What the Heck is this “Replacement Theory” nonsense?

Good day all. A couple of weeks ago, some two legged walking piece of debris shot up a supermarket and murdered about a dozen innocent people. One retired police officer moonlighting as a security guard returned fire, however the scumbag was wearing plate armor and the bullet never penetrated. The guard was one of the casualties sadly.

One of the things this walking diaper stain demonstrated was that he is an actual white supremacist. He’s also a Berniebot and progressive which is why this has been flushed down the memory hole. One of the things that the Communazis have held on to and tried pushing on the Ultra MAGA Deplorable Republicans is something this scumbag wrote in his “manifesto” called “Replacement Theory.

I have vague recollections about hearing this term before, but never actually thought about it. However, with the usual suspects on the left busily projecting their own beliefs on others, I thought I would look into it a bit. As I expected, it’s a big steaming pile of manure.

Basically, the claim is that the “White people” in America are being replaced by “Dark skinned people.” Yes, feel free to roll your eyes and hold the scumbag and anyone else who believes this garbage in the utter contempt they so richly deserve. Interestingly, it’s been the Progressives who have been happily pushing this drek, with the idea that all white people vote for the Republicans and that all the other so called “races” will vote for Democrats. Therefore, importing more minorities is good for the Democrat Party. (Which does explain the maladministration throwing the border open)

The Republicans and conservatives see things a bit differently, starting with not paying any attention to someone’s skin color or eye shape. In general, the conservatives tend to the American theory of the “Great Melting pot.” Basically, we take someone or a group of people who legally immigrate into the United States, throw them into the “Melting pot,” mix them all together, throw out the slag and pour out the best parts of them and merge them into the strong alloy known as “Americans.”

Originally, this meant cultural things, but now it also includes genetics. Men and women getting together and having children. The progressive liberal Communazis call these children “Mixed race.” Everyone else calls them Americans. This is the major difference between the Communazis and the Ultra MAGA Deplorables. The Communazis are the ones hung up on skin color, groups and identity politics. The Deplorables don’t care what you skin tone is, only that you want to Make America Great Again.

The Progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis love to claim they are the party of Dr. Martin Luther King, and yet they are the ones who are all about putting people into groups and treating those who aren’t “Liberal White” people as inferior. Think about it. The Conservatives think that anyone can succeed by their own hard work. Liberals think that “People of Color,” (I hate that term. It reminds me to much of the old “Colored People” crap), are unable to succeed on their own unless the “Great White Liberal Father, Mother, Birthing person” instructs them in how to run their lives.

Dr. King wanted a color blind society. I think we’ve made tremendous strides in that direction, so much so that the Racist Progressive Liberal Democrats are the one’s feeling threatened. They’re seeing their “Traditional” groups fleeing the Democrat plantation. Why? Because these fine people can think for themselves and have finally had it with the racist garbage of the Progressive movement.

I live with a woman who is Chinese. We were married, but divorced. However, we’re back together and we’re stronger for it. (I refer to her as She Who MUST Be Obeyed) The Angry Brother In-Law is Puerto Rican. No one in the family cares about their so called “Ethnic Backgrounds.” Well, they do want SWMBO’s recipes. They love her dumplings and other stuff.

As for this “Great Replacement Theory” crap? Here’s where I think it should be deposited.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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