu, who knew about it and when, and how much of this information has been hidden from Congress and the public have been increasing.

It’s generally accepted now that the virus was man made and escaped from a lab in China. It’s also starting to be accepted, albeit very slowly, that the United States paid for what is known as Gain of Function research into the Covid-19 virus. What is now coming out is just how deeply involved Anthony Fauci and others in the CDC were and how far they have gone to cover up their activities. Now a special report from Fox News purports to expose what happened in the early days of the Panicdemic:

Fresh questions are being raised about what American scientists and federal health officials knew about the origins of the coronavirus and whether conflicting evidence was suppressed and hidden from the public.

On Tuesday night’s episode of Special Report with Bret Baier, Fox News dove into the early days of the coronavirus pandemic and explored documents obtained showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, was warned early on that the virus may have originated in a Wuhan, China lab.

You don’t say? How interesting. Now you would think that Fauci and the others would move heaven and earth to keep the President and congress informed about this. You would be mistaken.

According to the timeline of events laid out by Baier, Fauci was told on January 27, 2020 that his NIAID had been indirectly funding the Wuhan lab through EcoHealth– a US-based scientific non-profit that had been working with novel coronaviruses.

And that was when the brown colored solid biological waste material hit the rapidly rotating atmospheric mobility device. Fauci was informed that the coronavirus had all the earmarks of being engineered, not something that occurred in nature.

On January 31, Dr. Kristian Andersen, a noted virologist at the Scripps Lab, privately told Fauci that after discussion with his colleagues some of COVID-19’s features look possibly engineered and the “genome is inconsistent with expectations from evolutionary theory.”

Andersen added that the situation needed to be looked at more closely, at which point Fauci organized an all hands on deck conference call with colleagues where he was told that risky experiments with the novel coronavirus may not have gone through proper biosafety review and oversight. 

At this point, it looks like Fauci went into full cover-up mode.

Hours later, Fauci hastily organized a call with dozens of worldwide virologists, and notes from the meeting obtained by Special Report reveal that suspicions of the lab leak theory were suppressed over concerns of how the public would react to news of possible Chinese government involvement. 

In the meeting, fears were raised by then-National Institutes of Health Director Francis Collins that “science and international harmony” could be harmed and accusations of China’s involvement could distract top researchers.

Francis Collins recently retired from his position, and he has steadfastly maintained that the Wuhan Flu was a naturally occurring virus. I can’t recall if Collins has been called in to testify in front of the Senate committee that Senator Rand Paul is on. If he has, and testified under oath regarding any of this, he could be hit with perjury. As it is, retired or not, if what I’m reading is accurate, he needs to be sent to a nice federal “Retirement” facility with colorful orange jumpsuits.

Another scientist in the meeting dismissed the possibility that the virus jumped from a bat to a person in nature and pointed out that the virus could be generated in a lab much easier.

It appears that this was the point where the decision was made to bury all information that the virus was man made.

A consensus was reached in the call that the lab origin should not be mentioned in a paper because it will add “fuel to the conspiracists,” and Collins appeared convinced that natural origin of the virus was “more likely.”

To late numbnuts. With your cover-up attempt, the conspiracy theories were coming fast and furious. Your activities certainly didn’t help matters either, including pressuring those who figured said the Beer Virus was unlikely to have occurred naturally or that it escaped from the lab.

Just four days later, five researchers who were on the call authored preliminary findings abandoning their early private beliefs that the virus was likely the result of a lab leak. It is unclear what new evidence prompted the reversal of opinion, but private communications show that various drafts were sent to Fauci and Collins for approval.

New evidence? More like threats and bureaucratic intimidation. To bad for you clowns that people started digging into how the virus came about. While I didn’t follow those looking into it, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if the “Weaponized Autistics of 4Chan didn’t have a hand into finding out what really happened.

The first draft of the report came on out February 16th, 2020, but didn’t quite work the way the Faucists had wanted. More and more people looking into the origins of the Wuhan Flu came to the conclusion that it both was man made and leaked from a lab.

Over the next few months, Fauci and Collins worked behind the scenes to squash the lab leak theory and communicated to each other the day after President Trump declined to dismiss the wet market theory, discussing “something NIH can do to help put down this very destructive conspiracy.”

One of the things that’s since come out regarding how President Trump was dealing with this, was that Fauci and the others either didn’t provide him with the information he needed, or flat out lied to President Trump.

The email from Collins to Fauci contains a link to a Special Report segment on the issue, and Fauci urged Collins to ignore the story, referring to it as a “shiny object that will go away.”

To bad for Fauci it didn’t go away, and thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, we’re finally finding out what actually happened and how these bureaucrats put themselves ahead of the…well, the entire world. It’s now looking like they may have resorted to flat out bribery.

Fauci continued to push against the lab leak theory for months, and Special Report has learned that two authors of the scientific report Fauci touted were in close contact with Fauci and awarded millions in grants from his agency. 

Senator Paul has been in what amounts to a flat out political brawl with Fauci over the Panicdemic, the origins of the virus and the lab where the Gain of Function research was done. It’s now generally accepted that the virus was leaked from the lab in China.

In August, after the lab leak theory gained more scientific traction, Collins told Special Report that he is open to the possibility the virus originated in a lab while dismissing the idea that it was made from scratch by humans. In his last interview before leaving NIH, Collins stood by the theory that the virus originated in nature.

How nice that one of the architects of the cover-up is now willing to admit that perhaps, just possibly, there might have been a slight chance that the virus escaped from a lab. However, there are still all those experts who have looked at the virus and keep reaching the same conclusion. There is no way this could have evolved in nature. The arrogance and “I’m smarter than you” attitude of Fauci and Collins, along with others has angered members of congress and the scientific community at large.

Special Report’s findings highlight frustration in the scientific community stemming from lack of openness and incomplete or inaccurate facts as Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill push for more information on what the federal government knew about the origins of the virus and when.

While Collins is no longer a government employee, Fauci is. As I mentioned earlier, Fauci and Senator Rand Paul have been going after each other, with Senator Paul having enough of Anthony Fauci’s lies and sending a recommendation to the Department of Justice recommending that Fauci be prosecuted for perjury. We know what happened to that recommendation of course.

Fauci has been basically protected by the Democratic Communazis, however even they can’t keep that up for to much longer. Besides all the evidence, (Which the media and Big Tech have actively suppressed), there is a very good chance that the Congress, both house and Senate, are going to flip solidly in favor of the Republicans. If/when that happens, Fauci is going to get his political bell rung.

Even if the Maladministration continues to protect him, there is a very good chance that the Republicans will regain the presidency. I suspect that whoever that may be isn’t going to be looking to kindly on Fauci or the entire public health bureaucracy. The best Fauci can hope for is that he dies, (Of natural causes). Otherwise, it’s very like he will end up dying in prison. It couldn’t happen to a nicer menace to society.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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