OSHA plans to ignore the Supreme Court on Vaxx

Good day all. When Bumbles Dementia issued his decree that everyone “WILL BE VACCINATED OR ELSE!” and instructed the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, (OSHA), to enforce his orders, the courts were almost instantly inundated with lawsuits. The cases hit the Supreme Court quickly and the Drooling Idiot was once again shot down in flames.

OSHA suspended their order to companies to force their employees to be injected with the vaccines of questionable efficacy, but it looks like they haven’t given up on forcing people to take the shots or lose their jobs. Here are the details from The Daily Wire:

The Biden administration announced Tuesday it is withdrawing an emergency order mandating large employers vaccinate or regularly test their workers for COVID-19, but instead will be pushing for a permanent rule.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will formally withdraw the order on Wednesday, according to a draft of the memo to be published in the Federal Register. The agency is not dropping the rule entirely, however, planning to keep the order as a “proposed rule.” The original order would have impacted some 85 million Americans.

Oh really? I take it you’re going to go through the standard “Rule making process” where you look for public comments? I also assume that regardless of where the comments go, you’re going to ignore them and force people to take these injections whether they want to or not. If you’re luck, the courts will stop you again. If not and millions of people are fired? Well, Americans don’t do the pitchforks and torches routine. That’s a European tradition. We tend towards tar, feathers and rope. Some assembly required.

The Supreme Court ruled on January 13 to stay President Joe Biden’s order at least until the Sixth Circuit, which was picked to consolidate numerous legal challenges to the rule from across the country, can reach a decision on the case. The Daily Wire filed the first lawsuit in the Sixth Circuit hours after the order was released on November 4 and appealed the case to the Supreme Court the next month following the Sixth Circuit’s decision to lift a stay on the OSHA order.

At question here isn’t whether or not the government has the right to enforce rules on its own employees. It’s whether or not unelected bureaucrats at OSHA have the right to coerce businesses into forcing PRIVATE employees to follow rules the government never had the right to impose in the first place,” Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing said at the time. “At the end of the day, the government has the POWER to make us all comply, but they do not have the RIGHT to make us all comply. That’s why we must keep fighting.

The Daily Wire was but one of many companies that challenged the order. Since it has been overturned, several companies, starting with GE, have ended their requirements of their employees to be tested or vaxxed against their will as a condition of not starving to death.

The Supreme Court’s decision to hear oral arguments in the case was rare and emphasizes the sweeping impact Biden’s order could have if implemented. The last time the Supreme Court granted a motion to hear oral arguments over a stay was in 1970 in the case of Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe. Sixth Circuit Chief Judge Jeffrey Sutton pointed out in a December dissent that the scope of Biden’s vaccine mandate is unprecedented in the history of the United States. Sutton wrote:

It is one thing to tell a worker to don a mask at the start of a hazard-filled shift and doff it at the end. It is quite another to tell a worker to vaccinate on the basis of a risk that exists whether he is on the clock or off and that amounts to a medical procedure that cannot be removed at the end of the shift. Confirming the point, the Secretary of Labor has never imposed a vaccine mandate or for that matter a vaccinate-or-test mandate on American workers. The [Occupational Safety and Health Act] does not clearly give the Secretary power to regulate all health risks and all new health hazards, largely through off-site medical procedures, so long as the individual goes to work and may face the hazard in the course of the workday.

The Supreme court hearing was also rather educational. It’s finally showing what many have known. That the Progressive, Liberal members flat out do not care about the rights of the individual citizen. We also had yet another example of just how dumb the “Wise Latina” Sonia Sotomayor is. During the arguments, she stated, for the record that we had over 100,000 children in serious condition and many on ventilators in hospitals. So wrong was the remark that CNN, of all organizations, slammed her with a fact check.

Then Stephen Breyer also managed to put his progressive foot in it, up to the hip with this comment:

Justice Stephen Breyer, another liberal, said at one point in the hearing that there had been “750 million new cases yesterday or close to that.”

He was only off by about 749,250,000 cases. The court ruled 6-3 to end the mandate, with the three leftist members of the court all in on forcing people to be injected with a substance against their will or face impoverishment. Their complete failure to comprehend the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and what the founders of this nation had in mind is, sadly, typical of their progressive mindset.

This is why the Communazis are so hot to “Pack the court” with like minded progressives. They will not hesitate to completely strip away the individual rights of Americans and grant absolute power to the state and it’s agencies, such as the Occupational Safety and health Administration. I fully expect OSHA to shove through this mandate and I expect it to once again be shot down in flames. However, that doesn’t go far enough. The time has come to start stripping these regulatory agencies of their unbridled power to do damage, and that will take congressional action. We’ll see what happens next.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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