Cocaine Mitch McConnell moves to protect the Deep State Uniparty

Good day all. Liz Cheney, (Rino-WY), is a notorious Never Trumper. She voted to impeach him on fake charges, and has been persecuting anyone who in any way supports the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Because of this, she is looking at being removed from office by the voters of Wyoming.

Cheney has managed to anger most of her constituents, and has some good challengers in the Republican Primary. There is an excellent chance that she is going to be voted out of office. Because of this, she has been working with the Democrats to rig the Republican primary, and she has been asking for help from the GOP(e) wing of the Washington D.C. Uniparty. This brings us to Cocaine Mitch McConnell. He has donated to her campaign and has been working with the other RINO failures to save her campaign. Here are the details from Breitbart:

The ringleader of the establishment Republicans, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY), announced on Thursday a donation to Democrat ally Rep. Liz Cheney’s (R-WY) reelection campaign.

Cheney, who is no longer recognized as a Republican by the Wyoming GOP, has received a campaign contribution from the Senate GOP leader, McConnell told Axios. When asked if he will hold a fundraiser or other campaign event with Cheney, McConnell redirected the conversation back to his lane of Senate business.

So it can be assumed that he will be holding some sort of fundraiser.

McConnell and Cheney apparently believe the Wyoming member may lose her seat to Trump-endorsed Harriet Hageman, a strong threat to the establishment Republican order in Washington, DC.

Oh we can’t have that! Why, how dare these upstart Deplorables even consider voting against their betters? They will have to be dealt with forthwith.

With Hageman catching momentum heading into the August 16 GOP primary, former President George Bush has also donated the legal maximum amount to Cheney.

McConnell and Bush are joined in their support of Cheney by failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney (R-UT). In March, Romney delivered a speech at a closed fundraiser for the embattled Cheney.

Well, we have a veritable “Who’s Who” of RINO’s failures, globalists and TransRepublicans trying to save Cheney’s corrupt ass. This goes back to the 2016 election when then Candidate Trump demolished Jeb! “Please Clap” Bush, who was supposed to be the Republican Nominee. When Jeb! crashed and burned, it shook the Establishment wing of the Republican Party to their custom made boat shoes. All Jeb! Bush managed to do was flush $100 million dollars down the drain and win 3 delegates.

When President Trump won the election, crushing Felonia von Pantsuit like the little cockroach that she is, it shook the Deep State and the GOP(e) to it’s core. There was a president who they couldn’t control, who was anything but a transnational globalist and who believed in Making America Great Again. President Trump proceeded to do something else that shocked both parties. He worked hard to keep the promises he made.

The Wyoming race has become a proxy war between the establishment and conservative Republicans. Hageman has earned the support of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA). Party leaders typically rarely endorse against sitting members of Congress. But after Cheney deserted the Republican party by allying herself with Nancy Pelosi’s January 6 committee and reportedly “orchestrated unprecedented” Republican sabotage, McCarthy presumably believed Cheney must be ousted from her seat.

As mentioned above, the Wyoming Republican party has basically bounced her and will not support her in any way, shape or form. McCarthy, who’s own hold on his position is rather shaky, seems to understand that the “Good old boys and girls country club” was burned down and is now being redeveloped by “Trump Inc.”

With the probable blowout in November of the Democrats, the odds are that McCarthy could be the next speaker of the house. He understands that the “Deplorables” wing of the party is going to be putting a lot of new people into the House next year.

Hageman has also earned the endorsement of Donald Trump and Republican megadonor Peter Thiel, who reportedly dubbed Cheney the “ringleader” of the “treasonous ten” in reference to those Republicans who attempted to impeach Trump.

I believe that at last count, four of those ten have decided not to seek reelection, and the remainder are all facing tough primaries, and the odds are a lot of them are going to be “retired” as well.

Cheney’s opposition in Wyoming says their member actually lives in Washington, DC, and seldom visits her home state. “Cheney hasn’t appeared at a state Republican Party function in more than two years and hasn’t been to an in-person event for any of the party’s 23 county chapters since 2020,” the New York Times reported.

Obviously, Cheney, in her arrogance, has forgotten the first rule of “Tip” O’Neill. “All politics is local.” As an elected representative, you must return to your district and speak with the people you represent. Not all of them voted for you, but your job requires you to be there for them if they need something. As for Cheney?

When she does appear in the state, she charges voters to attend the event.

Cheney has made herself deeply unpopular in Wyoming and she knows it. She also doesn’t care what her constituents think. As far as she’s concerned, they’re just refuse in flyover country and beneath her notice.

Cheney has defended herself by accusing her opposition of being unworthy of her time. “I’m not going to convince the crazies and I reject the crazies,” Cheney stated about Wyoming voters.

I see that she’s about as politically astute as her best buddy in crime, Felonia von Pantsuit. She was the one who accused half the country of being nothing more than “Deplorable Trump supporters.” That worked out really well for her. One of the big differences between the Republicans and the Democrats is that when insulted by a liberal, a lot of Republicans and conservatives will take “ownership” of the insult and turn it against the liberals. When a liberal progressives feels insulted, usually by a conservative who throws pesky facts at them, they whine, cry, accuse the conservatives of being racists and then retreat to their safe spaces.

This is shaping up to be the last gasp of the Beltway Deep State Uniparty GOP Establishment. McConnell is the current leader, and his popularity has plummeted. He isn’t due to stand for reelection until 2026, and there is a good chance he might not run again. He is one of the “Jurassic Hacks” of Washington D.C. Just like the Dinosaurs, McConnell, Lindsey Graham and Lizard Cheney are seeing a giant asteroid heading towards them and are desperate to survive the political Extinction Level event. Just like the dinosaurs, their brains are far to small to comprehend their impending doom.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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