CDC tells the DOJ to appeal the decision on mask mandates

Good day all. A few days ago, U.S. District Court Judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle issued an order declaring that the CDC had exceeded it’s mandate with the order that people where masks. Within hours, the major transportation companies tossed their masks into the nearest trash can.

The Dementia Maladministration was caught flat footed, (as usual), and announced they wouldn’t appeal the decision unless the CDC told them to. Well, they have. Here are the details of this breaking story from the Post Millennial:

The Centers for Disease Control have asked the Department of Justice to appeal a ruling by a federal court that overturned the Biden administration’s mask mandate in public transit. This after the President Biden said on Tuesday that, in light of the ruling, masking on planes would be up to individuals personal decisions.

The whole mask mandate was never about health and safety, let alone science. It’s always been about maintaining absolute power of the American People.

Speaking for the DOJ, Anthony Coley said that: “In light of today’s assessment by @CDCgov that an order requiring masking in the transportation corridor remains necessary to protect the public health, the Department has filed a notice of appeal in Health Freedom Defense Fund, Inc., et al., v. Biden, et al.”

In a statement, the CDC said that “It is CDC’s continuing assessment that at this time an order requiring masking in the indoor transportation corridor remains necessary for the public health.”

The current mask mandate is set to expire May 3, though it was overturned this week by a federal judge in Florida. Major airlines dropped their requirements after the judge’s Monday ruling.

The airlines along with Uber couldn’t drop their mask requirements fast enough. One of the problems with the mandates is that people hated wearing them. Being on a crowded aircraft for who know how long, wearing an absolutely useless mask that hinders breathing tended to bring out the worst in people.

The CDC has a long history of a “Holier than Thou” attitude and has been abusing their authority in many things for a very long time. In a few cases, Congress stepped in and landed on the CDC. Now, as for the appeal, it’s probably not going to succeed. This may be why the maladministration and the DoJ didn’t ask for an emergency stay of the ruling.

The decision wasn’t something the judge made up out of whole cloth, it looks like it was carefully researched, reasoned and limited in scope. This differs from all Obama judges and most of the Deep State Uniparty appointed judges. This judge was appointed by the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump.

The Trump judges have been, in most cases, quite good in their decisions and rulings. They have based them on the law, and on the Constitution, and not inventing things that have no basis in either the law or the constitution. They haven’t been perfect, (No one is, with the exception of myself, I am perfection!), but they’ve been right far more often then they have been wrong.

The DoJ has filed the appeal, however, they have not asked for a stay of the original decision. I suspect they wouldn’t get it, since the latest load of mandates is due to expire in a couple of weeks, and there is a better then even chance that reimposing the mandate will be ignored by most people. People have had enough of the overreach of these bureaucrats and they are pushing back. If this ends up at the Supreme Court, the odds are the original decision will be upheld.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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