Bidenflation hits 9.1 percent, Biden says “No problem. That number is out of date”

Good day all. The latest Bidenflation numbers have been released and they are bad. The United States is approaching hyperflation, thanks to the bumbling incompetence of the Democrats and President* Joe Bumbles Dementia Biden. When questioned on the latest numbers, Dementia Joe dismissed them as “Out of date.”

This makes me really worry. The Bidenflation numbers are for last month, (June). If the Moron in Chief was, for once in his miserable existence, actually telling the truth, just how bad are the current numbers? Here are some details from the Daily Wire:

President Joe Biden responded to news of inflation reaching a fresh four-decade high by arguing that the report is outdated.

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 9.1% between June 2021 and June 2022, according to a Wednesday morning report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, exceeding the Dow Jones estimate of 8.8%. While Biden acknowledged that the inflation reading was “unacceptably high,” he deflected by asserting that the data are “also out-of-date.”

Energy alone comprised nearly half of the monthly increase in inflation. Today’s data does not reflect the full impact of nearly 30 days of decreases in gas prices,” he said in a statement, noting that gas prices have fallen by $0.40 since June. “Those savings are providing important breathing room for American families.”

Perhaps that moron might want to consider that gas prices over $4 a gallon are close to $3 a gallon higher then when he was installed into office and stated his war on the energy sector. Diesel fuel is still close to $6 a gallon and that is what trucks use to move goods around the country. Diesel has not dropped very much in price.

Indeed, gas prices fell to $4.63 per gallon as of Wednesday, according to AAA. Yet national average gas prices in early June surpassed $5.00 per gallon — a reality reflected in the most recent inflation report. Gas prices were $2.38 per gallon ahead of Biden’s inauguration and $3.53 ahead of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Currently, Bumbles Dementia is wandering around aimlessly in Saudi Arabia begging OPEC to pump more oil. The problem is, they’ve just about reached capacity. Furthermore, they really don’t like Joe Biden all that much. Seems he’s talking about what he needs to do there to marry a 10 year old or something.

Biden assured the nation that “tackling inflation” is his “top priority.”

Inflation is our most pressing economic challenge,” he continued. “It is hitting almost every country in the world. It is little comfort to Americans to know that inflation is also high in Europe, and higher in many countries there than in America. But it is a reminder that all major economies are battling this COVID-related challenge, made worse by Putin’s unconscionable aggression.”

As usual the senile retard is blaming everyone else for his own screw-ups. The current mess we’re in is due to Dementia Joe’s war on the energy sector and massive amounts of spending with money we don’t have. Once again, Biden was presented with several options and he promptly tossed them all out and did the absolute worst things possible. Then he lied about it.

While responding to the May inflation report last month, Biden likewise characterized inflationary pressures as “Putin’s Price Hike.”

Biden also claimed that inflation is “worse everywhere” than in the United States — even though the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, South Korea, and Japan are all seeing lower rates of inflation, according to data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

I see the Daily Wire forgot that Biden lies constantly. He is physically incapable of telling the truth or accepting responsibility for his actions. He’s also quick to claim credit for other people’s work. He will also, as I have mentioned before, choose the absolute wrong thing to do every single time.

Among other actions, Biden committed to bringing down the price of gas by continuing his “historic release of oil from our strategic petroleum reserve.” Though the policy of releasing one million barrels of oil per day was touted by the White House as an “unprecedented” move to “provide a historic amount of supply” to Americans facing high prices, a report from Reuters showed that at least five million barrels of oil were exported to European and Asian nations during the month of June — including to a Chinese firm with links to Hunter Biden.

First, the Strategic Petroleum reserve is meant for true national emergencies such as being cut off from all other sources of oil. It’s not meant to be used to try and temporarily fix a problem that Dementia Joe and his handlers caused in the first place. Second, this fool is shipping MY/OUR oil to hostile countries. Well, we all know that President Bumbles Dementia is owned by the People’s Republic of China.

Referring to declining oil prices, Biden also asserted that “oil and gas companies must not use this moment as an excuse for profiting by not passing along savings at the pump.” He has also called on gas stations — which earn margins as low as 1.4% on their fuel — to bring down their prices.

Meanwhile, this useless lump runs off to Saudi Arabia and starts begging them to ship more oil to the United States. It hasn’t crossed the mass of rotting Tapioca pudding that is his brain that undoing everything he’s done since being installed as President* would go a long way towards getting the price of gas down. Instead, that senile idiot is looking to shut down the most productive oil field in the country, (If not the world).

Biden vowed to “urge Congress to act, this month, on legislation to reduce the cost of everyday expenses that are hitting American families,” including prescription drugs, utility bills, and health insurance premiums. Many Democratic lawmakers have introduced legislation that would allow Biden to control prices, such as by declaring an “energy emergency” to stop fuel companies from selling at prices deemed “unconscionably excessive.”

Wage and price controls. The first resort of the of the progressive Liberal Democratic Communazis after their polices fail miserably and wreck the economy. As usual, those idiots will not learn from the last time this was tried. It NEVER works. Assuming they somehow get this through, watch the economy collapse almost overnight.

The oil companies will simply start shutting down all their facilities and mothballing them. This includes refineries. Within a week or two, all supplies of fuel will dry up and nothing moves. Power plants will shut down as they run out of fuel and in short order food will stop being delivered.

I would expect the next “Brilliant idea” by the Progressives would be seizure and nationalization of the energy industry. (The Democrats are Communists after all and that’s what commies do) That would also fail as most of the highly trained workers walk off the job. As things progress, expect the moonbats to demand that the workers be drafted and forced to work. (Democrats have always loved slavery)

That bill might get out of the House but will be shut down by the Senate. Oh most of the Democrats are Communist slavers and would have no problem “seizing the means of production in the name of the Democrats People,” but there are a few who aren’t suicidally stupid and they will not support this nonsense, Then there is the midterm elections. Although the Democrats are already ramping up the election fraud machine, it looks like they will lose the house and the senate and by large measures. 2023 should be very interesting as the new Republican majorities do to Biden what the Democrats tried to do with President Trump. They will also do what they can to undo the damage done over the last two years. We shall see what happens.


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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