Dementia Joe goes to Saudi Arabia to beg for oil and all he got was a fist bump

Good day all. President* Bumbles Dementia has concluded his trip to the Middle East and has, as expected, achieved nothing but show the world what a weak, senile, incompetent fool he actually is.

In Saudi Arabia, he made a complete fool of himself, and showed the world, again, that he is unfit to hold the most powerful office in the world. One of the reasons he went to Saudi Arabia was to beg them to pump more oil. (Drilling and pumping American Oil is not part of his plans) He failed miserably. Here are some of the details of his latest debacle from Reuters:

President Joe Biden told Arab leaders on Saturday that the United States would remain an active partner in the Middle East, but he failed to secure commitments to a regional security axis that would include Israel or an immediate oil output rise.

Consider what happened when the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump went to the Middle East. He delivered the Abraham Accords. What did Dementia Joe deliver? Word Salad with bacon bits.

“The United States is invested in building a positive future of the region, in partnership with all of you—and the United States is not going anywhere,” he said, according to a transcript of his speech.

Biden, who began his first trip to the Middle East as president with a visit to Israel, presented his vision and strategy for America’s engagement in the Middle East at an Arab summit in Jeddah.

His strategy is to give Iran great big piles of cash and weapons grade nuclear materials and assistance in building nuclear weapons. It’s also to see Israel obliterated.

The summit communique was vague, however, and Saudi Arabia, Washington’s most important Arab ally, poured cold water on U.S. hopes the summit could help lay the groundwork for a regional security alliance – including Israel – to combat Iranian threats.

There is a very simple reason for that. No one trusts Joe Biden. If President Trump had not had the election stolen out from under him, he wold have spoken with everyone involved and made a deal that everyone could live with, and they would know that President Trump would do his best to keep his word. Biden? He lies like a cheap rug.

Biden had said he would make regional power Saudi Arabia a “pariah” on the global stage over the 2018 murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents, but ultimately decided U.S. interests dictated a recalibration, not a rupture, in relations with the world’s top oil exporter.

And once again, Biden show’s off his “Foreign Policy” skills by getting everything wrong. That mess with the death of Khashoggi is something that is very quietly discussed behind closed doors. Slow Joe Biden was once again virtue signaling to make himself look good. Of course, back then he wasn’t running for president, and apparently still had most of his marbles. (Not that he had a lot of marbles to begin with. He’s always been stupid)

Biden needs the help of OPEC giant Saudi Arabia at a time of high crude prices and other problems related to the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Washington also wants to curb Iran’s sway in the region and China’s global influence.

Biden came to Saudi Arabia hoping to reach a deal on oil production to help drive down gasoline prices that are driving inflation above 40-year highs and threatening his approval ratings.

President* Dumb Ass went begging to the Saudis and OPEC because he has been killing America’s domestic oil production. We have more recoverable oil in proven reserves, then in the entire Middle East. We were a net exporter 2 years ago under the Greatest President of the 21st Century, Donald Trump. Now, under the usurper, we have to go hat in hand and beg for oil. How did that work out anyway?

He leaves the region empty-handed but hoping the OPEC+ group, comprising Saudi Arabia, Russia and other producers, will boost production at a meeting on Aug. 3.

“I look forward to seeing what’s coming in the coming months,” Biden said.

First, during his visit to Europe, French President Macron was caught on a hot mike telling Dementia Joe that he wouldn’t get anything from the Saudis because they were at their maximum capacity. Obviously, that remark went in one ear, bounced around his empty skull for a few minutes and then went screaming out the other ear. Second, care to guess who is also a member of OPEC+? I’ll give you a hint. They are currently invading the Ukraine right now. Good luck getting any agreements from the Russians.

This trip was a complete waste of time at best, and at worst, demonstrated that Biden is mentally incompetent. The rest of the world has pretty much written off the United States, at least as long as President* Bumbles Dementia Biden is in office and the Democratic Communazis are running things in Congress. We haven’t been this much at risk internationally since the last bumbling incompetent was in office, Jimmy Carter. At least he wasn’t senile. November can’t come soon enough for me.


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~The Angry Webmaster~


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