Good guy with a gun stops mass murder attempt. The left goes berserk

Good day all. Over the weekend, in a mall in Indiana, some lunatic opened fire with a rifle in a mall. Within 2 minutes, a citizen, who was carrying a concealed weapon in accordance with the laws of the state of Indiana, returned fire and put down the criminal, permanently.

Sadly, three people were murdered by the criminal before the Good Samaritan was able to take him out. Still, everyone there agrees, if it hadn’t been for the “Good guy with a gun,” things would have been a lot worse before the police arrived. (Indications are they didn’t sit around for an hour sucking their thumbs either, they went in as soon as they got there)

Almost immediately, the lunatics on the left started screaming about how this man was in the mall with a gun and used it to save people. They are also objecting to the term “Good Samaritan” which was used by the police regarding the good guy with a gun. Here are the details from Fox News:

Critics are lashing out after a man carrying a pistol stopped a mass shooting at an Indiana shopping mall, arguing the man should not be called a “Good Samaritan.”

“The term, ‘Good Samaritan’ came from a Bible passage of a man from Samaria who stopped on the side of the road to help a man who was injured and ignored,” wrote CBS4 traffic anchor Justin Kollar on Twitter Monday. “I cannot believe we live in a world where the term can equally apply to someone killing someone… my God.”

This was pretty much the standard response from the “Ever so caring Progressive Liberal Totalitarian Leftists.” They were upset that the body count wasn’t significantly higher.

Kollar’s comment comes after a gunman opened fire at a suburban Indianapolis shopping mall on Sunday, killing three people before he was gunned down by a man legally carrying a pistol, under Indiana’s new constitutional carry law, according to police. Reports on Monday found that the man who put a halt to the shooting was actually in violation of Greenwood Park Mall policy, which bans the carry of weapons in its facility.

From what I understand from someone who is actually there, (Lives in the state and was apparently on his way to the mall with his family when all this happened), there are no signs regarding this policy in place and they have no force of law. That didn’t stop the “Ever so Caring Progressives” from ranting and raving on Twitler.

“The Good Samaritan paid for an unknown immigrant’s health care out of pocket,” comedian John Fugelsang wrote on Twitter. “The Good Samaritan did not shoot anyone. Jesus was not a fan of killing for any reason, including self-defense. But if these ammosexuals had ever read the Bible, they couldn’t support the GOP or NRA.”

I’m no bible scholar, however I think there was a section where he said, paraphrasing of course, “Dude! Pack a sword when you travel in case someone wants to murder you.” I’ll let others who actually do read the Bible, unlike that idiot Fugelsang, provide any corrections in the comments section. Then we have this gem from Shannon Watts.

“I don’t know who needs to hear this but when a 22-year-old illegally brings a loaded gun into a mall and kills a mass shooter armed with an AR-15 after he already killed three people and wounded others is not a ringing endorsement of our implementation of the Second Amendment,” Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts said on Twitter.

As I mentioned above, there is someone I know who lives in that area and may have been on his way to that mall with his family when this all happened. He carries a gun. First, he said that it wasn’t illegal for the hero to have his gun on his person. He also knows of no signs posted regarding this from the mall management, and apparently, have no force in law. Second, if he had been there, he to would have opened fire on the criminal.

Third, and please take this with a truckload of salt, it appears that the hero may have engaged the criminal in less then 30 seconds, opened fire at 40 yards, and walked towards the criminal while engaging him. He also appears to have hit him with 8 of the 10 shots he fired. (I have not been able to locate verification of this)

But despite the man’s apparent lack of regard for mall rules, his actions were also praised by Greenwood Park Mall representatives.

Again, please provide evidence of these rules. I suspect that if they existed, they were unenforceable and will soon be taken down. (And the lawyer who told them to issue them fired)

“We grieve for the victims of yesterday’s horrific tragedy in Greenwood. Violence has no place in this or any other community. We are grateful for the strong response of the first responders, including the heroic actions of the Good Samaritan who stopped the suspect,” a mall spokesperson said.

The Hero has been named, however I will respect his privacy and not post it without his permission. He has a lot to deal with right now. I think it’s safe to say one of the things he won’t have to deal with is any legal repercussions. Going up against a bad guy with a rifle with a pistol, probably a compact model takes some real stones, and preventing dozen’s of people from being killed or injured is always a good thing.

As for the Left, the Communazis in Congress are currently trying to ram through a bill that basically outlaws the 2nd Amendment. It flies in the face of the recent Supreme Court decision, and if it should somehow make it to the desk of that senile idiot, and he signs it, it will be challenged in court before the ink is dry. I don’t see any court stupid enough to uphold it, even one packed with Obama judges.

This incident is one of the few where a criminal tried something in a region that doesn’t try to strip the 2nd Amendment rights from the citizens. (The other was a few months ago in West Virginia, another state that respects the 2nd Amendment) The ones with mass casualties have all been areas where people are prevented from having the tools to defend themselves. The Left denies that a “Good guy with a gun,” (or a good woman as in the case of West Virginia), can protect people. Since this incident blew a hole in that delusion, they have no recourse but to attack the hero. It’s not working.


I now have confirmation on how fast the Hero responded from the New York Post.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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