Republican representative submits bill to allow states to enforce immigration laws

Good day all. Thanks to the maladministration flat out refusal to enforce the immigration laws currently on the books, we are seeing a virtual invasion of the United States along our southern borders.

Several governors are actively looking at declaring this “Migration” as an actual invasion, which would allow them to deploy militia and national guard forces along the borders to repel the masses of illegal aliens. The reason that the states are looking at this tool is that the courts have ruled that the states have no authority to process illegals under federal laws. Now a Florida Representative has submitted a bill to close this loophole. Here are the details from the Political Insider:

U.S. Rep. Bill Posey, R-Fla., has filed a bill that would give states a greater ability to enforce immigration laws when the federal government won’t.

Posey and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody announced his bill, the Immigration and Enforcement Partnership Act of 2022, after the Biden administration decided to terminate Title 42, a federal public health rule used during national public health emergencies. Moody has sued the administration several times for violating immigration law.

Maintaining operational control over our nation’s borders is critical to our security and our ability to stop human traffickers, drug smugglers and other violent criminals and terrorists who mean to do our communities harm,” Posey said in a statement. “When the federal government abdicates its role in protecting our nation’s borders and refuses to enforce immigration laws allowing millions of people to illegally cross into our country, states should have authority to protect their citizens.”

By all rights, this bill shouldn’t even need to be considered, never mind drawn up and submitted. The reason for is can be laid at the feet of the most incompetent and corrupt president in American History, Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden. He has refused to enforce the laws currently on the books with regards to illegal immigration, and has thrown open the southern borders.

This has led to a flat out invasion of the southern states, and with it a massive crime wave. It’s reached the point where the governors are actively considering putting their state’s National Guard on the borders with order to repel the invasion, “By any means necessary.”

In President Joe Biden’s first year in office, after he implemented an open border policy, more than two million people from over 150 countries were encountered or apprehended by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents entering the U.S. illegally. This number excludes an estimated several hundred thousand that evaded law enforcement.

Most of those caught were released into the United States on the orders of Bumbles Dementia, with many of them secretly transported to the so called “Red States.” (The idea is to swamp them and get the Democrats in control using the illegals as new democrat voters) What has happened is crime has increased.

Another reason for the bill is that, technically, this is the federal government’s responsibility. Judges have slapped down states in the past when they tried to ship out illegals. It’s now reaching the point where a governor might just tell a federal court that enjoins him from shipping out illegals to go pound sand and ignores the court order.

That opens a whole new can of worms that everyone would prefer to keep sealed. Now this bill has zero chance of being made into law. The Communazis in the House won’t let it, the Senate has a few RINO’s owned by the Chamber of Commerce who want illegal immigration, (They use illegals as virtual slave labor so they don’t have to hire Americans and legal resident aliens that actually expect to be paid), who will vote with the Communazis to kill the bill. Even if it made it to Dementia Joe’s desk, he will be instructed by his handlers to veto it. (His reward will be an extra scoop of ice cream)

With everything else that is going on, the midterm elections can’t come soon enough. Hopefully, enough seats will flip in the Senate to allow the removals of Bumbles Dementia and Heels Up Harris. Then we can restore the controls put in place bey the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump and start getting things back under control.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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