Even the dead voters are regretting their vote for Biden

Good day all. As the maladministration of President* Bumbles Dementia continues to fail miserably, his poll numbers have been achieving new lows almost daily. Now even real, (dead?), Biden voters are coming to regret their decision to vote for the incompetent senile pedophile.

Since the fool was installed into the oval office, (Many think installed, verses elected to office is the correct term), Dementia Joe Biden has turned the economic miracle of the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump, into ash. Now the brain dead idiots who voted for Biden are having regrets. Here are the details from Fox News:

Three people – a Black man, a trans woman and a homeless mother – all regret voting for Joe Biden in the 2020 presidential election, each with unique reasoning.

“I feel like I’ve been lied to by the media telling us Biden is the answer to all the country’s problems,” Mikaela Stekly told Fox News. “That’s what I saw him as when I voted for him.”

“And they made [former President] Trump kind of the bad guy in the media, but things were a lot better when he was president,” Stekly, a homeless single mother who blamed the president for her financial struggles, continued.

But hey! No more mean tweets, so it can’t be all bad, can it? Sure, you’re living in a tent on the street, and your money is all but worthless, but it’s worth it to achieve the Green New Deal and the socialist Utopia the Democrats have been promising, right?

A Black father of three and lifelong Democrat, meanwhile, said his party has broken its promises to help the Black community. And a trans woman told Fox News she soured on Biden a few months into his term after determining that he embraced a Marxist agenda opposed to freedom.

“I feel like a lot of Black people, we’re trapped in the vicious cycle of believing what Democrats tell us,” Chris McCullough, the father of three, told Fox News. “And that’s how I was for my whole entire life.”

McCullough grew up believing the narrative that the Democrats were the party of inclusivity and therefore the only option for Black voters.

“I was programmed, in a sense, with that Democratic-savior type of situation,” he told Fox News. “That’s how Biden comes across – as Black people’s savior.”

Biden, along with pretty much the entire Democrat Party, are anything BUT Black people’s “Saviors.” Most of the Progressive Liberal Democrats, particularly the white ones, are flat our racists. They just like to project their racist tendencies on the groups that don’t give a damn about someone’s skin color, the Ultra MAGA Deplorable Republicans.

During the 2020 campaign, Biden said during an interview with Charlamagne Tha God that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t Black.”

McCullough, who said he now regrets voting for Biden, took that to heart.

“I thought that Republicans weren’t for people of color – they were just for rich White people,” he told Fox News. “That’s the way the media portrays it to be. I found out that that’s the furthest thing from the truth.”

You won’t find out the actual truth from the Mainly Stupid Media Mr. McCullough. They are nothing more then a propaganda organ for the Democrat Party and will flat out lie to people such as yourself. Now your eyes are opening and you are seeing the reality that is the Progressive Liberal Democrat Elite. They are generally the very same Rich White People you were told were backed by President Trump and the GOP. Guess what? Those rich white people hate Trump and the Republican party.

McCullough, who in 2015 started his own lifestyle and clothing brand dedicated to promoting equality, said his opinions changed when social media began exposing him to new information and ideas. 

“I found out the hard way unfortunately that Biden isn’t who he says he is,” McCullough said. “It seems like Democrats, in a sense, they just want to keep us in the same spot, in the same place, more so dependent on them, dependent on the government. We’re stagnant because of that.”

First, congratulations on becoming an American Business owner. I wish you well and great success. As to finding out that Biden is a liar? I’ve known that for decades, however, I look at multiple sources of information, and now know that the corrupt MSM will bury any story that makes the Biden Crime Family look bad. (Because they’re all white liberal democrats don’t you know)

He told Fox News Democrats “play the race card” ahead of elections to secure the Black vote.

“And then the minute they get in office, they say, ‘OK, forget it,’” McCullough continued.

He said he’d vote for Trump if he ran again.

Mikaela Stekly, a single mother from Shakopee, Minnesota, said she’s been facing a rough time since Biden became president. No longer able to afford rent, the 25-year-old works four part-time jobs and spends nights in her car when she can’t find a couch to crash on. Her six-year-old son lives with her parents.

“I did vote for Joe Biden because of all the promises he had made,” Stekly told Fox News. She cast her first vote of her life in 2020, believing Biden would follow through on campaign pledges to help impoverished Americans. 

First, congratulations on exercising your right and duty to vote. More power to you. Second, much as I hate to say this, you may want to look at moving to another state that should be able to give you a full time job with benefits and housing that’s reasonable. Once you get settled, you can send for your son and enroll him in a good school.

Third, you are obviously a woman who is willing to work her butt off, and I want you to succeed. If you can, take some classes and learn a skill. Perhaps you can intern as a plumber’s assistant. Hard work, but with training, experience and a getting a certificate/license, you will be pulling in the big bucks.

“He basically tricked us into it because he didn’t keep any of his promises,” Stekly said.

“He’s not helping the poor. I’m the poor and I’m getting poorer,” she continued. “I can barely afford to eat. Groceries are expensive. Gas is expensive.”

Well, you are now learning what I’ve known for decades, and what many others are now finding out. Excluding Biden’s obvious mental decline, he is, to put it bluntly, stupid. He is also a pathological liar. All he care’s about is his 10% cut of the action.

“I don’t want my son to have a homeless mom, but it seems like everyone’s going to be homeless soon,” Stekly told Fox News. “Who knew that you’d have to have four jobs and you still can barely breathe? It’s like you can’t even live.”

“It used to be easier, but of course I voted for Biden, so I screwed myself,” Stekly said.

Well, you are young and it looks like you have learned a hard lesson. You have done your primary duty in making sure your son has a roof over his head, and I hope you find something better for the both of you soon. Just remember to vote in November, and remember which party hurt you and your family.

Zoe Nicholson, a transgender artist and art teacher from St. Louis, was not especially political for most of her life. But she always firmly believed in individual freedoms and responsibility. Nicholson said she voted for Biden because he was a safe, “boring” option. But she started to regret voting for him a few months into his presidency because he “is essentially furthering Marxist ideas in our country.”

“It really was a terrible choice,” Nicholson added.

This person does not sound like the usual screamer from the alphabet soup community. It sounds more like she is the “Let me live my life and you live yours” type.

Although she believes there are still some Democrats who support personal freedom, Nicholson thinks a large part of the party “has been taken over and appropriated by Marxists.” 

“That’s not a controversial thing to say,” she told Fox News. “A person simply has to look at the policies.

Sorry to correct you, but all the Democrats with any sense are either dead or have been pushed out of the party. The Democrats have not just embraced Marxism and Communism, they have also embraced totalitarianism with all that implies. (Gulags, concentration camps, reeducation camps, etc)

Nicholson feels Democrats drove government overreach during the pandemic and that the Biden administration’s economic policies squash free market enterprise. She also said witnessing cancel culture made her feel that the left doesn’t represent her as a person.

“When a person identifies with a group, they lose their individuality,” Nicholson told Fox News. She said she doesn’t identify as a member of the trans community since she feels that would strip her of her personal identity.

“Then all of the political weight of the trans community is suddenly mine,” she said. “It’s a fundamentally Marxist way of thinking.”

Ok, Ms. Nicholson is obviously not one of the screaming moonbats of the Alphabet Soup community. She thinks for herself. Now I will be honest and say I disagree with Nicholson’s lifestyle, and probably would not associate with her, but that’s me. It sounds like she is not one of those who is trying to ram her lifestyle down the throats of others, especially children. I have a suspicion that she would hammer those who are trying to groom kids. So as one who is also a live and live type, enjoy your life and see you at the polls.

Nicholson said she hopes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis runs for president in 2024. The Republican governor faced significant backlash from the LGBTQ community after signing into law the Parental Rights in Education Act, which opponents often called the “Don’t Say Gay.”

“Looking at 2024. I’m hoping DeSantis runs,” Nicholson said. “If Trump runs again and wins the primary, he will have my vote as well.”

I see we are agreeing again. Allow me to provide you with my wish for the 2024 election.

Nicholson, who doesn’t identify with either political party, said she “cannot see any reason why I would be voting Democrat and the next election.”

I have never seen a reason to vote for Democrats. The only one that I even thought about was Tulsi Gabbard, but she has some issues that I could not accept. However, considering the trash and vermin now infesting the Democrat party, she could be a rock ribbed Republican.

These three people are not the only ones who are regretting their 2020 vote. As the polls are showing, even with the pollsters trying their best to weight them in favor of the Democrats, the Democrats are going to be hammered in an honest election. The Maladministration and the Democrat Party knows this and are already looking at ways to cheat, rig and steal the midterms. To the three people in this story?


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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