Justin Trudeau considering use of military against truckers

Good day all. The trucker protest in Canada continues and is now spreading to the United States. The Prime Idiot Minister, Justin Trudeau, who bravely ran away when the truckers rolled into Ottawa, has announced that using the military to crack down isn’t in the cards right now.

The protests in Canada have been very peaceful and, in the typical Canadian manner, fairly polite. From what I’ve heard, the only violence have come from people violently assaulting the snow as they made snow angels. However, for Trudeau and the Ruling Elite of Canada, what the truckers and others are doing has to be put down. That the Prime Idiot Minister had to say that they weren’t looking at bringing in the military should worry people. It means they are actually considering it. Here are the details from the Post Millennial:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau responded to questions regarding the possibility of military being called into Ottawa to remove the truckers’ Freedom Convoy that has taken over and gridlocked the capital’s downtown core for nearly a week now.

Trudeau said that the military option was “not in the cards right now,” though the federal government would be there to support police of the jurisdiction and to review any formal requests sent by the city or the government of Ontario.

So, in other words, he fully intends to send in the troops. He just needs to find cover for himself and the rest of the rulers in Ottawa.

The prime minister said that his opinion on military intervention is the same as it was two years ago during the 2020 Canadian pipeline and railway protests triggered by the construction of the Coastal GasLink Pipeline that lead to pro-Wetsuweten blockades.

“There were questions a couple of years ago around military when it came to other protests that were blocking critical infrastructure. My answer then is consistent with my answer now, that one has to be very, very cautious before deploying military in situations engaging Canadians, it is not something that anyone should entertain in lightly. As of now, there have been no requests, and that is not in the cards right now,” he said.

Sounds to me like he’s changing his tune, and I’m not the only one to notice it.

In 2020, Trudeau’s tone did differ, stating, “I don’t think it’s ever appropriate to send the military against Canadian citizens.”

The issue here is power and keeping it, nothing more. Canada under Trudeau has basically torn up any semblance of civil rights and freedom, using the Panicdemic as an excuse to lock up anyone who opposes his commands. This dipstick won’t even talk to the people involved in the protest, calling them “Undemocratic.”

Trudeau was then asked if he had considered speaking with the convoy, to which he suggested that the convoy was undemocratic in nature.

“We will remain steadfast to the mandate given to parliamentarians six months ago in the last election,” said Trudeau.

Obviously, I don’t follow Canadian politics so I have no idea about the last election and what the votes were. Reading the rest of this cowardly dimbulb’s response, I think the answer will be a resounding “HELL NO!! I will not talk to those white supremacist anti-science, pro-liberty scum!” (And yes, he has accused the protesters, who are, from all appearances a true cross section of the Canadian people, of being white supremacists)

If Trudeau and the rest of the Ruling Elite do decide to be stupid, sending in the army could backfire badly. If things did go sideways, (Which would I would consider to be unlikely, this being Canada and all), The military would have to bring in heavy armor. Those 18 wheelers can weigh upwards of 20 tons or more and can build up a nice head of steam. A few of them playing chicken with an APC would probably not work out to well for the APC. (Or the trucks either, but there are more of them) There is also the little detail that the Canadian military is rather small, and the troops might have family among the protesters. This could lead to something that the Noted Author, Tom Kratman once wrote, (Slightly modified) :

Fleeing the Trudeau tyranny, leading a ragtag band of SUVs, minivans, and, of course, dog sleds, the last Canadian Battletank…


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Justin Trudeau considering use of military against truckers

  1. Kelly J says:

    And what happens when the Canadian military say no?
    Or worse, obey and go after the truckers.


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